Project Details

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File Number
Project Name
Crossroads North Preliminary Plan
Home Improvement Center, Movie Theater, sports complex, retail pad sites
South west corner of Hwy 24 and Hwy 94
5408001008 5408001008 5408001029 5408001029 5408001032 5408001032 5408001034 5408001034 5408001041 5408001041 5408001042 5408001042 5408001050 5408001050 5408001051 5408001051 5408001052 5408001052
Jim Houk ( )
(719) 284-7830
Jim Houk ( )
(719) 284-7830
EA Number
File Prefix
SP - Preliminary Plan
Project Manager
Ryan Howser
5/5/2020 11:54:43 AM

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Review Documents (60)

Link Document Date
View Adjacent Property Owner Notification (Includes letter and certified mailing receipts) 10/22/2020 8:03:58 AM
View Application/Petition Form 4/7/2022 1:16:17 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist 9/27/2023 2:01:50 PM
View Legal Description (MS WORD Version required) 10/22/2020 8:04:01 AM
View Letter of Intent 1/10/2024 10:49:01 AM
View Title Commitment (Current within 30 days of submittal) 10/22/2020 8:04:02 AM
View Vicinity/Location Map 10/22/2020 8:04:05 AM
View Colorado Geological Survey Receipt 10/22/2020 8:03:59 AM
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP) 9/27/2023 2:10:39 PM
View Financial Assurance Forms 4/15/2024 12:06:37 PM
View PBMP Applicability Form 9/27/2023 12:25:49 PM
View SWMP checklist 9/27/2023 2:26:16 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan 4/15/2024 12:32:42 PM
View Preliminary Plan Drawings 7/1/2024 7:40:24 AM
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) 9/27/2023 2:23:48 PM
View Deviation Request 9/27/2023 12:00:21 PM
View Predevelopment (Early) Grading Request 9/27/2023 2:07:52 PM
View Commitment letter from waste water service provider 10/25/2023 1:56:14 PM
View Commitment letter from water service provider 10/25/2023 1:56:14 PM
View Electric Provider Commitment Letter 10/20/2020 10:47:02 AM
View Fire Commitment Letter 4/7/2022 12:37:50 PM
View Natural Gas Commitment Letter 10/20/2020 10:54:42 AM
View Drainage Report - Preliminary 5/29/2024 3:53:00 PM
View Fire Protection Report 10/20/2020 10:47:03 AM
View Noxious Weed Management Plan 10/22/2020 8:04:02 AM
View Soils & Geology Report 4/15/2024 12:27:25 PM
View State Inter Basin Transfer Determination 5/29/2024 3:53:31 PM
View Subdivision Summary Sheet 10/25/2023 1:56:55 PM
View Traffic Impact Study 6/28/2024 6:12:40 AM
View Wastewater Disposal Report 6/20/2022 9:11:48 AM
View Water Resources Report 10/25/2023 2:00:55 PM
View Water Supply Information Summary 10/25/2023 2:10:53 PM
View Deviation - Air Lane Classification 1/10/2024 11:12:55 AM
View Deviation - Air Lane Responses 9/27/2023 10:39:31 AM
View Deviation - BTB Lefts 1/10/2024 11:14:45 AM
View Deviation - Private Roads 6/26/2024 4:03:02 PM
View Drainage Report - MDDP 9/27/2023 10:39:32 AM
View Drainage Report - MDDP Responses 9/27/2023 10:39:36 AM
View FAE RESPONSES 9/30/2021 3:52:28 PM
View Falcon Fire Comment RESPONSES 9/30/2021 3:52:28 PM
View Fire Protection Report 9/30/2021 3:52:29 PM
View Fire Protection Report RESPONSES 9/30/2021 3:52:29 PM
View GEC Checklist RESPONSES 9/30/2021 3:56:38 PM
View GEC Checklist Responses 5/4/2023 6:41:35 AM
View GEC Plans Comment RESPONSES 5/4/2023 6:41:30 AM
View General Agency Comment RESPONSES 10/25/2023 2:12:39 PM
View Impact Identification Statement 10/22/2020 8:04:01 AM
View PBMP Applicability Form Responses 9/27/2023 12:33:38 PM
View Prelim plan Checklist 9/29/2022 5:52:59 PM
View Response to EPC comments on GEC 10/4/2022 1:09:30 PM
View Response to EPC-PCD comments on MDDP 10/4/2022 1:12:31 PM
View Response to ESQCP comments 10/4/2022 1:15:21 PM
View Response to FAE comments 10/4/2022 1:16:30 PM
View Response to PCD comments on GEC 10/4/2022 1:10:45 PM
View Soils-Geology Comment Responses 12/21/2021 8:41:51 AM
View Subdivision Summary Form RESPONSES 9/30/2021 3:52:27 PM
View SWMP Checklist RESPONSES 9/30/2021 3:56:37 PM
View SWMP Checklist Responses 5/4/2023 6:56:47 AM
View SWMP Comment RESPONSES 4/7/2022 1:14:36 PM
View SWMP Report Responses 5/4/2023 6:56:47 AM