Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Space Village Road Outdoor Storage PPR
outdoor storage major SDP
5417001005 5417001005
Hampton Partners
Tucker Robinson ( )
(303) 694-1085
Tucker Robinson ( )
(303) 694-1085
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Ashlyn Mathy
11/23/2021 3:35:15 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (42)

Link Agency Comment
County Attorney - Development Review
6/13/2024 9:30:00 AM
Detention Maintenance Agreement reviewed in connection with Minor Subdivision. 6/13/2024 9:30:00 AM
PCD Project Manager
6/10/2024 8:34:00 AM
Waiting on a review from county attorney.
Project cannot be approved or closed out until MS227 has gone through the recording process, appt is set for June 18th.

-Ashlyn Mathy
6/10/2024 8:34:00 AM
PCD Engineering Division
6/4/2024 10:47:02 AM
EPC Engineering has no additional comments. All approved files will be uploaded by the project manager.

Hao Vo, PE
6/4/2024 10:47:02 AM
Colorado Springs Planning & Community Development
1/24/2024 2:20:36 PM
Does not appear last comment was saved or addressed?
City Planning strongly recommends annexation as Space Village from Marksheffel to nearly Peterson Blvd is currently being annexed into the City Municipal Boundary. Applicant should also verify with City Engineering Department,, for any future issues with timing of improvements etc.
1/24/2024 2:20:36 PM
Colorado Springs Public Works
1/24/2024 9:44:47 AM
EDRD has no further comments on this item. The street improvement construction plans are near completion.

Patrick V. Morris
Civil Engineer II
Public Works/Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
Phone: 719-385-5075
1/24/2024 9:44:47 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
1/23/2024 8:13:57 AM
Space Village ROW is owned by the city of Colorado Springs now. The developer will have to submit construction drawings to comply with City Criteria.

Please include the following when submitting the construction drawings:

1- Please limit the proposed access points along Space Village Ave to a maximum of 36 feet wide.
2- Please align the proposed east site access (Access B in TIS) with 7230 Space Village Ave exiting access.
3- If gates are proposed at any of the access points, then gates will need to be spaces at a minimum of 50 feet from the flow line and provide a turnaround width for U-turn vehicles.
4- Please show and callout "on the future Development Plan" the speed line of sight with the adequate sight distance length (footage) for the proposed access points along Space Village Ave
5- The developer will be responsible to extend the striping for the two-way left-turn lane (center lane) to the site eastern property line.
6- The details of the signing and striping of the future public roadway improvements will be addressed during the construction plans review.

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
1/23/2024 8:13:57 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
12/18/2023 9:48:13 AM
Engineering Development Review Division (EDRD) has no comments on the development plan.

EDRD and Traffic Engineering are currently reviewing the construction plan for the public ROW street improvements.

Patrick V. Morris
Civil Engineer II
Public Works/Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
Phone: 719-385-5075
12/18/2023 9:48:13 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
12/12/2023 2:06:19 PM
Traffic Engineering has the following comments:

1- Please limit the proposed access points along Space Village Ave to a maximum of 36 feet wide.
2- Please align the proposed east site access (Access B in TIS) with 7230 Space Village Ave exiting access.
3- If gates are proposed at any of the access points, then gates will need to be spaces at a minimum of 50 feet from the flow line and provide a turnaround width for U-turn vehicles.
4- Please show and callout "on the future Development Plan" the speed line of sight with the adequate sight distance length (footage) for the proposed access points along Space Village Ave
5- The developer will be responsible to extend the striping for the two-way left-turn lane (center lane) to the site eastern property line.
6- The details of the signing and striping of the future public roadway improvements will be addressed during the construction plans review.

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
12/12/2023 2:06:19 PM
PCD Project Manager
11/8/2023 1:32:16 PM
Planning comments were resolved on v3 submittal.
Engineering staff is requiring documents to be uploaded with signatures.

11/8/2023 1:32:16 PM
PCD Engineering Division
11/8/2023 11:42:42 AM
- Detention Maintenance Agreement: On page 6 please remove "Craig Dossey" and replace with "Meggan Herington" include revised version in MS227.

Previous review comment on the Financial Assurance Form has been resolved. Please submit the following documents with appropriate signatures and stamp from engineer and developer/owner:

- Drainage Report
- GEC Plan

Reviewed by:
Carlos Hernandez
11/8/2023 11:42:42 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
10/30/2023 8:38:38 AM
Review #4: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following document:
- MS4 Post Construction Form

EPC DPW Stormwater has no further comments. Planner: no re-review necessary.

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
10/30/2023 8:38:38 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
7/17/2023 8:29:18 AM
Financial Assurance Estimate Form Comments 7/17/2023 8:29:18 AM
PCD Engineering Division
7/17/2023 8:28:38 AM
Review 3: Please see comments on the following document (uploaded by engineering).

- Financial Assurance Estimate Form (minor comment)

Note to PM: A 3-day turnaround review is sufficient for next engineering review cycle.

Reviewed by:
Carlos Hernandez
Review Engineer
7/17/2023 8:28:38 AM
PCD Project Manager
7/14/2023 10:59:54 AM
Planning comments have been resolved.

Engineering staff will provide comments with associated documents upon their review.

7/14/2023 10:59:54 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
6/28/2023 1:39:57 PM
Review #3: Unresolved previous comment: Please provide the following document upon resubmittal that was requested with my Review #1 comments.
- MS4 Post Construction Form (1 form for each SFB)
That form can be downloaded here:

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
6/28/2023 1:39:57 PM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 2:49:00 PM
FAE comments 5/9/2023 2:49:00 PM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 2:48:38 PM
Drainage report comments 5/9/2023 2:48:38 PM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 2:48:07 PM
GEC Plan comments 5/9/2023 2:48:07 PM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 2:45:21 PM
lighting plan comment 5/9/2023 2:45:21 PM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 2:44:14 PM
SDP comments 5/9/2023 2:44:14 PM
PCD Engineering Division
5/9/2023 10:04:31 AM
Review 2:

Review 1 comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- Letter of Intent

See comments on the following documents (uploaded by project manager):
- Site Development Plan
- Grading & Erosion Control Plan
- Final Drainage Report
- Financial Assurance Form

Reviewed by:
Carlos Hernandez
Review Engineer I
Daniel Torres
Review Engineer III
5/9/2023 10:04:31 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
5/9/2023 7:22:20 AM
Review #2: Please revise all documents per my comments on MS227 that I submitted to EDARP on 5/9/2023 (including uploading a Maintenance Agreement and MS4 Post Construction Form to this PPR).

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents submitted with this PPR:
- ESQCP Application
- PBMP O&M Manual

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
5/9/2023 7:22:20 AM
View Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
4/21/2023 3:26:40 PM
4/21/2023 3:26:40 PM
View EPC Health Department
3/31/2023 9:54:37 AM
3/31/2023 9:54:37 AM
View Colorado Springs Airport Advisory Commission
3/22/2023 4:05:27 PM
The attached summary with comments was presented at the March 22, 2023 Airport Advisory Commission meeting with no objections. 3/22/2023 4:05:27 PM
Cherokee Metro Dist
3/7/2023 9:02:20 AM
No water and wastewater commitment letter has been sought for this site. CMD will make comments on utility plans when available. 3/7/2023 9:02:20 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
3/7/2023 12:51:27 PM
Review #1: Please revise all documents per my comments on MS227 from 2/15/2023, as the ones uploaded for this PPR233 have not been revised yet per those previous comments.

Upload a copy of the following documents that were submitted with MS227 but not with this PPR233:
- ESQCP Application
- PBMP O&M Manual

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
3/7/2023 12:51:27 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
3/6/2023 2:22:01 PM
Regarding a request for approval of development plan for Space Village Fil. No. 4, Enumerations has the following comments:

1. Enumerations has provided addresses for each of the proposed lots as part of the application. No structures are proposed, but, if there are going to be any electric services installed, these addresses should be used when submitting plans.

Brent Johnson
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2888 E: W:
3/6/2023 2:22:01 PM
View PCD Project Manager
3/2/2023 10:28:02 AM
Letter of intent comments 3/2/2023 10:28:02 AM
View PCD Project Manager
3/2/2023 10:27:35 AM
Drainage report comments 3/2/2023 10:27:35 AM
View PCD Project Manager
3/2/2023 10:26:57 AM
FAE comments 3/2/2023 10:26:57 AM
View PCD Project Manager
3/2/2023 10:26:23 AM
GEC plan comments 3/2/2023 10:26:23 AM
View PCD Project Manager
3/2/2023 10:25:59 AM
landscape plans comments 3/2/2023 10:25:59 AM
View PCD Project Manager
3/2/2023 10:25:31 AM
lighting plan comments 3/2/2023 10:25:31 AM
View PCD Project Manager
3/2/2023 10:25:15 AM
SDP comments 3/2/2023 10:25:15 AM
PCD Engineering Division
3/1/2023 5:22:15 PM
Review 1 comments will be uploaded by the project manager. Review comments on the following documents:

- Letter of Intent
- Site Development Plan
- GEC Plan
- Final Drainage Report
- Financial Assurance Form

- A Driveway Access Permit is required for all individual access onto a county or private road. Please apply for a driveway access permit for each proposed driveway through EDARP, . Under "Getting Started" click on "Initiate a minor application", select Access Permit, and enter a valid email address. A verification code will be sent to the email provided. The verification code will be needed to access the application online.

- Road Impact Fees are applicable per Resolution 19-471 and are accessed at the time of final land use approval. Refer to for further information.

Reviewed by:
Carlos Hernandez
Review Engineer
3/1/2023 5:22:15 PM
Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
2/28/2023 2:14:25 PM
The Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD does not have any comments at this time but respectfully reserves the right to comment on any future submittals. 2/28/2023 2:14:25 PM
Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
2/23/2023 3:31:06 PM
Colorado Springs Utilities has existing infrastructure around this parcel; if the construction will impact any of our existing infrastructure, including our water mains, we MUST be notified. If you have any questions regarding gas and electric services, please contact 719-668-4985. 2/23/2023 3:31:06 PM
View EPC Parks Department
2/21/2023 8:21:36 AM
See administrative Parks comments attached. 2/21/2023 8:21:36 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
2/16/2023 2:16:41 PM
2/16/2023 2:16:41 PM
View Cimarron Hills Fire
2/16/2023 12:25:45 PM
CHFD has reviewed this project for Fire and Life Safety. We approve and I have uploaded a Commitment letter and Fire Protection Report for reference. JT McLeod, Division Chief CHFD. 2/16/2023 12:25:45 PM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
2/15/2023 8:12:47 AM
No action for E911 on this submittal.
Thank you.
2/15/2023 8:12:47 AM