Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Foundation Subdivision
Subdivision to create one 20-acre lot and leave the remaining 40 acres as a remainder parcel. Water sufficiency finding required; BoCC approval required.
5100000291 5100000291
HR Green Inc.
Phil Stuepfert ( )
(630) 220-7936
Phil Stuepfert ( )
(630) 220-7936
File Number
Project Manager
Ashlyn Mathy
12/11/2024 5:10:44 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (37)

Link Agency Comment
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 3:03:40 PM
v1_Water Supply Information Summary comments 3/25/2025 3:03:40 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 3:03:10 PM
v1_Water Resources Report comments 3/25/2025 3:03:10 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 3:02:46 PM
v1_Title Commitment (Current within 30 days of submittal) comments 3/25/2025 3:02:46 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 3:01:50 PM
v1_Storm Water Management Plan Checklist comments 3/25/2025 3:01:50 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 3:01:27 PM
v1_Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) comments 3/25/2025 3:01:27 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:59:55 PM
v1_PBMP Applicability Form comments 3/25/2025 2:59:55 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:59:06 PM
v1_Natural Gas Commitment Letter comments 3/25/2025 2:59:06 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:56:47 PM
v1_Letter of Intent comments 3/25/2025 2:56:47 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:56:06 PM
v1_Grading & Erosion Control Plan comments 3/25/2025 2:56:06 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:54:33 PM
v1_Grading & Erosion Control Checklist comments 3/25/2025 2:54:33 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:53:29 PM
v1_Fire Protection Report comments 3/25/2025 2:53:29 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:53:07 PM
v1_Final Plat Drawings comments 3/25/2025 2:53:07 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:52:38 PM
v1_Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP) comments 3/25/2025 2:52:38 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:52:16 PM
v1_Drainage Report - Final comments 3/25/2025 2:52:16 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:51:50 PM
v1_ApplicationPetition Form comments 3/25/2025 2:51:50 PM
PCD Project Manager
3/25/2025 2:50:53 PM
Due to volume and complexity of comments, subsequent reviews may have additional comments.

Ashlyn Mathy
3/25/2025 2:50:53 PM
PCD Engineering Division
3/24/2025 4:29:47 PM
DPW Engineering review 1 has comments on the following documents:
- Drainage Report
- Grading and Erosion Control Plan
- Final Plat Drawings
- Letter of Intent

Review by
Bret Dilts, PE
3/24/2025 4:29:47 PM
Colorado Geological Survey
3/24/2025 1:48:34 PM
The site does not contain steep slopes or flood hazards, nor is it exposed to any geologic hazards that preclude the proposed facility. Entech’s characteristics of the site geology and preliminary geotechnical recommendations appear appropriate to address the potential geologic constraints identified at this site, including potentially expansive soils, artificial fill, and potentially seasonal shallow groundwater areas (Soil and Geology Study, February 21, 2025). CGS has no objection to the approval of the final plat. We offer the following comments.

1. Note 24 of the final plat should be updated to list the geologic hazards and constraints associated with the site.

Submitted 3/24/2025 by Amy Crandall, Engineering Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey (303-384-2632 or
3/24/2025 1:48:34 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
3/24/2025 12:23:18 PM
SWMP Checklist 3/24/2025 12:23:18 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
3/24/2025 12:23:03 PM
SWMP 3/24/2025 12:23:03 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
3/24/2025 12:22:41 PM
PCM Applicability Form 3/24/2025 12:22:41 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
3/24/2025 12:22:24 PM
GEC Checklist 3/24/2025 12:22:24 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
3/24/2025 12:22:10 PM
GEC Plan 3/24/2025 12:22:10 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
3/24/2025 12:21:53 PM
ESQCP 3/24/2025 12:21:53 PM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
3/21/2025 10:40:45 PM
3/21/2025 10:40:45 PM
View Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
3/20/2025 1:32:31 PM
See attached comments 3/20/2025 1:32:31 PM
County Attorney - Water
3/20/2025 11:18:20 AM
1. The Letter of Intent states that the existing home on the 20-acre parcel will be demolished and a commercial riding academy and stable will be established. It also states that there is an existing well on the property and that the well permit was included with the application. We were unable to find the well permit in the file.
2. The WSIS estimates a demand that includes household use, which conflicts with the statement that house is being demolished. There is also no estimated demand for stock watering included.
3. The letter uploaded as the Water Resource Report does not address this subdivision specifically and does not meet the requirements for a Water Resource Report set forth in Section 8.4.7 of the Land Development Code.
4. A water supply review will be conducted once the above concerns have been addressed and a favorable recommendation from the Division of Water Resources is received.
3/20/2025 11:18:20 AM
County Attorney - Development Review
3/20/2025 9:48:33 AM
No comments from County Attorney - Development Review at this time.

Lori Seago
Sr. County Attorney
3/20/2025 9:48:33 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
3/24/2025 12:21:40 PM
Review 1: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded document(s):
- Drainage Report...(to be uploaded with Development Services comments).
- GEC Plan
- GEC Checklist
- PCM Applicability Form
- SWMP Checklist

Please provide the following document(s) upon resubmittal (the planner will need to send an upload request):
- PCM Maintenance Agreement (download from County Engineer website and Planner will need to invite Lori to review project on EDARP)
- PCM - MHFD Detention Calcs or SDI Form
- PCM O&M Manual
- PCM - Notice of Intent to Construct a Non-Juris. Water Impoundment Structure (proof of submittal)

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Principal Engineer - Stormwater
3/24/2025 12:21:40 PM
Parks Advisory Board
3/13/2025 7:47:58 AM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services. The 2022 El Paso County Parks Master Plan shows no impacts to existing or proposed parks, trails, or open space. As such, no trail easements or park land dedications are necessary. El Paso County Parks has been working closely with Classic Homes and their representative, HR Green, to establish the nearby Fox Run Primary Regional Trail corridor through the adjacent Flying Horse North community, and trail easements are being provided there. As this is a commercial final plat development application, no regional park fees will be assessed, however an update to the EPC Land Development Code over the next year and half may or may not change this fee requirement. Thank you! 3/13/2025 7:47:58 AM
EPC Parks Department
3/12/2025 3:28:03 PM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services. The 2022 El Paso County Parks Master Plan shows no impacts to existing or proposed parks, trails, or open space. As such, no trail easements or park land dedications are necessary. El Paso County Parks has been working closely with Classic Homes and their representative, HR Green, to establish the nearby Fox Run Primary Regional Trail corridor through the adjacent Flying Horse North community, and trail easements are being provided there. As this is a commercial final plat development application, no regional park fees will be assessed, however an update to the EPC Land Development Code over the next year and half may or may not change this fee requirement. Thank you! 3/12/2025 3:28:03 PM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
3/11/2025 9:23:45 AM
Comments for E911 as follows:

For the purposes of logical enumeration and efficient emergency response E911 recommends that the access for this development be assigned a streetname.

This not only will prevent an isolated hidden address nearly half a mile from Black Forest Rd, but also allow for further division of this parcel for future possible development.

Streetnaming information (criteria, existing/reserved names) can be found at:

Thank you
3/11/2025 9:23:45 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
3/7/2025 10:57:53 AM
3/7/2025 10:57:53 AM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
3/7/2025 9:18:24 AM
1. Once the new address is received it will need to be on the plat in their approximate locations.
2. Standard final plat comments:
a. Enumerations will review the pre-plat (mylar) prior to plat for address placement, street names, and title block.

b. A $10.00 per lot and tract platting fee will be due at the time of the review of the pre-plat, (two addresses per lot and tract). If an address is not needed on a tract then no fee applies. Check should be made out to PIKES PEAK REGIONAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT or PPRBD. Paid directly to the Enumerations Department. As of December 5th 2023, the fee for all credit/debit cards has changed from the flat 2.95% fee to the following: Over the phone Credit/Debit Card payments will be 2.3% and In-Person Debit Card payments will be 1.5% (in-person only).

c. Pre-plat reviews can be reviewed via “pdf” or in-person. The pre-plat will be stamped by Enumerations for accuracy and returned to the applicant and the planner. All payments to be mailed to RBD via a check or credit card payment over the phone. Plats should not be recorded prior to Enumerations stamping the pre-plat and receiving payment of plat fees. If any pre-plat changes occur, even if changes do not apply to Enumerations, we still need to re-stamp the pre-plat. The Enumerations stamped pre-plat copy should match the recorded document minus a few signatures. If you would like an in-person review, please make an appointment on our website,

d. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to plan submittal for RESIDENTIAL. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to approval in the Enumerations department on any COMMERCIAL plan submittal. Please email the Enumerations staff member that reviewed your project.;; or

Amy Vanderbeek
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2930 E:
3/7/2025 9:18:24 AM
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
3/6/2025 2:08:23 PM
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has reviewed the plans for the Foundation Subdivision in El Paso County. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is familiar with the site, and has commented on the overall Flying Horse North project area in the past, and CPW would defer to those previous comments. Based on the location and proposed actions, CPW anticipates that this project's impacts on the wildlife resource would be negligible if our previous comments are taken into consideration.

We appreciate being allowed to comment. Please feel free to contact District Wildlife Manager, Aaron Berscheid, should you have any questions or require additional information at 719-439-9601 or via email at
3/6/2025 2:08:23 PM
Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
3/5/2025 8:34:10 AM
CDOT has no comments regarding this subdivision. 3/5/2025 8:34:10 AM
Academy SD 20 Building Fund
3/5/2025 7:37:53 AM
Academy District 20 is in receipt of File #'s SF256, AL257 and PPR258 for approval of the Foundation Subdivision Plan, Foundation Special Use and the Foundation Site Development Plan.

The District has reviewed the applications submitted by the Flying Horse Foundation and supports the programs that are available through the Foundation along with the development of the facilities necessary to operate the program.

If you need additional information, please contact me.

Don Smith
Planning Consultant
3/5/2025 7:37:53 AM