Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Southern Colorado Rail Park Sketch Plan
Sketch Plan for industrial uses within 2400 acre land area (excluded parcels in the center); Applicant intends to annex into the City of Fountain post-SKP approval and Formation of a Special District. Dual Rail way lines serving Fort Carson, CSU, and Industrial Park; Provides 2cd access to/from Fort Carson via Railcar.
6600000004 6600000004 6600000008 6600000008 6600000009 6600000009 6600000010 6600000010 6600000011 6600000011 6600000012 6600000012 6600000014 6600000014 6600000040 6600000040 6600000041 6600000041 6600000046 6600000046 6600000047 6600000047 6600000048 6600000048
Andrea Barlow ( )
(719) 471-0073
Andrea Barlow ( )
(719) 471-0073
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Kari Parsons
4/11/2023 2:42:57 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (57)

Link Agency Comment
EPC Sheriff's Department
5/15/2024 3:02:48 PM
If this development is not annexed by CoF, further discussion on land set aside for public safety facilities is requested by EPSO 5/15/2024 3:02:48 PM
View Colorado Parks and Wildlife
5/2/2024 2:49:44 PM
5/2/2024 2:49:44 PM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
5/1/2024 3:31:58 PM
Please see attached .PDF for comments. Thanks! 5/1/2024 3:31:58 PM
View Colorado Geological Survey
4/29/2024 4:58:49 PM
See attached comments 4/29/2024 4:58:49 PM
View Colorado Geological Survey
4/29/2024 4:57:05 PM
See attached comments. 4/29/2024 4:57:05 PM
PCD Project Manager
4/29/2024 4:40:20 PM
Item has been scheduled for PC for approval to facilitate grant writing and application for the special district prior to annexation. 4/29/2024 4:40:20 PM
Colorado Springs Public Works
4/26/2024 1:57:08 PM
Engineering Development Review has no comment on this item.

Joel Dagnillo, P.E.
Engineer III
Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
4/26/2024 1:57:08 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
4/26/2024 12:42:30 PM
1. Once street names are approved by El Paso-Teller County 9-1-1 Authority, please send to Becky Allen (
2. Additional comments regarding addressing will be provided once the individual development plans are submitted for review.

Becky Allen
4/26/2024 12:42:30 PM
PCD Engineering Division
4/24/2024 5:57:02 PM
Engineering Comments have been addressed.

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham, PE
4/24/2024 5:57:02 PM
View Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
4/23/2024 4:04:35 PM
4/23/2024 4:04:35 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
4/25/2024 5:06:05 PM
Review 2: EPC DPW Stormwater has no further comments. Planner: no re-review necessary.

Reviewed by:
Mikayla Hartford
Stormwater Engineer I
4/25/2024 5:06:05 PM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
4/15/2024 8:54:17 PM
See attached letter. 4/15/2024 8:54:17 PM
View Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
4/15/2024 2:58:54 PM
All Springs Utilities comments have been addressed for this proposed Sketch Plan application. From a Springs Utilities perspective only, approval is recommended for this proposed application.

Matthew Alcuran, MPA| Engineering Support Specialist Sr.
Utilities Development Services | Colorado Springs Utilities
1521 South Hancock Expressway| MC 1812 | Colorado Springs, CO 80903
O: 719-668-8261 |
4/15/2024 2:58:54 PM
Parks Advisory Board
4/12/2024 8:54:49 AM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department. The 2022 El Paso County Parks Master Plan shows no impacts to proposed or existing parks, trails, or open space - the nearest EPC Parks facility, the proposed southern extension of the Fountain Creek Regional Trail and the existing Clear Spring Ranch Open Space, are both located over 1.25 miles to the east. At the time of this development application review, regional and urban park fees are not assessed on properties of an industrial and commercial nature. However, future EPC Land Development Code policy changes may or may not dictate that regional and urban park fees need to be assessed at the Final Plat stage. This commercial Sketch Plan review does not require endorsement by the Park Advisory Board. 4/12/2024 8:54:49 AM
County Attorney - Development Review
4/11/2024 3:43:43 PM
No comments at this time. 4/11/2024 3:43:43 PM
Colorado Springs Airport Advisory Commission
4/10/2024 3:13:12 PM
Airport has no further comments past what was provided Oct 2023. 4/10/2024 3:13:12 PM
View EPC Environmental Services
4/10/2024 1:09:21 PM
4/10/2024 1:09:21 PM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
4/10/2024 11:11:22 AM
Comments for E911 as follows:

There are multiple streets intended for this development that will need to be assigned streetnames.
No comment for E911 until names are depicted on the plan drawings for these roads.

Streetnaming information (Criteria, Existing/reserved streetnames) can be found at

Thank you

Justin Annan
El Paso-Teller County 9-1-1 Authority
4/10/2024 11:11:22 AM
PCD Administrative Notice
4/9/2024 4:05:42 PM
Notice of Application letters were mailed to adjacent (within a 500-foot range) and surrounded property owners (whose properties are surrounded entirely by the proposal) in October 2023. 4/9/2024 4:05:42 PM
EPC Parks Department
4/8/2024 3:46:12 PM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department. The 2022 El Paso County Parks Master Plan shows no impacts to proposed or existing parks, trails, or open space - the nearest EPC Parks facility, the proposed southern extension of the Fountain Creek Regional Trail and the existing Clear Spring Ranch Open Space, are both located over 1.25 miles to the east. At the time of this development application review, regional and urban park fees are not assessed on properties of an industrial and commercial nature. However, future EPC Land Development Code policy changes may or may not dictate that regional and urban park fees need to be assessed at the Final Plat stage. 4/8/2024 3:46:12 PM
RBD Floodplain
4/8/2024 9:26:34 AM
Applicant has acknowledged floodplain constraints in the drainage plan:
" This effort shall require coordination with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the El Paso County Floodplain Administrator. It should be noted that FEMA does not recognize future conditions as part of the NFIP map development process. Conditional Letter of Map revisions (CLOMRs) must be filed with FEMA to allow channel construction. Upon completion of construction Letter of Map Revisions (LOMRs) are required to be processed which should function to realign the regulatory floodplain. Coordination with USACE, in selecting proposed channel improvements shall be
required. "
4/8/2024 9:26:34 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
4/8/2024 8:43:40 AM
Traffic Engineering has no comments on this item.

Brian Shevock
Public Works/Traffic Engineering
Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-7620
4/8/2024 8:43:40 AM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
4/8/2024 8:43:17 AM
MVEA has no comment - This area is not within MVEA territory 4/8/2024 8:43:17 AM
View Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
11/16/2023 9:10:39 PM
11/16/2023 9:10:39 PM
View Colorado Parks and Wildlife
11/15/2023 12:25:05 PM
11/15/2023 12:25:05 PM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
11/14/2023 9:32:56 AM
11/14/2023 9:32:56 AM
View Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
11/2/2023 11:33:03 AM
Please see auto responder from CDPHE. Please let us know if you have additional question. 11/2/2023 11:33:03 AM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
10/30/2023 3:27:14 PM
This area is not within MVEA territory 10/30/2023 3:27:14 PM
View Colorado Geological Survey
10/30/2023 3:05:02 PM
Sketch Plan comments attached. 10/30/2023 3:05:02 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
10/30/2023 9:26:10 AM
TIS Redlines 10/30/2023 9:26:10 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
10/30/2023 9:25:22 AM
MDDP Redlines 10/30/2023 9:25:22 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 9:16:49 AM
Soils and Geology Report Comments 10/30/2023 9:16:49 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 9:15:47 AM
Letter of Intent Comments 10/30/2023 9:15:47 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 9:20:05 AM
Sketch Plan Comments: Please note the sketch plan will need to be broken into multiple sheets for legibility. 10/30/2023 9:20:05 AM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
10/27/2023 3:37:00 PM
1. Once street names are approved by El Paso-Teller County 9-1-1 Authority, please send to Becky Allen (
2. Additional comments regarding addressing will be provided once the individual development plans are submitted for review.

Becky Allen
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-799-2707 W: E:
10/27/2023 3:37:00 PM
PCD Engineering Division
10/30/2023 9:24:33 AM
Review 1: EPC DPW Engineering comments have been provided on the following uploaded documents:
- Sketch Plan (to be uploaded by project manager)
- Traffic Impact Study
- Conceptual Drainage Summary

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham, PE
10/30/2023 9:24:33 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
10/27/2023 10:53:09 AM
Engineering Development Review has no comments on this item.

Joel Dagnillo, P.E.
Engineer III
Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
10/27/2023 10:53:09 AM
Public Service Company of Colorado dba X-cel Energy
10/27/2023 7:24:25 AM
no conflict; no resubmittals are necessary 10/27/2023 7:24:25 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/26/2023 4:52:38 PM
Natural Features, Riparian Analysis- comments 10/26/2023 4:52:38 PM
View Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
10/26/2023 1:23:16 PM
Good morning Kari,
Please see CSU's 1st review comments for the So CO Dual Service Rail Park Sketch Plan submitted under SKP234:
1. Please show and label public utility easement under CSU # 700558. CSU records indicate Reception No. 123773 Book 2726 Page 786. Please confirm.
2. Please show and label public utility easement under CSU # 700557. CSU records indicate Reception No. 119633 Book 2723 Page 44. Please confirm.
Matthew Alcuran, MPA| Engineering Support Specialist Sr.
Utilities Development Services | Colorado Springs Utilities
1521 South Hancock Expressway| MC 1812 | Colorado Springs, CO 80903
O: 719-668-8261 |
10/26/2023 1:23:16 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/26/2023 4:50:25 PM
Impact Identification Statement comments. In general this can be much shorter by removing the repeated info from the Letter of Intent. These may be one-three pages in some cases.... see redline with old Code screen shots since we have no new procedure for an impact statement. 10/26/2023 4:50:25 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/25/2023 2:17:59 PM
Please list and obtain all of the owners signatures on the application form. The form submitted is not signed and only 1 owner is listed. 10/25/2023 2:17:59 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 9:19:37 AM
Add this note to the plan please. "The Sketch Plan Map is a drawing representing a proposed development showing conceptual planning areas, land use types, densities, road types and locations and location of hazards and environmentally sensitive areas in order to evaluate the feasibility of the project.

This Sketch Plan was reviewed under the intent that the Sketch Plan is necessary to initiate grant applications, and a special district application prior to the annexation into the City of Fountain. The PCD Director may modify the applicable requirements, including requiring additional items or removing items, based upon the project and site-specific circumstances. The level of detail in the documents submitted to support this application do not set a precedent for submittal standards."
10/30/2023 9:19:37 AM
PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 9:02:29 AM
Please add this note to the sketch plan "Notice: If property does not annex to City, a detailed MDDP, Master TIS, Geology and Soils Report, Noxious Weed Report, Natural Features & Riparian Study, and Wetland delineation study may be required with any subsequent sketch plan amendment, rezone or preliminary plan submittal for review and approval by the County." 10/30/2023 9:02:29 AM
View Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
10/25/2023 10:57:54 AM
Good morning Kari,
Please see CSU's 1st review comments for the So CO Dual Service Rail Park Sketch Plan submitted under SKP234:
1. Please show and label public utility easement under CSU # 700558. CSU records indicate Reception No. 123773 Book 2726 Page 786. Please confirm.
2. Please show and label public utility easement under CSU # 700557. CSU records indicate Reception No. 119633 Book 2723 Page 44. Please confirm.
Matthew Alcuran, MPA| Engineering Support Specialist Sr.
Utilities Development Services | Colorado Springs Utilities
1521 South Hancock Expressway| MC 1812 | Colorado Springs, CO 80903
O: 719-668-8261 |
10/25/2023 10:57:54 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/26/2023 4:49:18 PM
Please provide a copy of the notice to Hearing when determined per the Mineral Estates Affidavit form. Title work identifies multiple interests please update interests and affidavit. 10/26/2023 4:49:18 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
10/25/2023 10:34:27 AM
Review 1: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- Sketch Plan.......................(to be uploaded with Development Services comments)

Reviewed by:
Mikayla Hartford
Stormwater Engineer I
10/25/2023 10:34:27 AM
Colorado Springs Airport Advisory Commission
10/30/2023 10:23:36 AM
10/30/23 - The AAC had no objections to comments below.

This will be presented to the Airport Advisory Commission with the below comments on 10/24/2023.

Airport staff recommends no objection with the following conditions:

• Avigation Easement: An avigation easement is requested or provide proof of previous recording (book/page or reception number).

• FAA Form 7460-1: If use of equipment (permanent or temporary) will exceed 200 feet above ground level in height at this site, the applicant is to file an airspace evaluation case with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and provide the results to the Airport before the commencement of construction activities; FAA’s website (
10/30/2023 10:23:36 AM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
10/18/2023 8:17:22 AM
Comments for E911 as follows:

There are multiple streets intended for this development that will need to be assigned streetnames.
Streetnaming information (Criteria, Existing/reserved streetnames) can be found at:

Thank you

Justin Annan
El Paso-Teller County 9-1-1 Authority
10/18/2023 8:17:22 AM
PCD Administrative Notice
10/13/2023 4:31:34 PM
PCD mailed "Notice of Application" to property owners within 500 feet of the proposed Sketch Plan (9 addresses) on 10/13/2023. MB 10/13/2023 4:31:34 PM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
10/12/2023 4:03:06 PM
See attached letter. 10/12/2023 4:03:06 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
10/12/2023 1:52:48 PM
No comments at this time. 10/12/2023 1:52:48 PM
Colorado Springs Public Works
10/12/2023 11:54:10 AM
Traffic Engineering has no comments on this item.

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
10/12/2023 11:54:10 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
10/12/2023 9:40:53 AM
10/12/2023 9:40:53 AM
View Parks Advisory Board
10/11/2023 4:41:58 PM
See final Parks comments attached. 10/11/2023 4:41:58 PM
View EPC Parks Department
10/11/2023 4:40:36 PM
See final Parks comments attached. 10/11/2023 4:40:36 PM
RBD Floodplain
10/9/2023 7:46:25 AM
Management of the floodplain within the project may require FEMA approval via the CLOMR /LOMR process and/or compliance with local floodplain code RBC 313. Please reach out to Keith Curtis Floodplain Administrator for more detail.:
Keith Curtis, PE, CFM, LEED AP
Floodplain Administrator
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs CO, 80910
O: 719-327-2898 E: W:
10/9/2023 7:46:25 AM