Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Grandview Reserve Filing No. 1
117 residential lots, and 5 tracts, including portion of Rex Road & Internal roadways
4200000396 4200000396 4200000471 4200000471 4200000474 4200000474 4200000475 4200000475
HR Green
Ken Huhn ( ) Ken Huhn ( )
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Kari Parsons
4/6/2022 1:29:58 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (116)

Link Agency Comment
Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
8/8/2024 4:17:10 PM
The Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD does not have any comments at this time but respectfully reserves the right to comment on any future submittals. 8/8/2024 4:17:10 PM
View EPC Health Department
8/2/2024 2:25:13 PM
8/2/2024 2:25:13 PM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
7/18/2024 10:04:11 AM
7/18/2024 10:04:11 AM
View Peyton 23
7/17/2024 5:51:06 PM
7/17/2024 5:51:06 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
7/17/2024 4:32:00 PM
GEC (Uploaded for DS Engineer) 7/17/2024 4:32:00 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
7/17/2024 4:29:53 PM
Detention Maintenance Agreement 7/17/2024 4:29:53 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
7/17/2024 4:29:30 PM
Drainage Report 7/17/2024 4:29:30 PM
PCD Project Manager
7/17/2024 7:41:45 AM
Water Summary Form needs to be revised 7/17/2024 7:41:45 AM
View PCD Project Manager
7/17/2024 7:41:17 AM
letter of intent 7/17/2024 7:41:17 AM
View PCD Project Manager
7/17/2024 7:40:50 AM
final plat comments 7/17/2024 7:40:50 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
7/16/2024 5:54:43 PM
Maintenance Agreement - Updated June 2024 7/16/2024 5:54:43 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
7/16/2024 5:52:51 PM
TIS Redlines 7/16/2024 5:52:51 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
7/16/2024 5:52:19 PM
Financial Assurance (Sidewalk Exhibit) Redlines 7/16/2024 5:52:19 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
7/16/2024 5:51:46 PM
Financial Assurance (Sidewalk) Redlines 7/16/2024 5:51:46 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
7/16/2024 5:51:05 PM
Financial Assurance Redlines 7/16/2024 5:51:05 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
7/16/2024 5:50:21 PM
Construction Drawing Redlines 7/16/2024 5:50:21 PM
PCD Engineering Division
7/16/2024 5:55:34 PM
Review 3 redline comments to the following document will be uploaded as separate comments:
- Construction Drawings
- Grading & Erosion Control Plans (to be uploaded by Stormwater Engineer)
- Final Drainage Report (to be uploaded by Stormwater Engineer)
- Financial Assurance
- Financial Assurance (Sidewalk Addendum)
- Financial Assurance (Sidewalk Exhibit)
- Final Plat (to be uploaded by PM)

Additional Comments:
-Update the plat to identify the line-of-sight area within private property as "sight distance easement".
-Maintenance Agreements have been updated as of last month. A copy of the new agreement has been provided as an attachment to be filled out.

Please provide signed documents with next review.

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham
7/16/2024 5:55:34 PM
PCD Project Manager
7/16/2024 4:24:48 PM
Conditional Water sufficiency must be made (quality, quantity, and dependability) to schedule for PC and BoCC. Please continue to work with Kat McGarvy Health Department on water quality finding. Kat McGarvy

Please continue to work with Lori Seago on the quantity and dependability findings.
7/16/2024 4:24:48 PM
PCD Project Manager
7/16/2024 4:13:52 PM
Please make sure 117 lots - 5 tracts is consistent on all items in plat application. 7/16/2024 4:13:52 PM
PCD Project Manager
7/16/2024 4:12:43 PM
Landscape plan; please submit. Note: landscape for the items requiring building permits associated with a PPR can be deferred to that PPR. Landscape plan for developer improvements such as roads, parks; trails shall be submitted with plat and included in FAE. 7/16/2024 4:12:43 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
7/17/2024 4:27:21 PM
Review 3: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- Detention Maintenance Agreement
- Drainage Report

Provide Signatures on the following documents:
- GEC Plan
- PBMP Applicability Form (stamp and date)

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- O&M Manual

Reviewed by:
Mikayla Hartford
Stormwater Engineer I
7/17/2024 4:27:21 PM
Colorado Geological Survey
7/16/2024 7:56:44 AM
With this referral, we reviewed the Response to El Paso County Review Comments (CTL Thompson, Inc., Revised June 14, 2024), Letter of Intent (Galloway, June 24, 2024), Final Plat (Edward-James Surveying, Inc., June 18, 2024), Grading Erosion Control Plan (Galloway, June 24, 2024), and other documents. We offer the following comments and recommendations.

The letter of Intent states (p. 7), “Lots where groundwater is expected to be within 12 feet of the proposed surface, basements are currently restricted. This includes lots 3-7, 14-21, 41-54, and 66-117.” Previously, the final plat stated, “This project proposes no basements for all 119 lots.” It now appears that basements are planned for Filing No. 1.

Only six borings were drilled within Filing 1, and groundwater was encountered between 9 and 18 feet. CTL states that a groundwater monitoring program was performed, however, this information (measurements/dates) was not provided. CGS is concerned that the fluctuation in groundwater levels has not been fully discussed in CTL’s response/report. Additionally, groundwater was encountered in TH-107 at 9 feet below grade and based on grading information (cut/fill map (G0.2)), only about 1 foot of fill is proposed. Based on Fig. 4 in CTL’s response, basements are allowed in this area. CGS recommends additional groundwater information and a discussion on fluctuations in groundwater levels be provided prior to the approval of the final plat.

The Grading and Erosion Control plans state (G6.1), “If groundwater is encountered during excavation of the proposed detention pond, contact civil engineer immediately before processing.” CTL states in their response letter, “In the event significant groundwater flow is encountered within a detention basin at the time of site grading, we recommend installation of a geosynthetic liner to prevent groundwater from entering the basin and being lost to evaporation.” Since cuts are anticipated within the detention ponds and groundwater levels range from 5.5 to 18 feet below grade, it would be prudent for the county to require a groundwater monitoring/observation program within the pond areas to understand groundwater fluctuations for at least a year or require installation of a geosynthetic liner for the detention ponds. Waiting until site grading/excavation to determine if a liner is necessary may result in unnecessary change orders during construction.

Submitted 7/16/2024 by Amy Crandall, Engineering Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey (303-384-2632 or
7/16/2024 7:56:44 AM
County Attorney - Water
7/15/2024 3:30:00 PM
Based on the water demand/lot changes please update the Water Supply Information Summary to reflect the changes.

In order to obtain a recommendation of conditional sufficiency regarding dependability, Applicant must provide the following:
• Acknowledgment letter from CDPHE (issued after preliminary design review)
• Proof that the TMF Capacity Assessment and the Plans and Specifications have been submitted to CDPHE
• Well completion report

Some “conditional” language we have used in the past is as follows:

A. Prior to recording the final plat, Applicant shall provide an engineer’s certification that all Grandview Reserve Metropolitan District’s (GRMD or District) infrastructure, including well permits, necessary to serve the subdivision have been constructed in accordance with CDPHE construction approval and final design plans and specifications.
B. The following plat note shall be added to the face of the final plat:

State law requires that, upon meeting the state definition of a public water system, GRMD shall obtain approval from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment of its Technical Managerial and Financial Capacity Assessment. Should the District fail to comply with this requirement, no further building permits shall be issued until compliance is achieved.
7/15/2024 3:30:00 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
7/11/2024 3:09:55 PM
1. There are 2 SIAs in the file. Please remove the one uploaded on 3/18/24 to avoid confusion.
2. There are 2 Detention Maintenance Agreements in the file. Please remove the one uploaded on 3/1/24 to avoid confusion.
3. The preamble of the DMA identifies Grandview Reserve MD#3 as the responsible District. Please change the signature block to match.
7/11/2024 3:09:55 PM
View Parks Advisory Board
7/2/2024 2:36:40 PM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, Final Comments, 3rd Submittal - Please See Attached Documents for Revised Comments (Originally endorsed by the Park Advisory Board on 05/10/2023) 7/2/2024 2:36:40 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
7/2/2024 8:40:56 AM
1. The address on tract B, 13921 Brixham Drive cannot clearly be seen, please move the address. The address for tract A, has now moved, the address will change if the address is not moved back to the location requested, please clarify.
Lots 58 & 59 were moved and now tract C is larger, use address 10278 for tract C on Kate Meadow Lane. Tract D address was provided but not in place, add 10246 Starcross Court. Lot 15 should be 10480 Kate Meadow Lane.
2. 119 lots and 4 tracts with addresses. Total plat fees that will be due at the time of the review of the mylar (pre-plat) is $1,230.00. Standard final plat comments still apply. See prior comments for details.

Amy Vanderbeek
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2930 E:
7/2/2024 8:40:56 AM
View EPC Parks Department
7/1/2024 2:51:50 PM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department, Final Comments, 3rd Submittal - Please See Attached Documents for Revised Comments (Originally endorsed by the Park Advisory Board on 05/10/2023) 7/1/2024 2:51:50 PM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
6/28/2024 9:53:14 AM
Not in the Ellicott Fire protection district 6/28/2024 9:53:14 AM
County Attorney - Water
6/26/2024 12:11:21 PM
Thank you for the updated Commitment letter and Water Resources Report. Based on the water demand/lot changes please update the Water Supply Information Summary to reflect the changes. We will continue to watch for the Acknowledgment letter from CDPHE and Proof that the TMF Capacity Assessment and the Plans and Specifications have been submitted to CDPHE. 6/26/2024 12:11:21 PM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
6/26/2024 8:26:27 AM
Streetnames previously approved.
No action for E911 on this submittal.

Thank you.
6/26/2024 8:26:27 AM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
6/25/2024 1:22:36 PM
Comment letter dated May 10, 2023 has been addressed on the plat. No additional comments at this time. 6/25/2024 1:22:36 PM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
6/25/2024 1:21:59 PM
Comment letter dated May 10, 2023 has been addressed on the plat. No additional comments at this time. 6/25/2024 1:21:59 PM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
6/25/2024 1:21:21 PM
Comment letter dated May 10, 2023 has been addressed on the plat. No additional comments at this time. 6/25/2024 1:21:21 PM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
6/25/2024 1:20:44 PM
Comment letter dated May 10, 2023 has been addressed on the plat. No additional comments at this time. 6/25/2024 1:20:44 PM
US Postal Service
6/25/2024 9:23:25 AM
Please contact Angela Connell, – (Peyton/Falcon) directly to review this development for mail service. To establish mail delivery and kiosk locations an appointment will be required with USPS to determine final locations. Information required for this establishment include proposed locations, type of mail receptacle, final plat with addresses, type of development (residential/commercial) and date of first occupancy. 6/25/2024 9:23:25 AM
US Postal Service
6/25/2024 9:22:21 AM
Please contact Angela Connell, – (Peyton/Falcon) directly to review this development for mail service. To establish mail delivery and kiosk locations an appointment will be required with USPS to determine final locations. Information required for this establishment include proposed locations, type of mail receptacle, final plat with addresses, type of development (residential/commercial) and date of first occupancy. 6/25/2024 9:22:21 AM
US Postal Service
6/25/2024 9:20:13 AM
Please contact Angela Connell, – (Peyton/Falcon) directly to review this development for mail service. To establish mail delivery and kiosk locations an appointment will be required with USPS to determine final locations. Information required for this establishment include proposed locations, type of mail receptacle, final plat with addresses, type of development (residential/commercial) and date of first occupancy. 6/25/2024 9:20:13 AM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
6/25/2024 8:59:33 AM
Please see attached .PDF for brief comments. Thanks! 6/25/2024 8:59:33 AM
EPC Sheriff's Department
5/15/2024 2:03:20 PM
No Issues EPSO 5/15/2024 2:03:20 PM
View Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
5/6/2024 10:18:25 AM
5/6/2024 10:18:25 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
4/16/2024 6:08:29 PM
TIS Redlines 4/16/2024 6:08:29 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
4/16/2024 6:07:08 PM
FAE Redlines 4/16/2024 6:07:08 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
4/16/2024 6:04:58 PM
FDR Redlines 4/16/2024 6:04:58 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
4/16/2024 6:04:25 PM
GEC Redlines 4/16/2024 6:04:25 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
4/16/2024 6:03:53 PM
Construction Drawing Redlines 4/16/2024 6:03:53 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
4/16/2024 6:03:17 PM
Detention Maintenance Agreement Redlines 4/16/2024 6:03:17 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
4/16/2024 6:02:27 PM
O & M Redlines 4/16/2024 6:02:27 PM
PCD Engineering Division
4/16/2024 6:08:04 PM
Review 2 redline comments to the following document will be uploaded as separate comments:
- Construction Drawings
- Grading & Erosion Control Plans
- Final Drainage Report
- Financial Assurance
- Final Plat (to be uploaded by PM)

Additional Comments:
-Update the plat to identify the line of sight area within private property as "sight distance easement" and add a plat note stating the following:

Any object within the sight distance easement more than 30 inches above the flowline elevation of the adjacent roadway shall constitute a sight obstruction, and shall be removed or lowered. The objects may include but are not limited to berms, buildings, fences, parked vehicles on private property, cut slopes, hedges, trees, bushes, utility cabinets or tall crops. Maintenance of a sight easement shall be the responsibility of the ________ [property owner or HOA or District].

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham
4/16/2024 6:08:04 PM
County Attorney - Water
4/16/2024 12:57:17 PM
In order to obtain a recommendation of conditional sufficiency regarding dependability, Applicant must provide the following:
• Acknowledgment letter from CDPHE (issued after preliminary design review)
• Proof that the TMF Capacity Assessment and the Plans and Specifications have been submitted to CDPHE
• Well completion report
4/16/2024 12:57:17 PM
View PCD Project Manager
4/16/2024 12:44:03 PM
Plat Redlines- Minor.

Please verify which Countywide Road Improvement District you are entering. Complete the application through the County Attorney's Office. This will result in additional Mills assessed on properties.
4/16/2024 12:44:03 PM
View PCD Project Manager
4/16/2024 2:04:21 PM
Letter of Intent Comments - clarification needed 4/16/2024 2:04:21 PM
PCD Project Manager
4/16/2024 12:46:24 PM
Please combine the Geologic response and report into 1 pdf so it is with file on one line item- only a 4-page response no report was uploaded. Please update Plat notes to incorporate the preliminary plan note AND the no basement note - Also see CGS review 2 comments 4/16/2024 12:46:24 PM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
4/16/2024 11:28:42 AM
Brief comments attached. 4/16/2024 11:28:42 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
4/16/2024 5:27:03 PM
Review 2: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents (to be uploaded by Development Services Engineer):
- Drainage Report
- Detention Maintenance Agreement
- GEC Plan
- O&M Manual

Provide Signatures on the following documents:
- PBMP Applicability Form (stamp and date)

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- CDs
- GEC Checklist
- SDI Form
- Soils Report
- SWMP Checklist

Reviewed by:
Mikayla Hartford
Stormwater Engineer I
4/16/2024 5:27:03 PM
Colorado Geological Survey
4/15/2024 10:28:39 AM
With this referral, we reviewed the Geologic Hazard Evaluation and Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation (CTL Thompson, Inc., Revised May 9, 2022), Response to El Paso County Review Comments (CTL Thompson, Inc., March 20, 2024), Letter of Intent (Galloway, March 15, 2024), Final Plat (Edward-James Surveying, Inc., March 15, 2024), Construction Documents and Grading and Erosion Control Plans (Galloway, March 15, 2024), and other documents. We offer the following comments and recommendations.

The letter of Intent states (p. 7), “CTL recommends the following lots avoid basement construction unless a groundwater monitoring study is performed at some future date and indicates the lot has adequate separation from groundwater. Lots 18-32, 44-54, 69-71, 76-88, 94-100, and 110-119. This project proposes no basements for all 119 lots.” Additionally, CTL states in their response letter, “We understand basement construction is not currently proposed.” CGS recommends a statement indicating that NO BASEMENTS should be allowed for all 119 lots on the final plat (note 23).

The Grading and Erosion Control plans state (G6.1), “If groundwater is encountered during excavation of the proposed detention pond, contact civil engineer immediately before processing.” CTL states in their response letter, “In the event significant groundwater flow is encountered within a detention basin at the time of site grading, we recommend installation of a geosynthetic liner to prevent groundwater from entering the basin and being lost to evaporation.” Since cuts are anticipated within the detention ponds and groundwater levels range from 5.5 to 18 feet below grade, it would be prudent for the county to require a groundwater monitoring/observation program within the pond areas to understand groundwater fluctuations for at least a year or require installation of a geosynthetic liner for the detention ponds. Waiting until site grading/excavation to determine if a liner is necessary may result in unnecessary change orders during construction.

Submitted 4/15/2024 by Amy Crandall, Engineering Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey (303-384-2632 or
4/15/2024 10:28:39 AM
View Falcon Fire Protection District
4/12/2024 9:08:43 AM
4/12/2024 9:08:43 AM
View Parks Advisory Board
4/12/2024 8:50:37 AM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department Final Comments, 2nd Submittal - Please See Attached Documents (Park Advisory Board Endorsed 05/10/2023) 4/12/2024 8:50:37 AM
Colorado Springs Airport Advisory Commission
4/10/2024 3:00:00 PM
This is out side of Airport Overlay 4/10/2024 3:00:00 PM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
4/10/2024 1:18:56 PM
Comment letter dated May 10, 2023 has been addressed on the plat. No additional comments at this time. 4/10/2024 1:18:56 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
4/9/2024 1:46:48 PM
1. Enumerations will need to see the extension of Starcross Court to be able to address the 2 lots accurately for this filing and the future filing.
2. Provide a 100 scale copy or larger of the entire APPROVED development plan (d.p.) to this department so that addressing can be assigned. Once received, the development plan will be placed on a list to be addressed. Development plans that are not yet approved may be addressed, however additional plan review fees will accrue if changes are made to the D.P. after initial addressing.
3. Once addresses are received, they will need to be added to the plat.

4. Standard Final Plat comments: 119 lots & zero tracts with requested addressing markers (xxx).
a. Enumerations will review the pre-plat (mylar) prior to plat for address placement, street names, and title block.
b. A $10.00 per lot and tract platting fee will be due at the time of the review of the pre-plat, (two addresses per lot and tract). If an address is not needed on a tract then no fee applies. Check should be made out to PIKES PEAK REGIONAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT or PPRBD. Paid directly to the Enumerations Department. As of December 5th 2023, the fee for all credit/debit cards has changed from the flat 2.95% fee to the following: Over the phone Credit/Debit Card payments will be 2.3% and In-Person Debit Card payments will be 1.5% (in-person only).
c. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to plan submittal for RESIDENTIAL. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to approval in the Enumerations department on any COMMERCIAL plan submittal. Please email the Enumerations staff member that reviewed your project.;; or
d. Pre-plat reviews can be reviewed via “pdf” or in-person. The pre-plat will be stamped by Enumerations for accuracy and returned to the applicant and the planner. All payments to be mailed to RBD via a check or credit card payment over the phone. Plats should not be recorded prior to Enumerations stamping the pre-plat and receiving payment of plat fees. If any pre-plat changes occur, even if changes do not apply to Enumerations, we still need to re-stamp the pre-plat. The Enumerations stamped pre-plat copy should match the recorded document minus a few signatures. If you would like an in-person review, please make an appointment on our website,

Amy Vanderbeek
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2930 E:
4/9/2024 1:46:48 PM
Cherokee Metro Dist
4/3/2024 8:26:22 AM
No comments 4/3/2024 8:26:22 AM
Colorado Division of Water Resources
4/2/2024 4:23:14 PM
Our letter from May 10, 2023 was a finding of adequacy for this filing. I don't see that anything has changed, so I believe that that letter is still valid. 4/2/2024 4:23:14 PM
View Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
4/2/2024 3:37:32 PM
4/2/2024 3:37:32 PM
View County Attorney - Development Review
4/2/2024 1:33:11 PM
1. No further comments on SIA.
2. Requested edits to Detention Maintenance Agreement attached.
4/2/2024 1:33:11 PM
View RBD Floodplain
4/1/2024 10:24:31 AM
previous comment applies, adjust plat note to include the minimal floodplain to the east see attached also update line work 4/1/2024 10:24:31 AM
View EPC Parks Department
3/29/2024 11:58:23 AM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Department Updated Final Comments, 2nd Submittal - Please See Attached Documents (Originally endorsed by the El Paso County Park Advisory Board on 05/10/2023) 3/29/2024 11:58:23 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
3/29/2024 10:08:00 AM
3/29/2024 10:08:00 AM
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
3/28/2024 11:23:28 AM
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has reviewed the plans for the Grandview Reserve Filing No. 1 in El Paso County. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is familiar with the site, and has commented on the overall project area in the past, and CPW would defer to those previous comments. Based on the location and proposed actions, CPW anticipates that this project's impacts on the wildlife resource would be negligible if our previous comments are taken into consideration.

We appreciate being allowed to comment. Please feel free to contact District Wildlife Manager, Aaron Berscheid, should you have any questions or require additional information at 719-439-9601 or via email at
3/28/2024 11:23:28 AM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
3/27/2024 3:48:00 PM
This is outside of the Ellicott Fire protection district. please contact the Falcon Fire protection District for comment. 3/27/2024 3:48:00 PM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
3/25/2024 10:26:59 AM
Streetnames previously approved.
No action for E911 on this submittal.

Thank you.
3/25/2024 10:26:59 AM
Meadow Lake Airport Association
3/25/2024 10:23:05 AM
No additional comments from MLAA. We still need to see a Disclosure Notification and an Avigation Easement per C.R.S. 43-10-113. 3/25/2024 10:23:05 AM
View Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
6/2/2023 4:03:32 PM
6/2/2023 4:03:32 PM
View EPC Health Department
5/26/2023 4:25:30 PM
5/26/2023 4:25:30 PM
View County Attorney - Development Review
5/18/2023 3:10:56 PM
Per the plat and the Drainage Report, the detention ponds will be maintained by the Metro District. The correct template for a Detention Maintenance Agreement is attached. 5/18/2023 3:10:56 PM
View County Attorney - Development Review
5/18/2023 3:10:00 PM
Proposed edits to SIA are attached. 5/18/2023 3:10:00 PM
View Parks Advisory Board
5/15/2023 10:47:33 AM
See attached. The Park Advisory Board recommends that the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners include the following conditions when considering and/or approving the Grandview Reserve Filing No. 1 Final Plat: (1) work with El Paso County Parks and Public Works staff to develop a final layout and design for the Eastonville Primary Regional Trail along the southeastern side of Eastonville Road; (2) designate and provide to El Paso County a 25-foot trail easement along Eastonville Road, that allows for construction, maintenance, and public access of the Eastonville Primary Regional Trail; (3) the trail easement shall be shown and dedicated to El Paso County on the Final Plat; (4) fees in lieu of land dedication for regional park purposes in the amount of $54,740 and urban park purposes in the amount of $34,510 will be required at time of the recording of the Final Plat. A park lands agreement may be an acceptable alternative to urban park fees provided the agreement is approved by the County and executed prior to recording the forthcoming Final Plat(s). Please note that park fees are currently being calculated using 2022 rates. An update to both regional and urban park fees is expected in 2023. Once established, all development applications (preliminary plans and final plats) filed in 2023 will be recalculated at the 2023 rate. 5/15/2023 10:47:33 AM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
5/10/2023 4:06:32 PM
5/10/2023 4:06:32 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 11:15:52 AM
SWMP Checklist 5/10/2023 11:15:52 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 11:10:45 AM
SWMP 5/10/2023 11:10:45 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 11:09:41 AM
Soils Report 5/10/2023 11:09:41 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 11:08:21 AM
SDI 5/10/2023 11:08:21 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 11:16:09 AM
PBMP 5/10/2023 11:16:09 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 11:07:19 AM
O&M 5/10/2023 11:07:19 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 11:06:01 AM
GEC Checklist 5/10/2023 11:06:01 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 11:05:33 AM
GEC Plan 5/10/2023 11:05:33 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 11:03:48 AM
FAE 5/10/2023 11:03:48 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 11:01:58 AM
ESQCP 5/10/2023 11:01:58 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 10:59:30 AM
Drainage Report 5/10/2023 10:59:30 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 10:55:43 AM
CDs 5/10/2023 10:55:43 AM
View Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
5/10/2023 8:35:43 AM
See attached comments 5/10/2023 8:35:43 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
5/10/2023 8:04:14 AM
Application Redlines 5/10/2023 8:04:14 AM
PCD Engineering Division
5/10/2023 8:03:29 AM
Review 1 redline comments to the following document will be uploaded as separate comments. Markup Summary is located at the end of the document:
- Application
- Construction Drawings (to be uploaded by stormwater)
- Grading & Erosion Control Plans (to be uploaded by stormwater)
- Final Drainage Report (to be uploaded by stormwater)
- Financial Assurance (to be uploaded by stormwater)
- Detention Maintenance Agreement (to be uploaded by PM)
- Final Plat (to be uploaded by PM)
- Letter of Intent (to be uploaded by PM)
- Subdivision Improvement Agreement (to be uploaded by PM)

Additional Comments:
- A TIS report dealing specifically with Filing No. 1 will need to be provided.
- Finalized/Signed items (Preliminary Drainage Report, FAE and Grading & Erosion Control Plans) need to be returned for PUDSP-21-10.

Reviewed by:
Charlene Durham
5/10/2023 8:03:29 AM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 11:20:49 AM
Detention Maintenance Agreement comments; also please see County Attorney 5/9/2023 11:20:49 AM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 11:18:42 AM
SIA Redline; please also see the County Attorneys comments 5/9/2023 11:18:42 AM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 11:18:13 AM
Soils and Geology Comment redlines 5/9/2023 11:18:13 AM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 11:17:50 AM
Letter of Intent (LOI) redlines 5/9/2023 11:17:50 AM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 11:17:21 AM
Final Plat redlines 5/9/2023 11:17:21 AM
Colorado Geological Survey
5/8/2023 3:27:09 PM
With this referral, we reviewed the Geologic Hazard Evaluation and Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation (CTL Thompson, Inc., Revised May 9, 2022), Letter of Intent (Galloway, October 14, 2022), Final Plat (Edward-James Surveying, Inc., October 14, 2022), Construction Documents (Galloway, October 14, 2022), and other documents. CGS previously reviewed the PUD development plan and provided our most recent comments on April 6, 2022. We offer the following comments and recommendations based on the updated documents.

The letter of Intent states (p. 7), “CTL recommends the following lots avoid basement construction unless a groundwater monitoring study is performed at some future date and indicates the lot has adequate separation from groundwater.
• Lots 18-32, 44-54, 69-71, 76-88, 94-100, and 110-119.”

CGS recommends the note in the Letter of Intent be revised to state:

“CTL recommends the following lots avoid basement construction unless a groundwater monitoring study is performed that includes year-round observations (spring, summer, fall, and winter) and indicates the lots have adequate separation from groundwater.”

The separation distance between the lowest floor levels and maximum anticipated groundwater levels (determined by the monitoring program) should be at least three feet (preferably five feet) and maintained year-round. This note with lot numbers identified must be included in the Final Plat for Filing No. 1.

As shown in Fig. 2, CTL's TH-7 drilled near lot 15 includes a groundwater depth of 9 feet below the existing grade. CGS recommends the lots in this area avoid basement construction and be included in the note above.

Submitted 5/8/2023 by Amy Crandall, Engineering Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey (303-384-2632 or
5/8/2023 3:27:09 PM
View Falcon Fire Protection District
5/8/2023 1:54:47 PM
5/8/2023 1:54:47 PM
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
5/8/2023 1:51:42 PM
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has reviewed the plans for the Grandview Reserve Filing No. 1 in El Paso County, Colorado. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is in receipt of the above referenced permit application and is familiar with the site.

CPW has commented on Grandview Reserve development area in the past, and has noticed and appreciates that our comments have been incorporated into this Filing No.1. Assuming construction takes place with our comments in mind the way they are incorporated in the "Natural Landforms, Vegetation, Riparian Analysis" document, CPW feels impacts to wildlife will be negligible.

We appreciate being given the opportunity to comment. Please feel free to contact District Wildlife Manager, Aaron Berscheid, should you have any questions or require additional information at 719-439-9601 or via email at
5/8/2023 1:51:42 PM
PCD Project Manager
5/8/2023 11:59:29 AM

See final Plat checklist and verify all pages have the items included in the checklist where applicable. All lots, & tracts must have distances and bearings, easements present to be vacated or remain, geological constraints and hazards, for example.
5/8/2023 11:59:29 AM
County Attorney - Water
5/8/2023 11:20:33 AM
County Attorney’s Office will review for water sufficiency following receipt of findings from the Colorado Division of Water Resources. Thank you. 5/8/2023 11:20:33 AM
PCD Project Manager
5/8/2023 10:39:47 AM
The new water system (accompanying 1041) has to be acknowledged by CDPHE to make a water dependability finding. 5/8/2023 10:39:47 AM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
5/5/2023 10:58:31 AM
Comments attached as a .pdf. 5/5/2023 10:58:31 AM
View Meadow Lake Airport Association
5/5/2023 5:06:21 AM
Review and Comments attached. Thank you. 5/5/2023 5:06:21 AM
Cherokee Metro Dist
5/4/2023 4:26:21 PM
Cherokee appreciates the opportunity to review regional water and wastewater projects but has no comments on this project. 5/4/2023 4:26:21 PM
Colorado Springs Airport Advisory Commission
5/3/2023 3:18:32 PM
This site is outside the Commercial Airport Overlay District and the Colorado Springs Airport and Airport Advisory Commission will not be reviewing or providing comments. 5/3/2023 3:18:32 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
5/10/2023 10:36:25 AM
Review 1: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- CDs
- Drainage Report
- GEC Plan
- GEC Checklist
- O&M Manual
- PBMP Applicability Form
- SDI Form
- Soils Report
- SWMP Checklist

Please provide the following documents upon resubmittal (the planner will send an upload request):
- MS4 Post Construction Form

Reviewed by:
Mikayla Hartford
Stormwater Engineer I

Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
5/10/2023 10:36:25 AM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
5/1/2023 9:45:47 AM
1. For assignment of addressing for lots and tracts, place addressing marker (xxx) where they are intended to be utilized. Addressing marker for lots should be front door.
a. Enumerations will review the mylar prior to plat for address placement, street names, and title block.
b. A $10.00 per lot and tract platting fee will be due at the time of the review of the mylar, (two addresses per lot and tract). If an address is not needed on a tract then no fee applies. Check should be made out to PIKES PEAK REGIONAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT or PPRBD. Paid directly to the Enumerations Department. As of September 28th, 2022, an additional over the phone transaction fee of 2.95% of the total transaction will apply for any credit card payment.
c. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to plan submittal for RESIDENTIAL.;; or (Please email the Enumerations staff that reviewed your project).
d. Mylar reviews can be reviewed via “pdf”. The mylar will be stamped by Enumerations for accuracy and returned to the applicant and the planner. All payments to be mailed to RBD via a check or credit card payment over the phone. Plats should not be recorded prior to Enumerations receiving payment. If you would like an in-person review, please make an appointment on our website,

Amy Vanderbeek
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2930 E:
5/1/2023 9:45:47 AM
View EPC Parks Department
4/25/2023 4:37:42 PM
El Paso County Parks and Community Services Preliminary Comments - Please See Attached Documents (To be presented to the PAB for endorsement on 05/10/2023) 4/25/2023 4:37:42 PM
Northern EPC Coalition of Community Organizations, Inc. (NEPCO)(to also include the TLLU areas)
4/25/2023 3:05:24 PM
This development proposal is out of the NEPCO current area of interest. Thanks for the oppportunity to review. 4/25/2023 3:05:24 PM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
4/25/2023 8:31:09 AM
This project is outside of the Ellicott Fire Protection District, please contact the Falcon Fire District (note: see the commitment letter.

Mark Stanwood
Fire Marshal
Ellicott Fire
4/25/2023 8:31:09 AM
View RBD Floodplain
4/20/2023 9:03:38 AM
The plat intersects the current effective Zone A floodplain with no BFEs(no supporting model available). Draft model backed BFEs for this area have been developed as part of Phase 1 for the ongoing El Paso County, CO, Risk MAP Project”. The data has been reviewed and approved through FEMA’s QA/QC process (May 11, 2022) and is currently in the MIP (Case No. 19-08-0037s). (Screen shot attached) please include this on the plat for compliance with floodplain code: "FEMA approved base flood elevation data and 100-year floodplain boundaries shall be provided and shown on plats"
Contact For GIS shape files:
Keith Curtis, PE, CFM, LEED AP
Floodplain Administrator
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
2880 International Circle
Colorado Springs CO, 80910
O: 719-327-2898 E: W:
4/20/2023 9:03:38 AM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
4/19/2023 8:20:50 AM
Streetnames previously approved.
No action for E911 on this submittal.

Thank you.
4/19/2023 8:20:50 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
4/17/2023 1:19:05 PM
4/17/2023 1:19:05 PM
US Postal Service
4/17/2023 10:49:41 AM
Please contact Angela Connell, – (Peyton/Falcon) directly to review this development for mail service. To establish mail delivery and kiosk locations an appointment will be required with USPS to determine final locations. Information required for this establishment include proposed locations, type of mail receptacle, final plat with addresses, type of development (residential/commercial) and date of first occupancy. 4/17/2023 10:49:41 AM