Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Monument Ridge East Preliminary Plan
7102200006 7102200006 7102200008 7102200008 7102200010 7102200010 7102200013 7102200013 7102201001 7102201001
Vertex Consulting Services
Nina Ruiz ( )
(719) 733-8606 x6606
Nina Ruiz ( )
(719) 733-8606 x6606
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Kylie Bagley
9/20/2023 10:44:12 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (33)

Link Agency Comment
View Parks Advisory Board
6/18/2024 3:37:22 PM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, Final Comments - Please See Attached Documents (Endorsed by the Park Advisory Board on 06/12/2024) 6/18/2024 3:37:22 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/18/2024 10:14:53 AM
Wildland Fire and Hazard Mitigation Plan Redlines 6/18/2024 10:14:53 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/17/2024 11:57:28 AM
Drainage Report - Preliminary 6/17/2024 11:57:28 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/17/2024 11:56:50 AM
Noise Study 6/17/2024 11:56:50 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/17/2024 11:56:15 AM
Preliminary Plan Drawings 6/17/2024 11:56:15 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/17/2024 11:55:47 AM
Traffic Impact Study 6/17/2024 11:55:47 AM
PCD Engineering Division
6/17/2024 11:33:44 AM
Engineering Review 1 has comments on the following documents:

- Traffic Impact Study
- Preliminary Plan Drawings
- Drainage Report - Preliminary
- Noise Study

Reviewed by
Bret Dilts, PE

Jeff Rice, PE
6/17/2024 11:33:44 AM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2024 1:37:04 PM
USFWS Effects Determination Redlines 6/14/2024 1:37:04 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2024 1:35:25 PM
Noxious Weed Management Plan Redlines 6/14/2024 1:35:25 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2024 1:34:14 PM
Natural Landforms, Vegetation, Riparian Analysis Redlines 6/14/2024 1:34:14 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2024 1:33:50 PM
Letter of Intent Redlines 6/14/2024 1:33:50 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2024 1:33:27 PM
Fire Protection Report Redlines 6/14/2024 1:33:27 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2024 1:29:09 PM
Commitment Letter from Water Service Provider Redlines 6/14/2024 1:29:09 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2024 1:28:43 PM
Commitment Letter from Waste Water Service Provider Redlines 6/14/2024 1:28:43 PM
PCD Project Manager
6/18/2024 10:14:15 AM
The Planning Department has comments on the following documents

- Commitment Letter from Waste Water Service Provider
- Commitment Letter from Water Service Provider
- Fire Protection Report
- Letter of Intent
- Preliminary Plan (to be uploaded by Engineering)
- Natural Landforms, Vegetation and Riparian Analysis
- Noise Study
- Noxious Weed Management Plan
- Traffic Impact Study (to be uploaded by Engineering)
- Wildland Fire & Hazard Mitigation Plan
- USFWS Effects Determination

Due to the nature and volume of comments provided, additional comments may be provided with the second review. The second review will receive a 21 day comment review period based off the nature and volume of comments.
6/18/2024 10:14:15 AM
Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District
6/13/2024 3:51:03 PM
No comments yet. Developer will submit utility plans later in the process. 6/13/2024 3:51:03 PM
View Colorado Geological Survey
6/13/2024 2:41:55 PM
6/13/2024 2:41:55 PM
View Colorado Parks and Wildlife
6/12/2024 11:45:09 AM
6/12/2024 11:45:09 AM
View Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
6/11/2024 11:36:42 AM
6/11/2024 11:36:42 AM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
6/11/2024 10:42:43 AM
1. 71022-01-001 shows an existing home under 20255 Monument Hill Road. A wrecking permit will be required to remove this home with Regional Building Department, prior to any plans being approved in this area. 71022-00-010 A free standing sign was approved for permit in 2022 at 20002 Monument Hill Road, no inspections where ever completed with Regional Building Department. Is this sign on site?
2. Will there be direct access from Doewood Road to the 2 lots on the corner of Doewood & Palmer Divide Ave? If accessing from Alexanderia-not an approved street name, show access easement. Label as such.
3. Larsen Road-disapproved Street name, cannot be shown in three locations when these streets do not connect. Cannella Rd-approved street name, cannot be shown in two locations when they do not connect. Consult with E-9-1-1 on this topic. An email from El Paso-teller County E-9-1-1 Authority approving the street names is required.
4. The intent letter is not included but the application for the intent letter. Please include.
5. Standard Final Plat comments:
a. For assignment of addressing for lots and tracts, place addressing marker (xxx) where they are intended to be utilized. Addressing marker for lots should be front door.
b. Rear Loaded homes will have unique address assignment and placement. A plat note will be required showing address placement. See attached page 2 of 2.
c. Provide a 100-scale copy or larger of the entire APPROVED development plan (d.p.) to this department so that addressing can be assigned. Once received, the development plan will be placed on a list to be addressed. Development plans that are not yet approved may be addressed; however additional plan review fees will accrue if changes are made to the D.P. after initial addressing.

Amy Vanderbeek
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2930 E:
6/11/2024 10:42:43 AM
View Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
6/10/2024 10:08:59 AM
See attached comment letter 6/10/2024 10:08:59 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
6/10/2024 10:01:04 AM
PBMP Applicability Form 6/10/2024 10:01:04 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
6/10/2024 10:01:22 AM
Review 1: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- Drainage Report..................(to be uploaded with Development Services comments)
- PBMP Applicability Form
- Preliminary Plan Drawings...(to be uploaded with Development Services comments)

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
6/10/2024 10:01:22 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
6/7/2024 9:38:05 AM
6/7/2024 9:38:05 AM
View Colorado State Forest Service
6/5/2024 10:53:17 AM
The Colorado State Forest Service recommends that all forested acres be mitigated to reduce the risk of wildfire and that defensible space be created for each dwelling using the standards in the CSFS "Home Ignition Zone Guide" (formerly known as "Quick Guide FIRE 2012-1: Protecting Your Home From Wildfire") located on the Colorado State Forest Service website.

In addition, we recommend that all wildfire mitigation be completed before or during dwelling construction.
6/5/2024 10:53:17 AM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
6/5/2024 10:18:15 AM
6/5/2024 10:18:15 AM
PCD Administrative Notice
6/4/2024 4:12:58 PM
On 6/4/2024, PCD mailed "Notice of Application" letters to surrounding property owners within a 500-foot range (99 addresses). Copies of the notice, mailing labels, and selected range have been uploaded to the EDARP file. Cost of postage to be billed to the applicant = $63.36. MM 6/4/2024 4:12:58 PM
County Attorney - Water
6/4/2024 10:46:50 AM
The District Letter commits to 95.3075 af/y, however, other documentation lists the water demand as 105.23 af/y. Please make sure all water documents are consistent. The County Attorney will review for sufficiency after all documents are consistent and a finding of water sufficiency has been made by the Colorado Division of Water Resources. Thank you. 6/4/2024 10:46:50 AM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
6/4/2024 7:30:28 AM
Comments for E911 as follows:

Several of the roads depicted in these plans have multiple distinct segments that do not have logical continuation. As one example, Larsen Rd has three segments that do not connect, two of which have another road running between them. Each distinct road segment will need to have a unique name associated with it.

Cannella - Available

Larsen Rd – Not available, existing road
Painter Dr – Not available, existing road
Alexanderia Dr – Not available, existing road
Plowman Dr – Not available, existing road

Misty Acres Blvd – Logical continuation of existing road.
Old Antlers Way – Logical continuation of existing road.

Monument Hill Rd – This road currently takes another route to meet with County Line Rd to the North. Is the intent to redirect the existing road? The road cannot just split into two directions and retain the name both ways.

Streetnaming information (criteria and existing/reserved names) can be found at

Thank you
6/4/2024 7:30:28 AM
View EPC Parks Department
5/31/2024 2:55:23 PM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, Preliminary Comments - Please See Attached Documents (To be presented to the Park Advisory Board for endorsement on June 12, 2024) 5/31/2024 2:55:23 PM
View Tri-Lakes-Monument Fire Protection District
5/24/2024 9:03:16 AM
Monument Fire District Commitment Letter 5/24/2024 9:03:16 AM
County Attorney - Development Review
5/23/2024 4:53:42 PM
No comments from County Attorney - Development Review at this time. 5/23/2024 4:53:42 PM
RBD Floodplain
5/23/2024 1:42:15 PM
site not in the floodplain, no further comment 5/23/2024 1:42:15 PM