Project Review Comments
- Project Name
- Table Rock Homesteads Final Plat
- Description
- taking two unplatted parcels and creating 10 lots
- Location
- Parcels
- 5100000012 5100000012 5100000026 5100000026
- Applicant
M.V.E., Inc.
David Gorman ( )
(719) 635-5736 David Gorman ( )
(719) 635-5736 - EA Number
- EA2463
- File Number
- SF254
- Project Manager
- Ashlyn Mathy
- Status
- Active
- Created
- 6/3/2024 8:12:38 AM
View: Project Documents
Agency | Comment | ||
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
3/6/2025 1:38:22 PM |
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has reviewed the plans for the Table Rock Homesteads Final Plat in El Paso County. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is familiar with the site. Based on the location and proposed actions, CPW anticipates that this project's impacts on the wildlife resource would be negligible. We appreciate being allowed to comment. Please feel free to contact District Wildlife Manager, Aaron Berscheid, should you have any questions or require additional information at 719-439-9601 or via email at |
3/6/2025 1:38:22 PM | |
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Colorado Division of Water Resources
2/26/2025 12:07:59 PM |
2/26/2025 12:07:59 PM | |
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Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
2/20/2025 3:13:53 PM |
See attached comments | 2/20/2025 3:13:53 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/20/2025 3:10:19 PM |
FAE_V1 | 2/20/2025 3:10:19 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/20/2025 3:09:56 PM |
CD_V1 | 2/20/2025 3:09:56 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/20/2025 3:09:35 PM |
GEC PLAN_V1 | 2/20/2025 3:09:35 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/20/2025 3:09:13 PM |
FDR_V1 | 2/20/2025 3:09:13 PM |
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EPC Stormwater Review
2/20/2025 2:34:44 PM |
PBMP O&M Manual | 2/20/2025 2:34:44 PM |
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EPC Stormwater Review
2/20/2025 2:34:17 PM |
PBMP Applicability Form | 2/20/2025 2:34:17 PM |
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EPC Stormwater Review
2/20/2025 2:34:04 PM |
GEC Checklist | 2/20/2025 2:34:04 PM |
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EPC Stormwater Review
2/20/2025 2:33:31 PM |
ESQCP | 2/20/2025 2:33:31 PM |
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PCD Project Manager
2/20/2025 8:43:36 AM |
v1_Letter of Intent comments | 2/20/2025 8:43:36 AM |
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PCD Project Manager
2/20/2025 8:43:15 AM |
v1_Fire Protection Report comments | 2/20/2025 8:43:15 AM |
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PCD Project Manager
2/20/2025 8:42:55 AM |
v1_Fire Commitment Letter comments | 2/20/2025 8:42:55 AM |
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PCD Project Manager
2/20/2025 8:42:33 AM |
v1_Final Plat Drawings comments | 2/20/2025 8:42:33 AM |
PCD Project Manager
2/20/2025 8:41:57 AM |
Planning is uploading: -Final Plat -LOI -Fire Protection Report -Fire Commitment Letter Additional Engineering and SW documents will be uploaded by SW staff at a later date. -Ashlyn Mathy |
2/20/2025 8:41:57 AM | |
PCD Engineering Division
2/20/2025 3:18:59 PM |
Engineering Review Ver.1 Please see engineering review comments on the following documents: Plat_V1 FAE_V1 Detention Maintenance Agreement (DMA) Agreement is needed ESQCP_V1 CD_V1 FDR_V1 GEC Plan_V1 Due to extent of comments on FDR and GEC plan additional comments may be generated on next submittal. Cul-de-sac grade % Deviation is acceptable. Please have owner sign deviation on next submittal and add PCD File # SF254 to form. A deviation must be submitted for length of dead-end Cul-de-sac with Fire District Endorsement per ECM 2.3.8. Please submit once FD coverage acceptance is obtained. Road Impact fees to be paid at time of building permit for homes unless a PID is requested. Edward Schoenheit, Engineer E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works 2880 International Circle Colorado Springs, CO. 80910 Office: 719.520.6813 Cell: 719.502.9659 |
2/20/2025 3:18:59 PM | |
Colorado Geological Survey
2/18/2025 8:59:04 AM |
The available referral documents for the Jarosz Final Plat (Table Rock Homesteads) site (39.1184, -104.7064) include a Soils and Geology Study (Entech Engineering Inc., 12/23/2024), Final Plat (MVE, Inc., 1/7/2025), Letter of Intent (MVE, Inc., 1/8/2025), Construction Plans (MVE, Inc., 1/24/2025), and other documents. We understand that the applicant plans to subdivide the parcel into 10 lots ranging in size from 5 to 20 acres for single-family residential use. Entech’s report contains good descriptions of the surface and subsurface conditions and makes appropriate recommendations regarding site development. Entech states (page 4), “The engineering geologic constraints/hazards identified on this site include potentially expansive soils, areas of potentially unstable slopes, potential seasonally and seasonally shallow groundwater, and the potential for elevated radon levels.” 1. Note 28 of the construction plans should be updated to reference Entech’s soils and geology report. 2. Page 4 (item 6) of the letter of intent references geologic constraints, including artificial fill and ponded water, that were not included in Entech’s report. The hazards/constraints listed in Entech’s report should be correctly referenced in all referral documents. 3. Potentially unstable slopes were mapped within the site associated with existing drainage easements. Entech states (page 5), “These areas will be located in no-build/drainage easements and will be avoided by development.” CGS agrees with Entech that “the lots are large enough that these slopes can be avoided” and “Buildings should be located a minimum of 25 feet away from the crest of these slopes.” CGS recommends that “no-build areas” should be noted along with the drainage easements on the plat/plans and that the drainages also include erosional setbacks if these have not been established in the determination of the drainage easement. Reviewed by Amy Crandall, P.E., Engineering Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey ( |
2/18/2025 8:59:04 AM | |
EPC Stormwater Review
2/20/2025 2:34:56 PM |
Review 1: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded document(s): - Drainage Report...(to be uploaded by Ed) - ESQCP - FAE......................(to be uploaded by Ed) - GEC Plan.............(to be uploaded by Ed) - GEC Checklist - PBMP Applicability Form - PBMP O&M Manual - SDI Form or MHFD Calcs (I did not upload this doc as my only comment is: make sure that you update and resubmit this doc once revisions have been made to calcs per comments in FDR). Please provide the following document(s) upon resubmittal (the planner will need to send an upload request): - Detention Maintenance Agreement - Notice of Intent to Construct a Non-Juris. Water Impoundment Structure (proof of submittal). Reviewed by: Glenn Reese, P.E. Stormwater Engineer III 719.675.2654 |
2/20/2025 2:34:56 PM | |
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EPC Health Department
2/14/2025 5:39:18 PM |
2/14/2025 5:39:18 PM | |
County Attorney - Water
2/13/2025 10:53:49 AM |
County Attorney’s Office will review for water sufficiency following receipt of findings from the Colorado Division of Water Resources. Thank you. | 2/13/2025 10:53:49 AM | |
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County Attorney - Development Review
2/13/2025 9:33:44 AM |
Requested edits to SIA attached. Lori Seago Sr. County Attorney |
2/13/2025 9:33:44 AM |
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Parks Advisory Board
2/12/2025 4:14:35 PM |
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, Final Comments - Please See Attached Documentation (Endorsed by the Park Advisory Board on February 12, 2025) | 2/12/2025 4:14:35 PM |
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Colorado Parks and Wildlife
2/7/2025 4:19:14 PM |
2/7/2025 4:19:14 PM | |
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
1/31/2025 1:23:34 PM |
1. I see the Powerline easement, Public utility and drainage easement but not an access easement to lot 10. Please provide. 2. Contact Enumerations when you are ready to have addresses assigned. Once contacted, the project will be placed on a list and a proposed completion date will be provided to you. 3. Standard Final Plat comments: a. Enumerations will review the pre-plat (mylar) prior to plat for address placement, street names, and title block. b. A $10.00 per lot and tract platting fee will be due at the time of the review of the pre-plat, (two addresses per lot and tract). If an address is not needed on a tract then no fee applies. Check should be made out to PIKES PEAK REGIONAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT or PPRBD. Paid directly to the Enumerations Department. As of December 5th 2023, the fee for all credit/debit cards has changed from the flat 2.95% fee to the following: Over the phone Credit/Debit Card payments will be 2.3% and In-Person Debit Card payments will be 1.5% (in-person only). c. Pre-plat reviews can be reviewed via “pdf” or in-person. The pre-plat will be stamped by Enumerations for accuracy and returned to the applicant and the planner. All payments to be mailed to RBD via a check or credit card payment over the phone. Plats should not be recorded prior to Enumerations stamping the pre-plat and receiving payment of plat fees. If any pre-plat changes occur, even if changes do not apply to Enumerations, we still need to re-stamp the pre-plat. The Enumerations stamped pre-plat copy should match the recorded document minus a few signatures. If you would like an in-person review, please make an appointment on our website, d. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to plan submittal for RESIDENTIAL. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to approval in the Enumerations department on any COMMERCIAL plan submittal. Please email the Enumerations staff member that reviewed your project.;; or Amy Vanderbeek Enumerations Plans Examiner Pikes Peak Regional Building Department O: 719-327-2930 E: |
1/31/2025 1:23:34 PM | |
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EPC Parks Department
1/30/2025 4:00:38 PM |
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, Preliminary Comments - Please See Attached Documentation (To be presented to the Park Advisory Board for endorsement on February 12, 2025) | 1/30/2025 4:00:38 PM |
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EPC Environmental Services
1/30/2025 2:47:32 PM |
1/30/2025 2:47:32 PM | |
Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
1/29/2025 1:11:39 PM |
We are in receipt of the above-referenced development submittal. After review of the provided documents, CDOT Staff currently has NO COMMENT pertaining to this submittal. | 1/29/2025 1:11:39 PM | |
Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
1/29/2025 12:00:48 PM |
This project is way outside Colorado Springs Utility service area. We have no comments on project. Blanche Ludiker |
1/29/2025 12:00:48 PM | |
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
1/29/2025 10:37:10 AM |
Comments for E911 as follows: Gambler Pl – Logical extension of existing road. Sunset Prairie Ln – Available and reserved for this project. No other action for E911 on this submittal. Thank you Justin |
1/29/2025 10:37:10 AM |