Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Schmidt RS-5000 Rezoning
19.5 acres from RR5 to RS5000
5200000570 5200000570 5200000577 5200000577
N.E.S. Inc.
Andrea Barlow ( )
(719) 471-0073
Andrea Barlow ( )
(719) 471-0073
File Number
Project Manager
Kari Parsons
2/14/2024 10:12:04 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (22)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Engineering Division
11/12/2024 6:46:58 PM
Engineering Review Ver.2

No further comments on the Rezone TIS
Note an updated TIS will be required with the PUD and Plat submissions with updated public improvement requirements to include escrows and adjacent jurisdiction requirements.

Edward Schoenheit, Engineer
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
11/12/2024 6:46:58 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
11/5/2024 8:17:54 AM
EPC DPW Stormwater does not have comments on any of the uploaded documents as there is not any proposed disturbances or impacts on stormwater quality. 11/5/2024 8:17:54 AM
PCD Project Manager
10/30/2024 2:22:45 PM
Item scheduled for November 21 PC and December 12 BoCC 10/30/2024 2:22:45 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/3/2024 8:11:12 AM
Traffic Impact Study Comments. Please let me know if you want to set a meeting up w DPW to discuss. 10/3/2024 8:11:12 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/3/2024 8:03:36 AM
Letter of Intent Comments 10/3/2024 8:03:36 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/3/2024 8:03:16 AM
Zoning Map RS5000 Comments 10/3/2024 8:03:16 AM
PCD Engineering Division
10/2/2024 3:36:59 PM
EPC Engineering
County Staff has comments on the following submittal documents for this rezone application:
- Traffic Impact Study
Future reviews of the Traffic Impact Study will help determine the necessary requirements of this proposed development.

Ethan Jacobs -
Charlene Durham -
10/2/2024 3:36:59 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
10/1/2024 10:51:51 AM
Enumerations has no comment or objection to this rezone.

Brent Johnson
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2888 E: W:
10/1/2024 10:51:51 AM
Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
9/30/2024 3:14:01 PM
Springs Utilities has no comment currently for the proposed zone change application. Springs Utilities comments will be provided at the time of the required Preliminary Utility and Public Facilities Plan submittal associated the development plan entitlement, if applicable.
Matthew Alcuran, MPA| Engineering Support Specialist Sr.
Utilities Development Services | Colorado Springs Utilities
1521 South Hancock Expressway| MC 1812 | Colorado Springs, CO 80903
O: 719-668-8261 |
9/30/2024 3:14:01 PM
Parks Advisory Board
9/26/2024 10:04:17 AM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department. The 2022 El Paso County Parks Master Plan shows no impacts to existing or proposed parks, trails, or open space. A similar rezoning application was reviewed by EPC Parks and Community Services in 2022, and these comments support the 2022 recommendations. While there are no impacts to existing or proposed County trail or park facilities, there is however a proposed City of Colorado Springs trail that follows the south and east sides of the development. As the development borders the incorporated city limits of Colorado Springs, staff suggests the applicant coordinate with City Parks to ensure there are no impacts to planned trails in this area. Please contact Emily Duncan at or 719-385-6951. Upon review of the forthcoming preliminary plans and final plats, regional and urban park fees will be calculated and collected upon recording of the final plat(s). No Park Advisory Board endorsement is necessary for rezoning applications. Thank you! 9/26/2024 10:04:17 AM
Black Forest Fire Protection District
9/24/2024 10:32:10 PM
BFFRPD (Black Forest Fire Rescue Protection District) has reviewed the proposed project. Of concern for BFFRPD operations is the fire department access and fire protection water supplies. The County is the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) that will determine the requirements for cistern and specifications for access/egress.

All structures and street signs need to comply with PPRBD, EL Paso County standards, IBC 2021 and IFC 2021 standards. Our recommendation is the applicant demonstrate full compliance and conformance with El Paso County’s adopted Land Development Code (LDC), Engineering Criteria Manual (ECM), adopted International Fire Code (IFC), and all other adopted codes, provisions, or statutes that impact fire safety to include access/egress, water supply, hardening of structures, addressing, fire protection systems, etc. It is recommended that the applicant submit a comprehensive fire protection report from a qualified fire protection engineer that is licensed as a Professional Engineer (PE) by the Colorado State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers to demonstrate conformance to all requirements. Furthermore, the District does not support any waivers or variances that negatively impact any fire safety provisions including access/egress, water supply, hardening of structures, addressing, fire protections systems, etc.
9/24/2024 10:32:10 PM
Academy SD 20 Building Fund
9/24/2024 9:31:35 AM
Academy District 20 is in receipt of File # P249 for approval of the Schmidt RS-5000 Rezoning.

The District is requesting fees in lieu of land dedication per the existing County Code for all residential units within this development.

The District is experiencing ongoing residential development. The District gained approximately 11,000 new residential units between 2018 and 2013 which included 4,595 Single Family, 1,040 Single Family Attached, and 5,612 Apartments as reported to the District by local developers. During that same timeframe, the District only experienced a total membership increase of 171 students. This information is updated annually in October.

A drop in the birth rate plus the significant increase in the cost of housing has slowed student growth in the District.

The District is able to serve each student who is a resident of District 20.

If you need additional information, please contact me.

Don Smith
Planning Consultant
9/24/2024 9:31:35 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
9/24/2024 8:19:55 AM
1. The developer will be responsible for providing 107' ROW for Marksheffel Road between and Black Forest Road and Vollmer Road.

2. The developer will be responsible for constructing Marksheffel Road between Black Forest Road and Vollmer Road as a 5-lane section with two 6' shoulders. A 6' sidewalk will need to be constructed on the north side of the road and 10' trail on the south side.

Joel Dagnillo, P.E.
Engineer III
Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
9/24/2024 8:19:55 AM
Colorado Springs Planning & Community Development
9/23/2024 11:52:31 AM
As discussed with City Staff for this area, the City recommends annexation. Please note that if the applicant seeks to finalize certain entitlements in the County, a petition for annexation cannot be accepted by City Council until those said entitlements are either approved or denied by decision body, or withdrawn or placed on hold by the applicant. Discussions in regards to future extension of Research Parkway should be held with City EDR, Traffic, and Public Works. 9/23/2024 11:52:31 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
9/23/2024 11:24:03 AM
Traffic Engineering has the following comments:

1- The developer will be responsible to provide adequate ROW for Marksheffel Road between and Black Forest Road and Vollmer Road (Check what we have in the east section already approved).
2- The developer will be responsible to construct Marksheffel Road between Black Forest Road and Vollmer Road consistent with the section east of Vollmer Road.
3- The city will be responsible to construct the bridge crossing along Marksheffel Road over Cottonwood Creek.
4- The developer will be responsible to construct an eastbound right turn lane and a westbound left turn lane at Marksheffel Road/Brush Top Road intersection. Both turn lanes will need to consist of 200 feet turn lane and 180 feet taper.
5- It will be required to designate Brush Top Road as a collector road.
6- The intersection of Marksheffel Road/Brush Top Road will need to be signalized once Marksheffel Road is connected to Black Forest Road. The developer will need to remit the amount of $300,000 for this future anticipated traffic signal.
7- Please add the following note to the development plan "Prior to construction plans approval, the developer is required to remit the amount of $100,000 for the future anticipated traffic signal at the intersection of Marksheffel Road with Vollmer Road.”

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
9/23/2024 11:24:03 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
9/23/2024 8:32:06 AM
Review 1: EPC DPW Stormwater does not have comments on any of the uploaded documents as there is not any proposed disturbances or impacts on stormwater quality.

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
9/23/2024 8:32:06 AM
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
9/20/2024 9:50:23 PM
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has reviewed the plans for the Schmidt Rezoning RM-5000 in El Paso County. Based on the location and proposed actions, CPW anticipates that this project's impacts on the wildlife resource would be negligible if our previous comments are taken into consideration.

We appreciate being allowed to comment. Please feel free to contact District Wildlife Manager, Aaron Berscheid, should you have any questions or require additional information at 719-439-9601 or via email at
9/20/2024 9:50:23 PM
EPC Parks Department
9/20/2024 10:02:15 AM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department. The 2022 El Paso County Parks Master Plan shows no impacts to existing or proposed parks, trails, or open space. A similar rezoning application was reviewed by EPC Parks and Community Services in 2022, and these comments support the 2022 recommendations. While there are no impacts to existing or proposed County trail or park facilities, there is however a proposed City of Colorado Springs trail that follows the south and east sides of the development. As the development borders the incorporated city limits of Colorado Springs, staff suggests the applicant coordinate with City Parks to ensure there are no impacts to planned trails in this area. Please contact Emily Duncan at or 719-385-6951. Upon review of the forthcoming preliminary plans and final plats, regional and urban park fees will be calculated and collected upon recording of the final plat(s). Thank you! 9/20/2024 10:02:15 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
9/17/2024 10:24:23 AM
9/17/2024 10:24:23 AM
PCD Administrative Notice
9/17/2024 7:45:15 AM
On 9/17/2024, PCD mailed "Notice of Application" letters to surrounding property owners within a 500-foot range (224 addresses, the remaining properties are owned by the developer). Copies of the notice, mailing labels, and selected range have been uploaded to the EDARP file. Cost of postage to be billed to the applicant = $154.56. TY 9/17/2024 7:45:15 AM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
9/16/2024 7:50:02 AM
MVEA has no objection to the proposed rezone 9/16/2024 7:50:02 AM
RBD Floodplain
9/12/2024 7:24:15 AM
Floodplain has no comment on rezoning 9/12/2024 7:24:15 AM