Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Contractors Equipment Yard at LOT 2 EAST PLATTE Sub- Special Use
A Special Use is requested for a Contractor’s Equipment Yard. No subdivision is proposed – only leased and fenced outdoor storage yards. A gravel private driveway access meeting the standards of the Cimarron Hills Fire Department will be constructed through the site, including a hammerhead turnaround at the south end.
5418001017 5418001017
Patten Associates
Peter Patten ( )
(970) 846-9111
Peter Patten ( )
(970) 846-9111
File Number
Project Manager
Christian Haas
7/7/2023 10:20:23 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (15)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Project Manager
3/13/2024 7:54:40 AM
Planning comments have been resolved. No further comments.

Joe Letke
Planner II
3/13/2024 7:54:40 AM
PCD Engineering Division
3/4/2024 7:25:18 AM
Engineering Review Ver.4

Comments addressed on the following documents:
Documents routed for approval.
Road Impacts fees to be paid at time of special use approval.
4000sqft of WAREHOUSE type use
Warehouse $1,865/1,000 sf
Future increased development of lot for higher traffic use types subject to applicable Road Impact fee.

Thank you
Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
3/4/2024 7:25:18 AM
Cimarron Hills Fire
3/4/2024 6:36:52 AM
Meets CHFD access and turnaround requirements. 3/4/2024 6:36:52 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
1/24/2024 3:02:18 PM
Engineering Review Ver.3

Please see the engineer comments on the following documents

- TIS V3
Please update TIS to reflect escrow cost share amounts for identified improvements per CDOT comment.
PCD Planner to program 3 business day review period for engineering once received.

Thank you
Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
1/24/2024 3:02:18 PM
Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
1/16/2024 5:04:24 PM
CDOT Access Comments,
• A CDOT Access Permit will be required for vehicular access from SH24G/Platte Ave. to Motel Rd. east. Please
coordinate with CDOT Access - Arthur Gonzales at .
• Escrow dollar amounts will be required as of the Access Permit.
• Update TIS to include escrow fair share amounts for total traffic generated.
1/16/2024 5:04:24 PM
View PCD Project Manager
12/28/2023 1:25:55 PM
All Planning Comments addressed. Please see comments on Traffic Impact Study from Engineering. 12/28/2023 1:25:55 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
12/27/2023 5:00:28 PM
TIS_V2 12/27/2023 5:00:28 PM
PCD Engineering Division
12/27/2023 5:01:54 PM
Engineering Review Ver.2

Please see the engineer comments on the following documents

- TIS V2 (first review)

Road Impact Fees will be applicable based on the trip rate of $398.55 per trip against 192 daily trips.
Road impact fees must be paid at time of Site Development Plan approval to the PCD Dept directly since no building permit is being obtained.
A CDOT Access Permit will be required prior to Site Development Plan approval. Please contact CDOT to obtain permit and provide copy/submission receipt with Site Development Plan submittal.
An improved more detailed site plan will be required to include grading and erosion control plan based on the expected new disturbance and usage of the lot across all the yards. The Site plan and Grading Plan will need to show all areas with type of groundcover and extent of grading, gravel and lot stabilization. Additional engineer documents may be required to include an ESQCP.

Thank you
Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
12/27/2023 5:01:54 PM
Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
8/29/2023 3:18:25 PM
CDOT Access Comments,
• A CDOT Access Permit will be required for vehicular access from SH24G/Platte Ave. to Motel Rd. east. Please coordinate with CDOT Access - Arthur Gonzales at .
• A Traffic Impact Study or Memo is required for this development for CDOT to review traffic numbers for the development parcels and land uses.

CDOT Traffic Comments:
• No comments as of this preliminary submittal.
8/29/2023 3:18:25 PM
View EPC Health Department
8/25/2023 8:08:39 AM
8/25/2023 8:08:39 AM
EPC Code Enforcement
8/16/2023 1:32:43 PM
Code Enforcement does not have any comments. 8/16/2023 1:32:43 PM
PCD Administrative Notice
8/1/2023 10:25:28 AM
PCD mailed 15 notifications to surrounding property owners on 8/1/2023. MB 8/1/2023 10:25:28 AM
View PCD Project Manager
7/25/2023 4:36:42 PM
7/25/2023 4:36:42 PM
View PCD Project Manager
7/25/2023 4:35:29 PM
Please see comments on Letter of Intent and Site Plan Drawing. Applicant will need to submit a Site Development Plan once the Special Use is approved. 7/25/2023 4:35:29 PM
PCD Engineering Division
7/24/2023 2:51:55 PM
Engineering Review Ver.1

Please see the engineer comments on the following review documents

- Letter of Intent V1
- Site plan V1

Note: A Traffic Impact Study will be required. Road Impact Fees will be applicable.
A CDOT Access Permit will be required prior to special use approval. Please contact CDOT.
An improved site plan with engineering documents will be required to include grading and erosion control plan and ESQCP based on the disturbance.

Thank you
Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
7/24/2023 2:51:55 PM