Project Review Comments

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Project Name
17250 Alsike Clover Court
Administrative relief to height to allow 34.15 feet where 30 feet is required.
7124206032 7124206032
David Weekley Homes
Alicia Petz ( )
(605) 645-9706
Alicia Petz ( )
(605) 645-9706
File Number
Project Manager
Lisa Elgin
6/13/2024 11:29:18 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (6)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Administrative Notice
7/3/2024 1:56:01 PM
On 7/3/2024, PCD mailed combined "Notice of Application" & "Notice of Administrative Determination" letters to surrounding property owners within a 300-foot range (3 addresses - all other parcels were the owner/developer). The date a potential decision may be made is 7/17/2024. Copies of the notice, mailing labels, and selected range have been uploaded to the EDARP file. Cost of postage to be billed to the applicant = $1.92. MB 7/3/2024 1:56:01 PM
PCD Project Manager
7/3/2024 1:55:53 PM
No comment. 7/3/2024 1:55:53 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
6/27/2024 11:11:45 AM
Enumeration has no comment regarding the administrative relief aspect of this project.

Becky Allen
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-799-2707 W: E:
6/27/2024 11:11:45 AM
Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District
6/25/2024 11:20:22 AM
No comments. 6/25/2024 11:20:22 AM
Tri-Lakes-Monument Fire Protection District
6/25/2024 8:04:29 AM
The fire department has no comment for this request. 6/25/2024 8:04:29 AM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
6/24/2024 12:23:42 PM
MVEA has no objection to the building height - there are no overhead lines in the area 6/24/2024 12:23:42 PM