Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Hay Creek Valley
o Subdivision: Combine and subdivide six existing parcels into (16) rural large lots of approximately 9-10 acre minimum size. o Zone: The existing zoning is RR-5 which shall remain. o Private road: Due to access constraints a single, centrally located access road will be incorporated as illustrated on the concept plan. This proposed access road is intended to private with a gated entry at Hay Creek and Snow Mountain Hts.
7100000267 7100000267 7100000268 7100000268 7100000269 7100000269 7100000270 7100000270 7133000001 7133000001 7133007014 7133007014
Matrix Design Group, Inc.
Jason Alwine ( )
(719) 457-5609
Jason Alwine ( )
(719) 457-5609
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Kylie Bagley
8/1/2022 9:32:25 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (61)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Engineering Division
6/25/2024 11:41:22 AM
PCD Engineering Division Engineering Review Ver.4

No further engineer comments.
Documents routed for final Cnty approval.

Thank you
Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
6/25/2024 11:41:22 AM
View County Attorney - Development Review
6/25/2024 11:29:29 AM
Signature to Detention Maintenance Agreement attached. Please provide for review the documents identified in paragraph 8 of the Agreement. 6/25/2024 11:29:29 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
6/20/2024 11:45:21 AM
SDI Form 6/20/2024 11:45:21 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
6/20/2024 11:49:13 AM
Review 4: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- SDI Form

Unresolved previous comment: resubmit the following documents with signatures:
- GEC Checklist
- SWMP Checklist

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- CDs
- GEC Plan

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
6/20/2024 11:49:13 AM
View County Attorney - Water
3/22/2024 12:14:19 PM
See attached Water Supply Review and Recommendations. 3/22/2024 12:14:19 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
3/20/2024 8:31:39 PM
No further comments from County Attorney - Development Review at this time. 3/20/2024 8:31:39 PM
County Attorney - Water
2/22/2024 4:14:41 PM
County Attorney's Office is awaiting an updated Water Resource Report addressing the underground tank for fire protection, per email communications with the applicant. 2/22/2024 4:14:41 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
2/20/2024 10:52:28 AM
Detention Maintenance Agreements have been addressed. No further comments at this time. 2/20/2024 10:52:28 AM
PCD Project Manager
2/14/2024 1:45:29 PM
Planning Department has no further comments at this time 2/14/2024 1:45:29 PM
PCD Engineering Division
2/14/2024 11:02:52 AM
PCD Engineering Division Engineering Review Ver.3

Comments resolved on following documents.
Plat Drawing V3
No further engineer comments.

Please ensure all engineering documents (and individual pages) are stamped and signed by engineer and owner for next submission. (CDs, GEC, FAE, Detention Maint. Agreement, ESQCP)
PCD Planner to program 3 business day re-review once signed and stamped documents are received for approval processing.

Thank you
Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
2/14/2024 11:02:52 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
2/13/2024 4:06:03 PM
GEC Plan 2/13/2024 4:06:03 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
2/13/2024 3:58:11 PM
CDs 2/13/2024 3:58:11 PM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
2/7/2024 10:07:13 AM
See attached letter. 2/7/2024 10:07:13 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
2/13/2024 3:16:15 PM
Review 3: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- CDs
- GEC Plan

Please provide the following documents upon resubmittal (the planner will send an upload request):
- SDI Form (or MHFD's UD_Detention Calcs) as a standalone submittal document.

Resubmit the following documents with signatures:
- GEC Checklist
- SWMP Checklist

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- Drainage Report
- PBMP Applicability Form

Reviewed by:
Mikayla Hartford
Stormwater Engineer I
2/13/2024 3:16:15 PM
County Attorney - Water
2/1/2024 3:48:23 PM
Based on the new amounts contemplated in the updated Water Supply Information Summary and Water Resource Report, a new letter is needed from the Colorado Division of Water Resources prior to review by the County Attorney. Thank you. 2/1/2024 3:48:23 PM
County Attorney - Water
1/4/2024 1:52:46 PM
Please update the Water Supply Information Summary to include uses for irrigation and stock watering if applicable, as well as the Water Resources Report if necessary for consistency. 1/4/2024 1:52:46 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
1/2/2024 5:18:13 PM
SWMP 1/2/2024 5:18:13 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
1/2/2024 5:17:41 PM
PBMP Applicability Form 1/2/2024 5:17:41 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
1/2/2024 5:16:41 PM
GEC Plan 1/2/2024 5:16:41 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
1/2/2024 5:16:13 PM
FAE 1/2/2024 5:16:13 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
1/2/2024 5:15:00 PM
Drainage Report 1/2/2024 5:15:00 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
1/2/2024 5:11:34 PM
CDs 1/2/2024 5:11:34 PM
View PCD Project Manager
12/29/2023 12:59:11 PM
Final Plat Redlines 12/29/2023 12:59:11 PM
View County Attorney - Development Review
12/28/2023 2:16:42 PM
Additional edits to Detention Maintenance Agreement attached. 12/28/2023 2:16:42 PM
PCD Engineering Division
12/28/2023 11:34:49 AM
Engineering Review Ver.2

Please see engineering review comments on the following document.
Document to be uploaded by PCD Planner.

Final Plat Drawing_V2

Please ensure all engineering documents (and individual pages) are stamped and signed by engineer and owner for next submission.

Thank you
Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
12/28/2023 11:34:49 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
1/2/2024 5:19:54 PM
Review 2: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- CDs
- Drainage Report
- GEC Plan
- PBMP Applicability Form

Please provide the following documents upon resubmittal (the planner will send an upload request):
- SDI Form (or MHFD's UD_Detention Calcs) as a standalone submittal document.

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- Final Plat
- GEC Checklist
- O&M Manual
- Private Detention Basin / Stormwater Quality BMP Maintenance Agreement
- SWMP Checklist

Reviewed by:
Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
1/2/2024 5:19:54 PM
View EPC Environmental Services
12/15/2023 2:35:14 PM
12/15/2023 2:35:14 PM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
11/16/2023 5:35:24 PM
See attached letter. 11/16/2023 5:35:24 PM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
11/14/2023 9:34:30 AM
11/14/2023 9:34:30 AM
View Parks Advisory Board
11/9/2023 9:40:11 AM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Final Comments - Please See Attached Documents (Endorsed by Park Advisory Board on 11/08/2023) 11/9/2023 9:40:11 AM
Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
11/8/2023 2:16:27 PM
The Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD does not have any comments on this submittal, it is out of our district. Thank you. 11/8/2023 2:16:27 PM
County Attorney - Water
11/3/2023 10:12:19 AM
On October 12, 2023, the Colorado Division of Water Resources requested additional information to make a finding. The County Attorney's Office will complete its review once conditions in the State Engineer's letter have been met, and a finding of sufficiency has been made. 11/3/2023 10:12:19 AM
PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 12:33:45 PM
Planning Review 1

Please address the Comments on the uploaded documents.
10/30/2023 12:33:45 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 12:30:19 PM
- Detention Maintenance Agreement 10/30/2023 12:30:19 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 12:26:59 PM
Application 10/30/2023 12:26:59 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 12:26:15 PM
Closures Sheet 10/30/2023 12:26:15 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 12:24:22 PM
-Letter of Intent 10/30/2023 12:24:22 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 12:23:16 PM
Water Quality Report 10/30/2023 12:23:16 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 12:18:34 PM
Water Resource Report 10/30/2023 12:18:34 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 12:08:17 PM
- SWMP Checklist 10/30/2023 12:08:17 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 11:23:56 AM
- PBMP Applicability Form 10/30/2023 11:23:56 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 11:22:01 AM
- O&M Manual 10/30/2023 11:22:01 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 11:20:23 AM
- GEC Checklist 10/30/2023 11:20:23 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 11:19:03 AM
- GEC Plan 10/30/2023 11:19:03 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 11:15:12 AM
- FAE 10/30/2023 11:15:12 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 11:06:32 AM
- ESQCP 10/30/2023 11:06:32 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 10:58:31 AM
- Drainage Report 10/30/2023 10:58:31 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 10:57:03 AM
- CDs 10/30/2023 10:57:03 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/30/2023 10:55:26 AM
- Final Plat 10/30/2023 10:55:26 AM
View Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
10/27/2023 5:15:52 PM
10/27/2023 5:15:52 PM
Colorado Geological Survey
10/26/2023 11:46:08 AM
As requested, the Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) has reviewed the resubmittal for the Hay Creek Valley Subdivision (38.87, -104.565), including the Final Plat (Aztec, Project No. 164022-01, September 18, 2023) and a revised Geologic Hazards Evaluation and Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation (CTL Thompson, Inc. Project No CS19573-115, December 21, 2022, Revised, September 18, 2023).

The preliminary plan included a geology note not included in the Final Plat. Before approval of the Final Plat, CGS recommends that the county require this same geology note on the Plat. In addition, CTL states p. 12 “A conceptual grading plan was not available for review.” Before building permits are granted, CGS recommends that the county require a geotechnical review that follows CTL’s recommendations p.10 & 11, “Where significant cuts and/or site grading are planned along the slope for Lots 1 through Lot 9, evaluation of the cut slope, new site grading, and retaining wall/foundation wall construction should be performed that includes slope stability analysis.

Slope evaluation will need to include the evaluation of the temporary cuts, if performed, and permanent wall conditions, including slope stability analysis. These analyses may impact the proposed residence foundation.” CTL also recommends future investigations (p.18 and 19) that should be required as part of the approval of this subdivision. CGS recommends that a plat note requiring the future investigations recommended by the geotechnical engineer be added before acceptance of the Plat by the county.

In summary, before acceptance of the Plat, CGS recommends that the county require:
The geology note on the Preliminary Plan is added to the Plat.
A note is added to the Plat requiring the future investigations recommended by CTL.
A condition of acceptance is the evaluation of site grading per CTL recommendations.
The geotechnical engineer evaluates potential impacts to slope stability from the full spectrum detention pond along with any recommendations for lining the pond.

Submitted 10/26/2023 by Jonathan R. Lovekin, Senior Engineering Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey:
10/26/2023 11:46:08 AM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
10/26/2023 10:38:56 AM
Enumerations has the following comments:

1. The Assessors site shows 2 residences on current parcel 7133007014, one built in 1981 and one built in 2015. Our GIS images seems to show only one residence. We have no wrecking permit history for any structure, and we have no permit history for the construction of the residence that the Assessor shows as being built in 2015. Are there 2 residences on this parcel? If not, what is the permit number for the residence built in 2015. If there are, what address is each residence using? Either way, the existing residence(s) will need an official address change performed as part of this platting process. Instructions for requesting an address change can be found on he RBD website. This address change request must accompany the plat at the time of Enumerations review. Enumerations will not approve this plat without the address change request being submitted at the same time.
2. The approved street name needs to be added to the plat. Once added, submit a copy of this plat to Enumerations for address assignment. Indicate with (XXXX) the locations of all lots and tracts which will require an address. Once the addressing is returned, it needs to be shown on the plat.
3. Prior to recording, Enumerations will review the mylar for addressing, street names, title block and floodplain statement. An Enumerations fee of $10 per lot/tract to which an address is assigned will be due at the time of mylar review.

Brent Johnson
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2888 E: W:
10/26/2023 10:38:56 AM
View County Attorney - Development Review
10/26/2023 10:04:47 AM
Comments on Detention Maintenance Agreement attached. 10/26/2023 10:04:47 AM
PCD Engineering Division
10/26/2023 6:00:26 PM
Engineering Review Ver.1

Please see engineering review comments on the following document.

Documents to be updated by PCD Planner.

Final Plat Drawing_V1.

Edward Schoenheit, Engineer I
E.P.C. Dept. of Public Works
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs, CO. 80910
Office: 719.520.6813
Cell: 719.502.9659
10/26/2023 6:00:26 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
10/24/2023 1:12:17 PM
Review 1: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents (to be uploaded by the Project Manager):
- CDs
- Drainage Report
- Final Plat
- GEC Plan
- GEC Checklist
- O&M Manual
- PBMP Applicability Form
- Private Detention Basin / Stormwater Quality BMP Maintenance Agreement
- SWMP Checklist

Please provide the following documents upon resubmittal (the planner will send an upload request):
- State Non-Jurisdictional Water Impoundment Structure Application
- SDI Form

Reviewed by:
Mikayla Hartford
Stormwater Engineer I
10/24/2023 1:12:17 PM
View EPC Parks Department
10/20/2023 11:13:43 AM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Preliminary Comments - Please See Attached Documents (To be presented to the Park Advisory Board for endorsement on 11/08/2023) 10/20/2023 11:13:43 AM
View Colorado State Forest Service
10/18/2023 9:43:39 AM
The Colorado State Forest Service recommends that all forested acres be mitigated to reduce the risk of wildfire and that defensible space be created for each dwelling using the standards in the CSFS "Home Ignition Zone Guide" (formerly known as "Quick Guide FIRE 2012-1: Protecting Your Home From Wildfire") located on the Colorado State Forest Service website.

In addition, we recommend that all wildfire mitigation be completed before or during dwelling construction.
10/18/2023 9:43:39 AM
View Colorado Parks and Wildlife
10/13/2023 12:53:50 PM
10/13/2023 12:53:50 PM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
10/9/2023 9:30:30 AM
Comments for E911 as follows:

White Bear Pt is available.
This streetname needs to be depicted on the Final Plat Drawings for final approval and reservation.

Thank you.
10/9/2023 9:30:30 AM
View RBD Floodplain
10/9/2023 8:11:57 AM
Tract A has floodplain exposure , please show the line work in accordance with the attached. Adjust the floodplain note to reflect. The text below may be used to explain the source of the BFEs shown. reach out if you have any questions keith curtis 719-327-2898

Draft model backed BFEs for this area have been developed as part of Phase 1 for the ongoing El Paso County, CO, Risk MAP Project”. The data have been reviewed and approved through FEMA’s QA/QC process (May 11, 2022) and are currently in the MIP (Case No. 19-08-0037s). This data is considered "FEMA APPROVED BFEs" as such a LOMR would not be required to satisfy the RBC requirement of "FEMA Approved BFEs" on the plat.

If any work is proposed in the floodplain a CLOMR/LOMR may be required if the less than 6" rise can not be satisfied.
The layer pack of the approved BFEs has been forwarded to MATRIX for use on the plat.
10/9/2023 8:11:57 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
10/6/2023 3:01:23 PM
10/6/2023 3:01:23 PM