Project Details


File Number
Project Name
Bent Grass Dunkin Donuts
Site development plan for restaurant and drive thru
5301104002 5301104002
John Sponseller
georgianne willard ( )
(719) 210-8125
georgianne willard ( )
(719) 210-8125
File Prefix
PPR - Plot Plan Review
Project Manager
Ashlyn Mathy
11/18/2021 10:20:50 AM

View: Review Comments

Approved Documents (12)

Link Document
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP)
View Financial Assurance Forms
View PBMP Applicability Form
View SWMP checklist
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan
View Site Development Plan
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)
View Drainage Report - Final
View Traffic Impact Study
View Detention Maintenance Agreement (MS WORD version required - attachments included)
View Woodmen Road Dist No Fees Due

Review Documents (35)

Link Document Date
View Application/Petition Form 10/28/2022 5:35:18 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist 1/5/2023 5:30:17 PM
View Legal Description (MS WORD Version required) 10/28/2022 5:35:25 PM
View Letter of Intent 1/5/2023 5:30:14 PM
View Title Commitment (Current within 30 days of submittal) 10/28/2022 5:35:27 PM
View Vicinity/Location Map 10/28/2022 5:35:28 PM
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP) 10/28/2022 5:35:26 PM
View Financial Assurance Forms 1/5/2023 5:30:12 PM
View Floor Plans (24" x 36") 1/5/2023 5:30:13 PM
View PBMP Applicability Form 11/15/2022 1:30:22 PM
View SWMP checklist 1/5/2023 5:30:17 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan 1/5/2023 5:30:13 PM
View Landscape Plan drawings 1/5/2023 5:30:14 PM
View Lighting Plan 1/5/2023 5:30:15 PM
View Site Development Plan 3/28/2024 4:50:06 PM
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) 1/5/2023 5:30:15 PM
View Drainage Report - Final 11/15/2022 1:29:58 PM
View Soils & Geology Report 10/28/2022 5:35:23 PM
View Traffic Impact Study 10/28/2022 5:35:27 PM
View Detention Maintenance Agreement (MS WORD version required - attachments included) 10/28/2022 5:35:19 PM
View Elevation Plans 10/28/2022 5:35:20 PM
View ESQCP 7/12/2023 4:27:49 PM
View FAE 7/12/2023 4:27:48 PM
View FDR for approval 8/17/2023 9:51:08 AM
View GEC Checklist 7/12/2023 4:29:37 PM
View GEC Checklist comment response 7/12/2023 4:31:44 PM
View PBMP 7/12/2023 4:27:51 PM
View redline responses 1/5/2023 5:31:41 PM
View replat 1/5/2023 5:31:42 PM
View SWMP 7/12/2023 4:29:38 PM
View SWMP Checklist 7/12/2023 4:29:38 PM
View SWMP Checklist comment response 7/12/2023 4:31:46 PM
View SWMP comment response 7/12/2023 4:31:45 PM
View TIS 7/12/2023 4:27:50 PM
View Woodmen Road Dist No Fees Due 7/13/2023 10:33:53 AM