Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Hidden Creek Estates Subdivision
Final plat application to create six (6) residential single-family lots. Previously known as "Hay Creek Subdivision Filing 2"
7133007025 7133007025
Vertex Consulting Services
Nina Ruiz ( )
(719) 733-8606 x6606
Nina Ruiz ( )
(719) 733-8606 x6606
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Joe Letke
1/10/2024 1:28:54 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (36)

Link Agency Comment
USAFA Base Planner
3/17/2025 2:45:20 PM
Thank you for sending USAFA the “Hay Creek Subdivision” project review request (File #: SF253). The new documents provided clarity on our previous concern about stormwater and Preble’s mouse habitat. We have also reviewed the applicant’s Wildfire Hazard & Mitigation Plan, Fire Protection Report, and Evacuation Plan. We wish to reiterate that wildfire on or near USAFA is a primary risk to mission readiness at USAFA. Additional residences in the wildland-urban interface area increases the risk; therefore, we are especially attuned to potential effects of development density and availability of emergency ingress/egress. 3/17/2025 2:45:20 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/18/2025 10:59:43 PM
PBMP Applicability Form 2/18/2025 10:59:43 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/18/2025 10:58:56 PM
GEC Checklist comments 2/18/2025 10:58:56 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/18/2025 10:58:22 PM
Letter of Intent Comments 2/18/2025 10:58:22 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/18/2025 10:57:42 PM
FAE comments 2/18/2025 10:57:42 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/18/2025 10:57:09 PM
Final Plat comments 2/18/2025 10:57:09 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/18/2025 10:56:36 PM
CD comments 2/18/2025 10:56:36 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/18/2025 10:55:29 PM
Final Drainage Report Comments 2/18/2025 10:55:29 PM
PCD Engineering Division
2/18/2025 10:54:24 PM
Review 1 comments on the following documents shall be uploaded:
-Final Drainage Report
-Final Plat
-Letter of Intent
-GEC Checklist
-PBMP Applicability Form

reviewed by:
Daniel Torres
2/18/2025 10:54:24 PM
View Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
2/17/2025 3:53:13 PM
See attached comments 2/17/2025 3:53:13 PM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
2/15/2025 1:15:37 PM
2/15/2025 1:15:37 PM
View EPC Health Department
2/14/2025 2:59:56 PM
2/14/2025 2:59:56 PM
View Colorado Parks and Wildlife
2/14/2025 9:33:18 AM
2/14/2025 9:33:18 AM
View PCD Project Manager
2/13/2025 3:57:21 PM
-OWTS Report 2/13/2025 3:57:21 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/13/2025 3:56:44 PM
-Wildland Fire & Mitigation Plan 2/13/2025 3:56:44 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/13/2025 3:56:04 PM
-Fire Protection Report 2/13/2025 3:56:04 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/13/2025 3:55:35 PM
-Shared Fire Agreement 2/13/2025 3:55:35 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/13/2025 3:54:55 PM
-Soils and Geo Report 2/13/2025 3:54:55 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/13/2025 3:54:30 PM
-Access, Ingress, Egress, and Evacuation Plan 2/13/2025 3:54:30 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/13/2025 3:53:30 PM
-Title Commitment (Current within 30 days of submittal) 2/13/2025 3:53:30 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
2/13/2025 3:41:16 PM
Review 1: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following document(s) that will be uploaded by the PM and/or DS Engr:
- CDs
- Drainage Report
- GEC Checklist
- PBMP Applicability Form

Note that I spoke with the applicant (Nina Ruiz) on 2/10 and she stated that since the proposed soil disturbance is 0.99ac, they would not like to get an ESQCP at this time "just in case" disturbances end up exceeding 1ac during construction. However, if requested changes with this review end up increasing the disturbances to >1ac, then all ESQCP-related and likely PCM-related docs will be required. I also discussed this caveat with the project engineer Ryan Burns on 2/13. With all that in mind, I did provide some preliminary comments on the docs listed above but will need to do a more in-depth review once it is decided if an ESQCP or PCM is definitely required. The SWMP however was not reviewed at this time.

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
2/13/2025 3:41:16 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/13/2025 2:31:32 PM
-HOA Bylaws 2/13/2025 2:31:32 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/13/2025 2:31:14 PM
-Application Form 2/13/2025 2:31:14 PM
View USAFA Base Planner
2/13/2025 1:35:09 PM
Thank you for sending USAFA the “Hay Creek Subdivision” project review request (File #: SF253). After reviewing the provided documents, it was determined that the project is not located on USAFA's boundary line, which minimizes the risk of direct impacts to USAFA's mission. However, there are a few potential cumulative impacts that should be highlighted. Please refer to the official letter posted for your review. 2/13/2025 1:35:09 PM
Colorado Geological Survey
2/13/2025 3:38:58 PM
With this referral, we received the Final Plat (Polaris Surveying, Inc., December 4, 2024), Construction Documents (All Terrain Engineering, September 16, 2024), Letter of Intent (Vertex Consulting Services, LLC, September 29, 2024), and Soil and Geology Study and Wastewater Study (Rocky Mountain Group (RMG), Undated (watermarked Preliminary Use Only)). CGS recommends that the RMG’s report be finalized prior to approval of the final plat.

Hay Creek traverses the site and is mapped as a FEMA floodplain with potentially unstable slopes associated with its banks. This area is mapped on the final plat as a “no-build area/floodplain.” The building improvements should be located outside this no-build zone. An access road will cross the FEMA floodplain, with a proposed culvert planned at the intersection of Hay Creek.

Geologic Hazards and Steep Slopes: RMG states (page 19), “Geologic hazards found to be present at this site include faults and seismicity. Geologic conditions found to be present at this site include potentially compressive and expansive soils, FEMA floodplain, and potentially seasonally fluctuating water.” RMG has mapped steep slopes (ss) to the south of the site. The proposed lots contain slopes up to approximately 24 percent and RMG states (page 16), “no portions of the lots require a “no-build” designation due to steep slopes.” CGS agrees with RMG, “If the future proposed structures were to encroach upon the toe (bottom) of the slope, additional investigations may be required to verify the slope is stable prior to construction,” and “any new long-term cuts or fills should be no steeper than 3:1 without specific slope analysis.” It would be prudent for the county to recommend that proposed building envelopes be included in the final plat. Additionally, note 8 of the plat should be updated to reference RMG’s report (finalized version) and include the geologic hazards/conditions associated with the site along with mitigation measures. CGS recommends that this note be updated prior to approval of the final plat.

Debris Fans/Debris Flow Susceptibility: Based on debris flow susceptibility mapping (CGS, OF-18-11), small drainages emanating from the steep slopes to the north and south of the site are areas of debris flow hazards. The site soils are also mapped as colluvium and sheetwash alluvium deposits (Keller, J.W., 2006, CGS, OF-06-06). These areas may be affected by erosion, flooding, sediment-laden flows, and erosion following heavy precipitation. Erosional setbacks from these mapped debris flows should be established. The lots affected by these hazards include Lots 2-4 (based on the final plat). CGS recommends the hazards associated with the mapped debris fans should be evaluated and mitigation measures (if deemed necessary) be provided in an updated report and included in the final plat.

Submitted 2/13/2025 by Amy Crandall, Engineering Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey (303-384-2632 or
2/13/2025 3:38:58 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
2/13/2025 9:09:40 AM
Please provide the Shared Fire Agreement in Word so that suggested edits may be provided.

Lori Seago
Sr. County Attorney
2/13/2025 9:09:40 AM
View Parks Advisory Board
2/12/2025 4:13:41 PM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, Final Comments - Please See Attached Documentation (Endorsed by the Park Advisory Board on February 12, 2025) 2/12/2025 4:13:41 PM
Tri-Lakes-Monument Fire Protection District
2/12/2025 1:26:10 PM
The fire department would prefer that the access road to lot six pass through the existing lot 1 access and not through the proposed private road that services the remaining lots. The fire department accepts the plan to share a cistern with the proposed neighboring development (O'Leary), but will require a written agreement allowing access between the two developers. 2/12/2025 1:26:10 PM
County Attorney - Water
2/11/2025 12:56:54 PM
Please resubmit a WSIS that matches the information provided in the Water Resource Report/Decree. The Count Attorney’s Office will then review after a letter of sufficiency is received from the Colorado Division of Water Resources. 2/11/2025 12:56:54 PM
View EPC Parks Department
1/30/2025 2:31:19 PM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, Preliminary Comments - Please See Attached Documentation (To be presented to the Park Advisory Board for endorsement on February 12, 2025) 1/30/2025 2:31:19 PM
View EPC Environmental Services
1/30/2025 1:56:18 PM
1/30/2025 1:56:18 PM
PCD Administrative Notice
1/28/2025 8:42:56 AM
On 01/28/2025, PCD mailed "Notice of Application" letters to surrounding property owners within a 500-foot range (11 addresses). Copies of the notice, mailing labels, and selected range have been uploaded to the EDARP file. Cost of postage to be billed to the applicant = $7.59. JM 1/28/2025 8:42:56 AM
PCD Project Manager
2/13/2025 3:58:19 PM
Planning has comments on the following version 1 documents:

-Access, Ingress, Egress, and Evac Plan
-Application Form
-Plat Drawings
-HOA Bylaws
-Fire Protection Report
-Letter of Intent
-OWTS Report
-Shared Fire Agreement (incomplete)
-Soils and Geology Report
-Title Commitment (incomplete)
-Wildland Fire & Hazard Mitigation Plan

The engineering services team will upload joint planning and engineering documents, such as the plat drawings, LOI, and engineering-specific documents.

Joe Letke
2/13/2025 3:58:19 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
1/27/2025 1:31:04 PM
1. With the box in the center of lots 2-6 it is confusing to know where the lots start and stop. What is the purpose of this dashed box spanning from lots 2-6? Is the access easement area with in this boxed area? Can a driveway be in a no build area? It is not clear where each lot will access.
2. The access drive is much to far from the main road and should have a unique name assigned to it. Contact El Paso-teller County E-9-1-1 Authority to get a street name assigned.
3. Miss spelling in note 15.
4. Once the access is made clear , addresses will need to be assigned. Contact Enumerations when you are ready for addresses to each lot.

Amy Vanderbeek
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2930 E:
1/27/2025 1:31:04 PM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
1/27/2025 1:10:11 PM
Comments for E911 as follows:

The access intended for lots 2-6 should be assigned a streetname.
Streetnaming information (criteria, existing/reserved names) can be found at:

The development drawings also do not clearly depict how this road is intended to reach lots 5 and 6.
Please make adjustments to clearly indicate the access to all lots.

Thank you
1/27/2025 1:10:11 PM
RBD Floodplain
1/24/2025 1:10:29 PM
The parcel is located within the current effective Zone A floodplain with no BFEs(no supporting model available). Draft model backed BFEs for this area have been developed as part of Phase 1 for the ongoing El Paso County, CO, Risk MAP Project”. The data has been reviewed and approved through FEMA’s QA/QC process (May 11, 2022) and is currently in the MIP (Case No. 19-08-0037s). The Phase 1/Base Level Engineering outputs and Zone A ready deliverables are, under the following folder:
K:/FY2019/19-08-0037S/Discovery - BLE - El Paso and Teller Counties, CO - FY18 - 04/Discovery Data Capture - Discovery Data Capture - El Paso and Teller Counties, CO - 01/El Paso_Discovery_1

1)BFEs from the aforementioned study should be shown on the final plat to comply with RBC 313.18.5
2) Provide less than 6" rise certification for A zone Crossing

contact Keith Curtis 719-327-2898 with questions,
1/24/2025 1:10:29 PM