Project Review Comments

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Project Name
CDR Briargate Parkway/ Sterling Road
Construction Drawings for Sterling Ranch Road and Briargate Parkway
JR Engineering
Mark Whorton ( ) Mark Whorton ( )
File Number
Project Manager
Kari Parsons
3/19/2021 7:33:41 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (59)

Link Agency Comment
View County Attorney - Development Review
6/25/2024 10:49:35 AM
Signature to Detention Maintenance Agreement attached. 6/25/2024 10:49:35 AM
PCD Engineering Division
6/19/2024 4:34:10 PM
EPC Engineering had no comments on the GEC Plan Set.

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham, PE
6/19/2024 4:34:10 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
6/13/2024 9:57:16 AM
Review 8:
- All comments have been resolved on the GEC Plans
- And it looks like all of the Lori's comments were resolved on the Detention Maintenance Agreement

Contact the Stormwater Inspector to discuss the next steps to lift the Stop Work Order.

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
6/13/2024 9:57:16 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/20/2024 12:47:00 PM
See proposed redlines and Lori's comments on the attached Detention Maintenance Agreement for Pond 11B. Please submit the final and signed version with the next submittal of the revised GEC Plan. Thanks.

- Glenn Reese
5/20/2024 12:47:00 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/20/2024 8:31:30 AM
GEC Plan 5/20/2024 8:31:30 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
5/20/2024 8:31:09 AM
Review 7: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- GEC Plan

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
5/20/2024 8:31:09 AM
PCD Engineering Division
5/20/2024 8:27:53 AM
EPC Engineering had no comments on the GEC Plan Set.

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham, PE
5/20/2024 8:27:53 AM
PCD Engineering Division
7/24/2023 11:55:52 AM
Review 6 comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- Drainage Letter
- Construction Drawings
- Construction Drawings - Storm

Please note that the final layout/signal pole configuration for the Briargate/Sterling Ranch intersection is still under discussion for the final configuration and is not part of the approved design within the CDR's.

Please provide CAD drawings for file.

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham, PE
7/24/2023 11:55:52 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
7/24/2023 10:26:10 AM
Review 6: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- Drainage Letter
- GEC Plan

EPC DPW Stormwater has no further comments. Planner: no re-review necessary.

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
7/24/2023 10:26:10 AM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
6/1/2023 12:12:51 PM
MVEA has existing facilities near and within this parcel of land. If there is any damage, removal or relocation of facilities it will be at the expense of the applicant. 6/1/2023 12:12:51 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
5/31/2023 5:30:56 PM
GEC Redlines 5/31/2023 5:30:56 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
5/31/2023 5:30:29 PM
Storm CDs Redlines 5/31/2023 5:30:29 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
5/31/2023 5:30:01 PM
CD's Redlines 5/31/2023 5:30:01 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
5/31/2023 5:29:15 PM
FDR Redlines 5/31/2023 5:29:15 PM
PCD Engineering Division
5/31/2023 10:10:45 AM
Review 5 minor redline comments on the following documents:
- Drainage Letter
- Construction Drawings
- Construction Drawings - Storm

Comments have been resolved on:
- Financial Assurance Estimate Form
- Construction Drawings - Briargate Pkwy Segment 1
- Financial Assurance Estimate - Briargate Pkwy Segment 1

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham, PE
5/31/2023 10:10:45 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
5/17/2023 3:45:44 PM
Engineering Development Review has no comments on this item.

Joel Dagnillo, P.E.
Engineer III
Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
5/17/2023 3:45:44 PM
Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
5/11/2023 11:05:32 AM
CSU Water/Wastewater does not have any comments. Coordinate with CSU Gas Field engineering for gas line extension 719-668-4985

5/11/2023 11:05:32 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
5/31/2023 5:20:10 PM
Review 5: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- Drainage Letter.....(to be uploaded by Charlene)
- GEC Plan..............(to be uploaded by Charlene)

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- GEC Checklist
- PBMP Applicability Form

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
5/31/2023 5:20:10 PM
Colorado Springs Public Works
5/10/2023 8:53:08 AM
Traffic Engineering has no further comments on this item.

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
5/10/2023 8:53:08 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/14/2023 3:39:44 PM
FAE Redlines Briargate Blvd Segment 1 2/14/2023 3:39:44 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/14/2023 3:39:13 PM
CDs Redlines for Briargate Blvd Segment 1 2/14/2023 3:39:13 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/14/2023 3:38:29 PM
FAE Redlines 2/14/2023 3:38:29 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/14/2023 3:37:30 PM
Storm CDs Redlines 2/14/2023 3:37:30 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/14/2023 3:36:44 PM
CD Redlines 2/14/2023 3:36:44 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/14/2023 3:36:13 PM
FDR Redlines 2/14/2023 3:36:13 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
2/14/2023 2:58:54 PM
GEC Checklist 2/14/2023 2:58:54 PM
PCD Engineering Division
2/13/2023 1:54:54 PM
Review 4 redline comments on the following documents:
- Drainage Letter
- Construction Drawings
- Construction Drawings - Storm
- Financial Assurance Estimate Form
- Construction Drawings - Briargate Pkwy Segment 1
- Financial Assurance Estimate - Briargate Pkwy Segment 1

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham, PE
2/13/2023 1:54:54 PM
Colorado Springs Public Works
2/6/2023 11:19:35 AM
Engineering Development Review has no comments on this item.

Joel Dagnillo, P.E.
Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
2/6/2023 11:19:35 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
2/14/2023 3:00:30 PM
Review 4: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- Drainage Letter.....(to be uploaded by Charlene)
- GEC Plan..............(to be uploaded by Charlene)
- GEC Checklist

Please provide the following documents on resubmittal (both documents were requested with my Review #1, #2, and #3 comments):
- ESQCP (either a new one or a copy of a previously approved one that this project will work under)
- PBMP Applicability Form

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- Storm CDs

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
2/14/2023 3:00:30 PM
Colorado Springs Public Works
1/17/2023 12:29:54 PM
Traffic Engineering has no further comments on this item.

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
1/17/2023 12:29:54 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/15/2022 12:01:22 PM
Redlines GEC Plans 6/15/2022 12:01:22 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/15/2022 12:00:29 PM
Redlines Drainage Letter 6/15/2022 12:00:29 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/15/2022 11:59:41 AM
Redlines FAE 6/15/2022 11:59:41 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/15/2022 11:59:09 AM
Redlines CDs 6/15/2022 11:59:09 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/15/2022 11:58:24 AM
Redlines Storm CDs 6/15/2022 11:58:24 AM
PCD Engineering Division
6/15/2022 11:57:29 AM
Review 3 redline comments on the following documents will be uploaded by the project manager:
- Drainage Letter
- Construction Drawings
- Construction Drawings - Storm
- GEC Plans
- Financial Assurance Estimate Form

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham, PE
6/15/2022 11:57:29 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
6/15/2022 11:11:17 AM
GEC Checklist 6/15/2022 11:11:17 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
6/15/2022 11:10:05 AM
Review 3: EPC Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- Storm CD..............(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- Drainage Letter.....(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- GEC Plan..............(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- GEC Checklist (very minor comments)

Please provide the following documents on resubmittal (both documents were requested with my Review #1 & #2 comments):
- ESQCP (either a new one or a copy of a previously approved one that this project will work under)
- PBMP Applicability Form

And document on GEC Plan which existing ESQ # that this project is going to be built under.

EPC Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer II
6/15/2022 11:10:05 AM
PCD Project Manager
4/11/2022 4:56:51 PM
Sorry about review 2 comments; the PCD Engineer comments disappeared so Ihave reuploaded them. 4/11/2022 4:56:51 PM
View PCD Project Manager
4/11/2022 4:56:10 PM
GEC comments review 2 4/11/2022 4:56:10 PM
View PCD Project Manager
4/11/2022 4:55:32 PM
Drainage version 2 comments 4/11/2022 4:55:32 PM
View PCD Project Manager
4/11/2022 4:54:54 PM
CD Storm set Comments 2 4/11/2022 4:54:54 PM
View PCD Project Manager
4/11/2022 4:54:20 PM
CD comments version 2 4/11/2022 4:54:20 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
4/11/2022 6:21:07 PM
Review 2: EPC Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- CD.........................(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- Drainage Letter.....(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- FAE.......................(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments). Only 1 comment, which is repeated from Review #1, pending review of revised GEC Plans to verify changes were made.
- GEC Plan..............(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments). We never uploaded comments from Review #1.
- GEC Checklist (no additional comments from Review #1. Awaiting revisions to GEC Plans)

Please provide the following documents on resubmittal (both documents were requested with my Review #1 comments):
- ESQCP (either a new one or a copy of a previously approved one that this project will work under)
- PBMP Applicability Form

The following documents requested with the previous submittal are not needed at this stage since only TSB's will be built at this time, and the EDB's will be built with a future adjacent project. So these documents will be included with that future project:
- MS4 Post Construction Form
- O&M Manual

EPC Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- SWMP Checklist

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer II
4/11/2022 6:21:07 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/10/2022 4:09:51 PM
Soils & Geology Report Redlines 2/10/2022 4:09:51 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/10/2022 4:09:28 PM
FAE Redlines 2/10/2022 4:09:28 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/10/2022 4:09:05 PM
Drainage Letter Redline Summary 2/10/2022 4:09:05 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/10/2022 4:08:33 PM
Drainage Letter Redlines 2/10/2022 4:08:33 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/10/2022 4:07:53 PM
CD Redlines Summary 2/10/2022 4:07:53 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/10/2022 4:07:17 PM
CD Redlines 2/10/2022 4:07:17 PM
PCD Engineering Division
2/10/2022 4:06:34 PM
Due to the number and nature of comments generated by this review, the resubmittal will be reviewed as a first submittal. Staff will provide additional, more detailed comments on the next submittal.

Review 1 redline comments on the following documents will be uploaded by the project manager:
- Soils & Geology Report
- Drainage Letter
- Construction Drawings
- Financial Assurance Estimate Form

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham, PE
2/10/2022 4:06:34 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
2/7/2022 12:40:01 PM
SWMP Checklist 2/7/2022 12:40:01 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
2/7/2022 12:40:54 PM
SWMP 2/7/2022 12:40:54 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
2/7/2022 12:39:35 PM
GEC Checklist 2/7/2022 12:39:35 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
2/7/2022 11:42:59 AM
Review 1: EPC Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- CD.........................(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- Drainage Letter.....(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- FAE.......................(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- GEC Plan..............(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- GEC Checklist
- SWMP Checklist

Please provide the following documents on resubmittal:
- ESQCP (either a new one or a copy of a previously approved one that this project will work under)
- MS4 Post Construction Form
- O&M Manual
- PBMP Applicability Form

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer II
2/7/2022 11:42:59 AM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
1/31/2022 1:07:35 PM
Mountain View Electric Association has no comment on the current plan. 1/31/2022 1:07:35 PM
Colorado Springs Public Works
1/31/2022 9:46:21 AM
Traffic Engineering has no comments on this item.

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
1/31/2022 9:46:21 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
1/28/2022 3:27:12 PM
Engineering Development Review has no comments on this item.

Joel Dagnillo, P.E.
Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
1/28/2022 3:27:12 PM
Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
1/12/2022 3:01:04 PM
The proposed construction looks to be outside of the utility easement in the area. It appears like CS utilities is not the only utility in the area, however if the engineer of record or contractor believes there are additional CS utilities in the area, please notify us. If the intended work interfered with CS utilities' gas during construction, please call our gas field engineers at 719-668-4985.
Corey Masoumi | Engineering Support Coordinator
Colorado Springs Utilities | Utilities Development Services
Direct (719) 668-1856 | Main (719) 668-8259
1/12/2022 3:01:04 PM