Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Viewpoint Estates Filing No. 2 Preliminary Plan
A request to vacate and replat 2 lots into 7 lots
3410009001 3410009001 3410010001 3410010001
M.V.E., Inc.
David Gorman ( )
(719) 635-5736
David Gorman ( )
(719) 635-5736
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Ryan Howser
4/14/2020 3:11:11 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (48)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Project Manager
3/26/2025 12:34:25 PM
Planning Division has no comments on the Preliminary Plan at this time. 3/26/2025 12:34:25 PM
PCD Project Manager
3/14/2025 12:26:49 PM
Review 5: The version of the Preliminary Plan that was provided with Review 4 was not changed. Previous comments are all still applicable. Please refer to V4 review comments and revise accordingly. 3/14/2025 12:26:49 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
4/15/2024 8:45:10 AM
Review 4: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- Drainage Letter

EPC DPW Stormwater has no further comments. Planner: no re-review necessary.

Reviewed by:
Mikayla Hartford
Stormwater Engineer I
4/15/2024 8:45:10 AM
View PCD Project Manager
4/12/2024 10:05:41 AM
Review 4: PCD Planning Division has no further comments at this time. See attached for Engineering comments on the Preliminary Plan drawing. 4/12/2024 10:05:41 AM
PCD Engineering Division
4/10/2024 6:17:50 PM
Engineer Review Ver.4
Please see engineer comments on the following documents.

PRELIM Plan_V4 Please correct Floodplain statement pertaining to SFHA and V3 unresolved comment. Planner to upload document. This will not require engineer re-review provided its corrected before PRELIM plan approval. The statement has typo/incorrect wording.

Drainage Report routed for approval.
No further engineer comments.
No TIS required.
Road Impact Fees are applicable. To be paid at time of building permit.
2024 Drainage Basin and Bridge fees due for portion of property in Telephone Exchange drainage basin to be paid at time of plat recording.

Thank you

Edward B. Schoenheit
Engineer I Reviewer
El Paso County Planning & Community Development
719-520-6813 (O)
719-502-9659 (C)
4/10/2024 6:17:50 PM
View Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
2/8/2024 3:50:25 PM
2/8/2024 3:50:25 PM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
1/19/2024 1:13:44 PM
The Ellicott Fire Department has no ojections to the changes in this preliminary plan. However the post fire hydrant must be fo a design approved by the fire department and must be capable of supplying fire department flows. 1/19/2024 1:13:44 PM
View PCD Project Manager
1/17/2024 4:25:52 PM
V3 - Preliminary Plan comments 1/17/2024 4:25:52 PM
View PCD Project Manager
1/17/2024 4:25:25 PM
V3 - Drainage Report (Stormwater comments) 1/17/2024 4:25:25 PM
PCD Project Manager
1/17/2024 4:22:48 PM
Review 3: PCD Planning Division comments have been provided (in green) on the following uploaded documents:
- Preliminary Plan (includes Engineering comments)
1/17/2024 4:22:48 PM
PCD Engineering Division
1/17/2024 3:08:04 PM
Engineer Review Ver.3
Please see engineer comments on the following documents. Planner to upload documents.

Drainage Report _V3 Engineer & Owner to stamp and sign once Stormwater Dept. comments are resolved.
PRELIM Plan_V3 Please review and check Floodplain statement pertaining to SFHA
Fire District to review and approve hydrant # and placement location on updated PRELIM Plan.

Thank you

Edward B. Schoenheit
Engineer I Reviewer
El Paso County Planning & Community Development
719-520-6813 (O)
719-502-9659 (C)
1/17/2024 3:08:04 PM
County Attorney - Water
1/10/2024 9:27:55 AM
Water supply sufficiency will be reviewed in connection with the final plat. 1/10/2024 9:27:55 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
1/17/2024 9:59:59 AM
Review 3: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents (to be uploaded by the project manager):
- Drainage Letter

Reviewed by:
Mikayla Hartford
Stormwater Engineer I
1/17/2024 9:59:59 AM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
1/8/2024 10:11:49 AM
No action for E911 on this submittal.
Thank you.
1/8/2024 10:11:49 AM
View EPC Health Department
4/21/2023 5:14:00 PM
4/21/2023 5:14:00 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
4/3/2023 9:09:59 AM
Drainage Letter 4/3/2023 9:09:59 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
4/3/2023 9:09:20 AM
Review 2: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- Drainage Letter

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- Prelim Plan Drawings

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III

Mikayla Hartford
Stormwater Engineer I
4/3/2023 9:09:20 AM
View PCD Project Manager
3/30/2023 7:26:39 AM
Preliminary plan comments V2 3/30/2023 7:26:39 AM
View PCD Project Manager
3/30/2023 7:26:02 AM
Letter of Intent comments V2 3/30/2023 7:26:02 AM
PCD Project Manager
3/30/2023 7:26:21 AM
Review #2: PCD Planning has comments on the following documents (comments provided in green):

Letter of Intent
Preliminary Plan drawings
3/30/2023 7:26:21 AM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
3/29/2023 11:27:53 AM
3/29/2023 11:27:53 AM
PCD Engineering Division
3/29/2023 1:13:00 PM
Engineer Review Ver.2
Please see engineer comments on the following documents. Planner to upload documents.

1. Preliminary Plan Drawings V2
2. Letter of Intent V2.

Thank you

Edward B. Schoenheit
Engineer I Reviewer
El Paso County Planning & Community Development
719-520-6813 (O)
719-502-9659 (C)
3/29/2023 1:13:00 PM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
3/9/2023 1:28:53 PM
Disapproved - Please respond to the below comments:
The Fire Protection Report is not correct and is misleading. The Ellicott Fire Commitment Letter paragraph 3 is the only authorized Fire Protection Report to be approved by the fire district. We have previously discussed this with the El Paso County Planning Department and no other information is to be released publicly.

Water Supply – Fire Protection water supply is required. 2 options – The 1st Option is a 30,000 Gallon Cistern; this would have to be located near the intersection of Chesley Dr & Antelope Dr and on a portion of Lot 4 or Lot 5. The 2nd Option is to connect Fire Hydrants to the current water system assuming the main is at least a 4 IN. A total of 3 fire hydrants would be required. One Fire hydrant at the intersection of Chesley Dr & Antelope Dr and two more hydrants one 1,000 FT to the East and the other 1,000 Ft to the West. This was not clearly addressed in the Water Service Commitment – Separate Water Utility plans need to be approved by the Fire District.

FYI: we are concerned with the high-water table and flooding in the drainage areas. This could cause problems if a cistern is used. For this reason a Pressurized water supply with Fire hydrants is preferred.

Please address the above comments and pay the associated fee for approval.
The $100.00 Fire department review fee needs to be paid to the Ellicott Fire Department (check or cash only)
75 North Ellicott Hwy, Calhan, CO 80808
Please note the project on the check

Mark Stanwood
Fire Marshal
Ellicott Fire Department.
3/9/2023 1:28:53 PM
County Attorney - Water
3/8/2023 12:04:43 PM
County Attorney's Office will review upon receipt of an updated letter from the State Engineer's Office. Please indicate whether you want review to occur in connection with the preliminary plan or final plat. 3/8/2023 12:04:43 PM
View Parks Advisory Board
1/12/2022 3:43:47 PM
See Park Advisory Board endorsed comments attached. 1/12/2022 3:43:47 PM
View Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
1/5/2022 6:03:44 PM
1/5/2022 6:03:44 PM
View EPC Parks Department
1/3/2022 8:57:59 AM
See preliminary Parks comments attached. 1/3/2022 8:57:59 AM
View PCD Project Manager
1/3/2022 8:38:18 AM
Drainage Report - Preliminary_V1 redlines 1/3/2022 8:38:18 AM
View PCD Project Manager
1/3/2022 8:37:40 AM
Letter of Intent_V1 redlines 1/3/2022 8:37:40 AM
View PCD Project Manager
1/3/2022 8:37:20 AM
Preliminary Plan Drawings_V1 redlines 1/3/2022 8:37:20 AM
View PCD Project Manager
1/3/2022 8:36:52 AM
Title Commitment_V1 redlines 1/3/2022 8:36:52 AM
View PCD Project Manager
1/3/2022 8:35:33 AM
Traffic Memo_V1 redlines 1/3/2022 8:35:33 AM
Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
12/29/2021 12:01:55 PM
Please see comment letter uploaded for Viewpoint Estates - Final Plat 12/29/2021 12:01:55 PM
View Colorado Parks and Wildlife
12/26/2021 4:35:23 PM
12/26/2021 4:35:23 PM
Colorado Geological Survey
12/22/2021 3:06:24 PM
Viewpoint Estates Filing No.2 (38.8391°, -104.4356°) is a site that is not undermined, does not have steep slopes, and the geologic conditions imposing hazards and constraints can be mitigated through avoidance or commonly employed engineering methods. CGS concurs with Entech (p.6) that to mitigate constraints from the geologic conditions, site-specific investigations within each lot will be necessary before the design and construction of structures and septic systems.

These additional investigations are needed to investigate soil, bedrock, and groundwater conditions, take soil samples, and perform laboratory testing to identify swell/consolidation and any other engineering properties necessary to develop foundation, utility, pavement, and septic system recommendations. Provided these additional investigations are performed (as stated in Plat Note 11) and that they also address any site-specific impacts from potential subsurface groundwater (Entech (p.3): “Isolated sand layers within the soil profile can carry water in the subsurface”) potential for hydrocompaction (a geologic process) of collapsible soils (a geologic deposit), loose soils, potentially seasonal shallow groundwater, erosion, and regional hazards related to radon and seismicity the Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) has no objection to the proposed residential use and density.

Submitted 12/22/2021 by Jonathan R. Lovekin, P.G. Senior Engineering Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey,
12/22/2021 3:06:24 PM
PCD Engineering Division
12/22/2021 10:40:45 AM
Engineer Review Ver.1
Please see engineer redline comments on the following documents
1. Preliminary Plan Drawings
2. Letter of Intent
3. Drainage Report
4. Traffic Memo
Please review all comments contained on the Final Plat Request PCD File # SF-21-042 request that are applicable to this Preliminary Plan. PCD Project Manager will prepare and send submitted files with embedded redline comments.

Thank you

Edward B. Schoenheit
Engineer I Reviewer
El Paso County Planning & Community Development
719-520-6813 (O)
719-502-9659 (C)
12/22/2021 10:40:45 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
12/22/2021 9:14:38 AM
Review 1: EPC Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- Drainage Report...............(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- Prelim Plan Drawings.......(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer II
12/22/2021 9:14:38 AM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
12/22/2021 7:31:19 AM
It appears all lots will be accessed off of Chelsey Drive and will have a Chelsey Drive address. Once the development plan is approved we will address the development. See further comments below regarding the development plan.

Standard Development Plan comments apply:
1. For assignment of addressing for lots and tracts, place addressing marker (xxx) where they are intended to be utilized. Addressing marker for lots should be front door.
2. Provide a 100 scale copy or larger of the entire APPROVED development plan (d.p.) to this department so that addressing can be assigned. Once received, the development plan will be placed on a list to be addressed. Development plans that are not yet approved may be addressed, however additional plan review fees will accrue if changes are made to the D.P. after initial addressing.

Becky Allen
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-799-2707 W: E:
12/22/2021 7:31:19 AM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
12/21/2021 12:34:58 PM
Comments for MVEA has been submitted on the Final Plat. 12/21/2021 12:34:58 PM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
12/20/2021 12:50:29 PM
12/20/2021 12:50:29 PM
Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
12/9/2021 8:09:12 AM
I am unable to assign this project but Michelle Regalado will be handling this planning referral request.

Valerie Vigil
CDOT Permits Program Mgr.
12/9/2021 8:09:12 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
12/6/2021 2:54:05 PM
12/6/2021 2:54:05 PM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
12/6/2021 8:55:58 AM
No new street names requested on this submittal.
No action for E911.
Thank you.
12/6/2021 8:55:58 AM
County Attorney - Development Review
12/3/2021 8:41:49 PM
No comments from County Attorney - Development Review at this time. 12/3/2021 8:41:49 PM
County Attorney - Water
12/2/2021 1:03:40 PM
County Attorney's Office will provide review of water sufficiency following receipt of findings from Colorado Division of Water Resources. 12/2/2021 1:03:40 PM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
12/2/2021 12:41:00 PM
Disapproved - Please respond to the below comments:
The Fire protection report is not correct and is misleading. The Ellicott Fire Department has only one part-time manned Fire station (Station-2) located 75 N Ellicott Highway. There are 3 additional unmanned fire stations in the district. The photos of fire equipment are of apparatus that are no longer in service except for one water tender. The third paragraph in the commitment letter is essentially the fire protection report as required.

It is believed that the Wildfire risk assessment underestimates the potential burn probability. The area is in light flashy fuels that can ignite easily. The occurrence factors and should be a moderate to low burn with a probability with a moderate occurrence. The rate of spread is generally moderate to extreme.

Water Supply – Fire Protection water supply is required. 2 options – The 1st Option is a 30,000 Gallon Cistern; this would have to be located near the intersection of Chesley Dr & Antelope Dr and on a portion of Lot 4 or Lot 5. The 2nd Option is to connect Fire Hydrants to the current water system assuming the main is at least a 4 IN. A total of 3 fire hydrants would be required. One Fire hydrant at the intersection of Chesley Dr & Antelope Dr and two more hydrants one 1,000 FT to the East and the other 1,000 Ft to the West.

FYI: we are concerned with the high-water table and flooding in the drainage areas. This could cause problems if a cistern is used. For this reason, we would allow for only one fire hydrant to supply the area if - the fire hydrant can be shown to provide 750 GPM or greater then only one hydrant would be required at the intersection of Chesley Dr & Antelope Dr. Contact Ellicott Utilities for the main size and if fire hydrants are possible. This would be the preferred water supply method.

For approval of the preliminary plat:
The Fire Protection Report needs to be removed and re-written. A fire protection water system type needs to be selected. The $100.00 Fire department review fee needs to be paid to the Ellicott Fire Department (check or cash only)
75 North Ellicott Hwy, Calhan, CO 80808

For approval of the final plat:
The preliminary plat needs to be approved. The new (approved) fire protection report needs to be attached. Documentation showing the detailed plans of the selected Fire Protection Water Supply System needs to be attached. If Cistern call me for a design specification. For Fire hydrant the water mains need to be shown (Utility Plans). The $131.00 Fire department review fee needs to be paid to the Ellicott Fire Department (check or cash only)
75 North Ellicott Hwy, Calhan, CO 80808

Any questions please contact me:
Mark Stanwood
Ellicott Fire Department
Fire Marshal
12/2/2021 12:41:00 PM
Colorado State Forest Service
12/2/2021 10:50:40 AM
The primary wildland fuel type for this proposal is grassland with scattered trees having a low wildfire hazard potential. No special fire mitigation plans or other actions are necessary for final approval by the Colorado State Forest Service. 12/2/2021 10:50:40 AM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
12/1/2021 11:51:45 AM
12/1/2021 11:51:45 AM