Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Overlook at Homestead Rezone
Rezone from A-35 to RR-5
4100000255 4100000255 4100000256 4100000256 4122000005 4122000005
Andrea Barlow ( )
(719) 471-0073
Andrea Barlow ( )
(719) 471-0073
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Kylie Bagley
5/18/2023 2:58:48 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (15)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Project Manager
10/16/2023 7:54:31 AM
Scheduled for PC 12/7 10/16/2023 7:54:31 AM
PCD Engineering Division
10/11/2023 2:20:10 PM
Engineering Review Ver.3

Comments addressed on TIS_V3. TIS routed for approval.
Improvements along Elbert Road at the new Hatband Rd and existing Apex Ranch Rd intersections to be re-reviewed at subdivision review stage.

Thank you.
Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
10/11/2023 2:20:10 PM
PCD Project Manager
8/31/2023 1:53:13 PM
Planning department has no comments at this time 8/31/2023 1:53:13 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
8/30/2023 6:13:40 PM
TIS V2 8/30/2023 6:13:40 PM
PCD Engineering Division
8/30/2023 6:12:07 PM
Engineering Review Ver.2

Please see engineer comments on the following document
-TIS V2- Owner Signature required.
- Address Elbert Road and new proposed intersection improvements

- Planner to program 5-day re-review.

Engineer comments addressed on the following documents.
-Letter of Intent V2
- Rezone Map V2

Thank you

Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
8/30/2023 6:12:07 PM
View EPC Health Department
8/4/2023 2:55:08 PM
8/4/2023 2:55:08 PM
View PCD Project Manager
7/18/2023 4:02:58 PM
Zoning Map Redlines 7/18/2023 4:02:58 PM
View PCD Project Manager
7/18/2023 4:02:36 PM
Letter of Intent Redlines 7/18/2023 4:02:36 PM
View PCD Project Manager
7/18/2023 4:02:17 PM
TIS Redlines 7/18/2023 4:02:17 PM
View Parks Advisory Board
7/14/2023 3:26:01 PM
See Parks comments attached. Please let us know if the applicant would like to discuss.

Greg Stachon
Landscape Architect
El Paso County Parks and Community Services
7/14/2023 3:26:01 PM
View EPC Parks Department
7/14/2023 3:24:09 PM
See Parks comments attached. 7/14/2023 3:24:09 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
7/13/2023 8:32:18 AM
Regarding a request for approval of a zone change for Overlook at Homestead, Enumerations has no comment or objection.

Brent Johnson
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2888 E: W:
7/13/2023 8:32:18 AM
PCD Engineering Division
7/13/2023 8:07:17 AM
Engineering Review Ver.1

See engineer comments on the following review documents

-Letter of Intent V1
-Rezone Map V1
-Traffic Impact Study V1

Thank you

Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
7/13/2023 8:07:17 AM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
7/5/2023 12:47:57 PM
MVEA has no objection to the rezone 7/5/2023 12:47:57 PM
View EPC Environmental Services
7/3/2023 12:14:15 PM
7/3/2023 12:14:15 PM