Project Details

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File Number
Project Name
Crossroads Mixed Use Filing No. 2, Lot 1
Site development plan for Lot 1, Crossroads Mixed Use Filing 2 SF-22-038
5408305005 5408305005
Jim Houk ( )
(719) 284-7830
Jim Houk ( )
(719) 284-7830
EA Number
File Prefix
PPR - Plot Plan Review
Project Manager
Ryan Howser
2/14/2023 10:58:37 AM

View: Review Comments

Approved Documents (10)

Project pending final approval. Some approved documents are available prior to the overall Approval.

Link Document
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP)
View Financial Assurance Forms
View PBMP Applicability Form
View SWMP checklist
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan
View Site Development Plan
View Drainage Letter
View Storm CDs
View Utility Plan

Review Documents (35)

Link Document Date
View Application/Petition Form 2/15/2023 1:39:11 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist 9/6/2023 9:21:42 AM
View Legal Description (MS WORD Version required) 2/23/2023 11:52:30 AM
View Letter of Intent 10/5/2023 1:23:17 PM
View Title Commitment (Current within 30 days of submittal) 2/15/2023 1:39:14 PM
View Vicinity/Location Map 2/15/2023 1:39:14 PM
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP) 9/6/2023 9:20:56 AM
View Financial Assurance Forms 9/6/2023 9:20:56 AM
View Floor Plans (24" x 36") 4/24/2023 1:00:11 PM
View PBMP Applicability Form 8/9/2023 2:54:41 PM
View SWMP checklist 9/6/2023 9:20:57 AM
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan 9/14/2023 4:08:47 PM
View Landscape Plan drawings 4/24/2023 1:00:12 PM
View Lighting Plan 4/24/2023 1:08:43 PM
View Site Development Plan 9/7/2023 2:22:47 PM
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) 9/14/2023 4:08:49 PM
View Soils Report Pursuant to Appendix E of the ECM 2/15/2023 1:39:15 PM
View 2nd Review Comments Responses 6/14/2023 9:08:09 AM
View CMD Water Commitment 3/1/2023 8:28:30 AM
View CSU Elec Commitment 3/1/2023 9:41:23 AM
View Drainage Letter 9/14/2023 12:13:10 PM
View Elevation Plans 2/15/2023 1:39:11 PM
View FDR M&S Response 9/6/2023 9:24:52 AM
View Storm CDs 9/6/2023 11:19:06 AM
View Storm Plan 6/14/2023 9:08:08 AM
View Utility Plan 9/6/2023 11:19:04 AM
View V1 Drainage Letter Responses 3/31/2023 4:08:50 PM
View V1 ESQCP Responses 3/31/2023 4:08:51 PM
View V1 GEC Checklist Responses 4/4/2023 7:16:18 AM
View V1 GEC Plan Responses 4/4/2023 7:16:18 AM
View V1 PBMP App. Form Responses 3/31/2023 4:08:52 PM
View V1 Storm Plan Responses 3/31/2023 4:08:52 PM
View V1 SWMP Checklist Responses 4/4/2023 7:16:20 AM
View V1 SWMP Plan Responses 4/4/2023 7:16:19 AM
View V1 Utility Plan Responses 3/31/2023 4:08:53 PM