Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Autumn Hills Sketch Plan
SW Corner Stapleton and Meridian Road; 140 acres of urban residential& 20 acres of commercial. Limited access to Stapleton and Meridian Roads.
5200000016 5200000016
Terra Nova Engineering, Inc.
L Doucette ( )
(719) 499-6422
L Doucette ( )
(719) 499-6422
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Kylie Bagley
2/1/2022 7:50:32 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (27)

Link Agency Comment
View Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
3/6/2023 4:06:48 PM
3/6/2023 4:06:48 PM
View EPC Health Department
2/23/2023 8:06:30 PM
2/23/2023 8:06:30 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/22/2023 4:37:41 PM
Master Development Drainage Plan (MDDP) redlines 2/22/2023 4:37:41 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/22/2023 4:37:02 PM
Traffic Impact Study Redlines 2/22/2023 4:37:02 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/22/2023 4:05:43 PM
Sketch Plan comment redlines 2/22/2023 4:05:43 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/22/2023 4:05:10 PM
Letter of Intent Comments 2/22/2023 4:05:10 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/22/2023 2:17:20 PM
Per the IGA , identified in title work PBHMD has an IGA w WMHMD for wastewater services; this should be incorporated as a statement in LOI - uploaded agreement 2/22/2023 2:17:20 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/22/2023 12:23:02 PM
Water Summary Form State Form 2/22/2023 12:23:02 PM
PCD Project Manager
2/22/2023 10:38:46 AM
Water Recourses/ Wastewater reports do not account for the commercial land uses or multifamily land uses.

Water Recourses Report
If you only have accounting for single-family that is fine as Sketch plans do not require sufficiency but DO identify what is available and what will need to be acquired in the reports for the other land uses proposed within sketch plan area.
Criterium for approval-water
"The water supply report provides sufficient information to identify probable compliance with the water supply standards and identifies any need for additional water supplies;"

Sketch Plan Water Recourses Report, Section 8.4.7.
The initial water resource report submitted with the sketch plan may be of a general nature, may be based on published and unpublished data and reports, and need not include site-specific hydrogeologic data. The purpose of the report included with the sketch plan is to identify probable compliance of the proposed subdivision with the water supply standards and to identify the need for additional water supplies which will be required for the subdivision.

Presumptive Use Values. In the absence of data on water use to the contrary or other minimum values established as acceptable by the State Engineer, the following presumptive values will be used to calculate the annual water demand:
• Residential inside use 0.26 acre feet per year for single family residences and 0.20 acre feet per year for each occupancy unit in multiple family residences other than single family. A duplex contains 2 occupancy units, a triplex contains 3 occupancy units, etc.;

• Residential and commercial landscaping use 0.0566 acre feet per 1,000 square feet of landscaping;

• Commercial and industrial inside use 0.1 gallon per day for each square foot of developed space; and

• Miscellaneous irrigation (landscaping, golf courses, etc.) use 2.46 acre feet per acre per year.

Determination of Available Water.
(a)Sketch Plan.
Existing and potential water supplies shall be estimated for the entire subdivision. Proposed quantities of available water are considered general estimates and need not be based on court decrees, well permits or final engineering plans. The quantity of water available from each proposed on-site and off-site source and each aquifer shall be determined and described separately. For phased projects the supply for each phase shall be estimated independently. The quantities of available water shall be expressed in acre feet per year and total acre feet for the proposed subdivision to evidence a 300-year supply. Because substantial differences may exist between the estimates included with the sketch plan submittal and actual water supplies available for preliminary plan and final plat submittals, acceptance of the estimates accompanying the sketch plan will not guarantee the number of dwelling units permissible in later stages of the subdivision approval process.
2/22/2023 10:38:46 AM
PCD Project Manager
2/22/2023 10:23:25 AM
Subdivision summary sheet should reflect all the land uses with the SKP (single-family, multi-family, commercial, open space, detention) 2/22/2023 10:23:25 AM
PCD Project Manager
2/22/2023 12:23:46 PM
The sketch plan is the first step of the approval process for larger or more complex divisions of land. The sketch plan process reviews, at a conceptual level, the feasibility and design characteristics of the proposal based on the standards set forth in this Code. The review examines the feasibility of the division of land including review of the schematic design, ability to obtain water and sanitation, location of geologic hazards, identification of environmentally sensitive areas and wildlife habitat areas, source of required services, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, relationship to surrounding land uses, evaluation of wildfire hazards and conformance with the requirements of this Code and Master Plan. Please remove the internal roadways as the SKP should depict the density, transitions, parkland, trails, preservation of areas, overall use to use relationships. Please review SKP 223, SKP 224; SKP 225 and look at the typical sketch plan maps.
Please note the staff reports have a reduced drawing 8x11 inches attached, clarity is critical.
2/22/2023 12:23:46 PM
View Woodmen Hills Metro
2/17/2023 2:55:57 PM
2/17/2023 2:55:57 PM
View Colorado Parks and Wildlife
2/16/2023 12:51:15 PM
2/16/2023 12:51:15 PM
PCD Engineering Division
2/22/2023 4:42:51 PM
Review #1:
1. Redline comments to the following documents will be uploaded:
- Traffic Impact Study: Please also see comment provided by the traffic review consultant on EDARP
- Sketch Plan Drawing
- Letter of Intent

Due to the quantity and nature of the comments provided, new comments should be expected on the resubmittal. The resubmittal will be treated as a 1st review.

reviewed by:
Daniel Torres
2/22/2023 4:42:51 PM
View Parks Advisory Board
2/9/2023 10:56:35 AM
See Park Advisory Board endorsed comments attached. 2/9/2023 10:56:35 AM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
2/9/2023 8:39:06 AM
Brief comments attached as .pdf. 2/9/2023 8:39:06 AM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
2/9/2023 8:03:59 AM
Enumerations has no comment at this time.

Becky Allen
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-799-2707 W: E:
2/9/2023 8:03:59 AM
Colorado Geological Survey
2/7/2023 10:15:45 AM
Autumn Acres (38.9661 -104.6125) development will include 140 acres of urban residential and 20 acres of commercial development. The available referral documents include the Letter of Intent (Terra Nova Engineering, Inc., January 2023), Sketch Plan (Terra Nova Engineering, Inc., November 28, 2022), Drainage Report (Terra Nova Engineering, Inc., August 2022), Preliminary Soils Investigation/Soil, Geology, Geologic Hazard Study (Entech Engineering, Inc., March 11, 2022), and other documents.

The site does not contain steep slopes, is not undermined, is not within a FEMA floodplain, and is not exposed to any geologic hazards or unusual geotechnical constraints that would preclude the proposed residential/commercial use and density. As noted on page 1 of Entech’s study, the geologic conditions that will impose some constraints on development and land use include areas of artificial fill, areas of erosion, potentially expansive soils, potentially seasonal shallow and seasonally shallow groundwater areas, and radioactivity. Entech makes appropriate recommendations regarding site development. CGS agrees with Entech (page 1), “Additional investigation will be required once development/grading plans are determined.” Also, (page 11), “Investigation on each lot is recommended prior to construction.” Provided Entech’s preliminary recommendations are adhered to and additional investigations/lot-specific studies are performed, CGS has no objection to the sketch plan approval. CGS offers the following comments and recommendations.

Shallow groundwater and basement feasibility: Based on Entech’s boring logs, groundwater was encountered at depths between 9.5 and >20 feet; however, throughout their report, they reference depths as shallow as 7 feet. As stated on page 8 in Entech’s report, “In areas where high subsurface moisture conditions are anticipated periodically, a subsurface perimeter drain will be necessary to help prevent the seepage of water into areas located below grade.” Also, page 9 states in reference to seasonal shallow groundwater areas, “basements would not be recommended in these areas.” If basements are planned within any portion of the development, CGS recommends the county require groundwater monitoring/observation to verify that proposed floor levels are at least three feet above maximum anticipated groundwater levels (and maintained year-round). This study should be performed prior to the preliminary plan approval to determine if basements are feasible and/or if an underdrain system could be employed for this site. Groundwater levels typically rise after development, and measurements of groundwater variations provide a basis for anticipating future groundwater levels.

Submitted 2/7/2023 by Amy Crandall, Engineering Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey
2/7/2023 10:15:45 AM
Woodmen Road Metro
2/2/2023 2:49:10 PM
This proposed project is located within the Woodmen Road Metropolitan District Service Area. The District assess’ platting and building permit fees for new development within the District Boundaries. This property will have to either petition to be included within the District or pay an Opt-out fee to be excluded from the District.

The fees for this year are as follows:
Platting Fees:
Commercial- $1540/ACRE
Residential- $385.00/LOT

Building Permit Fees:
Destination retail/hotel- $1.37/SQUARE FOOT
Convenience Commercial- $5.51/SQUARE FOOT
All Other Uses- $1.10/SQUARE FOOT
Single Family- $550/UNIT
Multi Family- $385/UNIT

Opt-Out of Service Area Fee:
$130/ daily trip
2/2/2023 2:49:10 PM
Traffic Review Consultant
1/26/2023 2:25:57 PM
FHU has completed a cursory review of the submitted master traffic impact study. Our review indicates that the study area falls short of the requirements of ECM Section B.2.3.A, which requires that the Master TIS analysis limits include “… arterial links … that are impacted by 10 percent or more by the project.”. The TIS only includes intersections and project access points adjacent to the site. Trips distributions in TIS Figures 6 and 7 indicate that 10% of site traffic will extend west to at least Stapleton / Towner and south to at least Meridian / Woodmen (and possibly further). Existing conditions counts are not required at added intersections along Stapleton Road west of Liberty Grove Drive, but future year analyses for these intersections should be provided based on forecasted background data from the Briargate - Stapleton Corridor Study study referenced on page 1 in the TIS. Existing conditions counts should be collected and both existing and future conditions should evaluated at added intersections along Meridian Road. FHU does not recommend approving the TIS unless it includes sufficient intersections to meet ECM criteria. 1/26/2023 2:25:57 PM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
1/26/2023 11:55:38 AM
This area is within the MVEA’s certificated service area. MVEA will serve this area according to our Line Extension policy. Connection requirements may include provisions for necessary line extensions and or other system improvements, and payment of all fees under the Line Extension Policy. Information concerning these requirements can be obtained by contacting the Engineering Department. 1/26/2023 11:55:38 AM
Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
1/25/2023 1:55:38 PM
If you have any questions about CSU gas services, please call 719-668-1985. 1/25/2023 1:55:38 PM
View EPC Parks Department
1/23/2023 3:19:10 PM
See preliminary Parks comments attached. 1/23/2023 3:19:10 PM
Falcon Fire Protection District
1/23/2023 11:01:28 AM
The above-referenced real property is located within the jurisdiction and boundaries of the Falcon Fire Protection District ("Fire Department"). By this letter, the Fire Department confirms its commitment to provide fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency rescue, ambulance, hazardous materials and emergency medical services (collectively, "Emergency Services") to the property, subject to the following conditions:

? All new construction, renovations or developments within the Fire Department's jurisdiction must comply with the applicable fire code and nationally recognized life-safety standards adopted by the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners and the Fire Department's Board of Directors, as amended from time to time;

? All development, water and commercial construction plans must be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department for compliance with the applicable fire code and nationally recognized life-safety standards prior to final plat or construction permit being issued; and,
1/23/2023 11:01:28 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
1/19/2023 11:27:14 AM
1/19/2023 11:27:14 AM
Bent Grass Metro
1/18/2023 10:03:58 AM
Traffic Signal Fee:
Commercial - $10,000
Residential - $1,000

Platting Fees:
Commercial- $5500/ACRE
Residential- $5500/ACRE

Building Permit Fees:
Commercial/Industrial/Other non-residential- $1.00/SQUARE FOOT
Single Family- $500/UNIT
Multi Family- $350/UNIT
1/18/2023 10:03:58 AM
Paint Brush Hills Metro
1/18/2023 8:48:03 AM
Phase plan and subdivision summary sheet are the same document. At this time based on current information PBHMD has no objections 1/18/2023 8:48:03 AM