Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Retreat at Prairie Ridge Filing No 2
141 single-family detached lots
5228000024 5228000024 5228000025 5228000025
Classic Consulting Engineers & Surveyors, LLC
Marc Whorton ( ) Marc Whorton ( )
File Number
Project Manager
Kari Parsons
10/29/2024 5:09:59 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (7)

Link Agency Comment
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
3/26/2025 10:45:52 AM
1. When requesting addressing for this filing and filing No.1, please provide both filings on one sheet of paper at large scale, so that addressing is easy to read once applied.

2. Standard Final Plat comments: 141 lots and 12 tract with addresses requested.
a. Enumerations will review the pre-plat (mylar) prior to plat for address placement, street names, and title block.

b. A $10.00 per lot and tract platting fee will be due at the time of the review of the pre-plat, (two addresses per lot and tract). If an address is not needed on a tract then no fee applies. Check should be made out to PIKES PEAK REGIONAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT or PPRBD. Paid directly to the Enumerations Department. As of December 5th 2023, the fee for all credit/debit cards has changed from the flat 2.95% fee to the following: Over the phone Credit/Debit Card payments will be 2.3% and In-Person Debit Card payments will be 1.5% (in-person only).

c. Pre-plat reviews can be reviewed via “pdf” or in-person. The pre-plat will be stamped by Enumerations for accuracy and returned to the applicant and the planner. All payments to be mailed to RBD via a check or credit card payment over the phone. Plats should not be recorded prior to Enumerations stamping the pre-plat and receiving payment of plat fees. If any pre-plat changes occur, even if changes do not apply to Enumerations, we still need to re-stamp the pre-plat. The Enumerations stamped pre-plat copy should match the recorded document minus a few signatures. If you would like an in-person review, please make an appointment on our website,

d. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to plan submittal for RESIDENTIAL. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to approval in the Enumerations department on any COMMERCIAL plan submittal. Please email the Enumerations staff member that reviewed your project.;; or

Amy Vanderbeek
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2930 E:
3/26/2025 10:45:52 AM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
3/25/2025 7:47:11 AM
Streetnames previously approved and reserved.
No action for E911 on this submittal.
Thank you.
3/25/2025 7:47:11 AM
Academy SD 20 Building Fund
3/25/2025 7:24:44 AM
Academy District 20 is in receipt of File #SF259 for approval of the Retreat at Prairie Ridge Filing No 2.

The District is requesting fees in lieu of land dedication per the existing County Code for all residential units within this development.

The District is experiencing ongoing residential development. The District gained approximately 12,000 new residential units between 2018 and 2024 which included 5,278 Single Family, 1,156 Single Family Attached, and 5,576 Apartments as reported to the District by local developers. During that same timeframe, the District only experienced a total membership increase of 138 students. This information is updated annually in October.

A drop in the birth rate plus the significant increase in the cost of housing has slowed student growth in the District.

The District is able to serve each student who is a resident of District 20.

If you need additional information, please contact me.

Don Smith
Planning Consultant
3/25/2025 7:24:44 AM
PCD Administrative Notice
3/24/2025 2:05:20 PM
On 03/24/2025, PCD mailed "Notice of Administrative Determination" letters for SF259 to surrounding property owners within a 500-foot range (102 addresses). The potential date an administrative decision can be made is 04/07/2025. Copies of the notice, mailing labels, and selected range have been uploaded to the EDARP file. Cost of postage = $70.38 JM 3/24/2025 2:05:20 PM
View EPC Parks Department
3/21/2025 3:10:40 PM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, Preliminary Comments - Please See Attached Documentation (To be presented to the Park Advisory Board for endorsement on April 9, 2025) 3/21/2025 3:10:40 PM
View EPC Environmental Services
3/21/2025 3:02:03 PM
3/21/2025 3:02:03 PM
Falcon Fire Protection District
3/20/2025 2:36:30 PM
This project is not within the Falcon Fire Protection District response area.

Curtis L. Kauffman
Lieutenant/Fire Inspector
Fire Prevention Division
3/20/2025 2:36:30 PM