Project Review Comments

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Project Name
2435 Waynoka Road Right of Way Exemption
County is requiring additional ROW on already platted lot for a Cul-de-sac on Waynoka Rd
5406202007 5406202007
Bucher Design Studio
Jason Shoudis ( ) Jason Shoudis ( )
File Number
Project Manager
Kylie Bagley
3/27/2023 2:42:25 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (10)

Link Agency Comment
View County Attorney - Development Review
9/28/2023 9:44:10 AM
The deeds and the title commitment are acceptable. According to the Treasurer's website, 2022 taxes payable in 2023 have been paid. Attached is a resolution for scheduling this item before the BoCC, with the two deeds attached as exhibits. The final piece is to make sure that the pro-rated taxes on the property, if any, for the 2023 tax year have been paid as of the BoCC hearing date. 9/28/2023 9:44:10 AM
County Attorney - Development Review
8/24/2023 2:18:12 PM
Item 18 on Schedule B-2 in the title commitment causes concern. Can you please provide sufficient proof to the title company that the ROW to be conveyed is not part of the leased premises, so that they will remove this exception? Please contact the County Attorney's Office directly if further discussion is needed.

Lori Seago
(719) 520-7371
8/24/2023 2:18:12 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
8/8/2023 3:07:29 PM
Thank you for the corrected deeds. It looks like we still need an updated title commitment; the title policy attached is from 2022. 8/8/2023 3:07:29 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
7/20/2023 2:07:30 PM
1. In Exhibits A and B to each deed, please remove the words "right of way dedication." Though this land will be used for road purposes, it is being conveyed in fee simple, not dedicated as right of way.
2. I should have been more specific previously. Please provide an updated title commitment, dated within 30 days prior to the anticipated conveyance date.
7/20/2023 2:07:30 PM
PCD Project Manager
6/5/2023 12:35:14 PM
no comments at this time 6/5/2023 12:35:14 PM
View County Attorney - Development Review
6/1/2023 3:17:09 PM
1. Attached is a template Special Warranty Deed for the conveyance.
2. A title commitment must be provided for review by the County.
3. Please ensure that the taxes payable in 2023 are paid in full. A tax pro-ration for 2023 taxes payable in 2024 must also be obtained from the Treasurer's Office as of the effective date of the conveyance, and any amounts due must be paid.
6/1/2023 3:17:09 PM
View EPC Health Department
5/27/2023 5:39:43 PM
5/27/2023 5:39:43 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
5/26/2023 2:21:09 PM
Enumerations has no comment.

Becky Allen
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-799-2707 W: E:
5/26/2023 2:21:09 PM
PCD Engineering Division
5/24/2023 9:51:45 AM
There are no comments relating to drainage or transportation. The County Attorney's office might issue comments soon.

Reviewed By:
Lupe Packman
5/24/2023 9:51:45 AM
Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
5/23/2023 9:03:45 AM
No comment. 5/23/2023 9:03:45 AM