Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Marksheffel Single-Family Residential Addition No. 1
Annexation for Marksheffel Single-Family Residential Addition No. 1. This annexation has been submitted to the City for review of the annexation petition. Staff has reviewed the proposed and determined the contiguity requirements have been met. City Planning has assigned the following file number to this annexation request: CPC A 21-00192.
5316002005 5316002005 5316002019 5316002019 5316002020 5316002020 5316002021 5316002021
City of Colorado Springs
Katie Carleo ( )
(719) 385-5060
Katie Carleo ( )
(719) 385-5060
File Number
Project Manager
Nina Ruiz
12/6/2021 7:52:31 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (2)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Engineering Division
12/27/2021 2:30:18 PM
PCD-Engineering has no comments.

-- Jeff Rice - 719-520-7877
12/27/2021 2:30:18 PM
PCD Project Manager
12/6/2021 9:54:44 AM
Annexation impact report required for annexation of property comprising greater than ten (10) acres. Please provide a complete annexation impact report packet at least 20 days prior to the City’s annexation hearing. Annexation report shall include the following:
1. A map or maps of the municipality and adjacent territory to show the following information:
(a) The present and proposed boundaries of the municipality in the vicinity of the proposed annexation;
(b) The present streets, major trunk water mains, sewer interceptors and outfalls, other utility lines and ditches, and the proposed extension of such streets and utility lines in the vicinity of the proposed annexation; and
(c) The existing and proposed land use pattern in the areas to be annexed;
2. A copy of any draft or final pre-annexation agreement, if available;
3. A statement setting forth the plans of the municipality for extending to or otherwise providing for, within the area to be annexed, municipal services performed by or on behalf of the municipality at the time of annexation;
4. A statement setting forth the method under which the municipality plans to finance the extension of the municipal services into the area to be annexed;
5. A statement identifying existing districts within the area to be annexed; and
6. A statement on the effect of annexation upon local-public school district systems, including the estimated number of students generated and the capital construction required to educate such students.
12/6/2021 9:54:44 AM