Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Space Village Rd Minor Subdivision
taking 1 lot a creating 2 industrial lots
5417001005 5417001005
Hampton Partners
Jon Spencer ( )
(303) 794-4727
Jon Spencer ( )
(303) 794-4727
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Ashlyn Mathy
11/23/2021 3:33:52 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (104)

Link Agency Comment
County Attorney - Development Review
5/23/2024 3:53:53 PM
No further comments to SIA or Detention Maintenance Agreement. 5/23/2024 3:53:53 PM
View County Attorney - Development Review
5/16/2024 3:24:04 PM
1. Please remove the following duplicative documents from the file to avoid confusion: a) "SIA" and b) all documents titled "Private Detention Basin Agreement."
2. Requested edits to the Subdivision Improvements Agreement are attached.
3. Exhibit B to the Detention Basin Maintenance Agreement needs to include the legal description of the property on which the County's easement will be granted. It can simply be "Lots 1 and 2, Space Village Road Filing No. 4" if desired. The plat can be included as part of the exhibit if you want, but we also need that legal description.
5/16/2024 3:24:04 PM
PCD Project Manager
5/16/2024 9:45:37 AM
awaiting review comments from development county attorney to verify their comments have met.

-Ashlyn Mathy
5/16/2024 9:45:37 AM
County Attorney - Water
5/2/2024 11:02:59 AM
No further review regarding water is required at this time. 5/2/2024 11:02:59 AM
View County Attorney - Development Review
3/19/2024 12:03:57 PM
1. Requested edits to Detention Maintenance Agreement attached.

2. Comments to SIA from 9/7/22 remain unaddressed. As a reminder, they are:
a. Remove all highlighting from document
b. Make sure party identified as subdivider is the property owner
c. Fill in all blanks related to collateral and delete those forms of collateral that won't be used.
d. Add a signature block for the developer.
3/19/2024 12:03:57 PM
PCD Project Manager
3/18/2024 1:43:25 PM
planning comments resolved. Awaiting county development review response.

-Ashlyn Mathy
3/18/2024 1:43:25 PM
View County Attorney - Water
3/18/2024 1:10:42 PM
See attached Water Supply Review and Recommendations. Prior to recording the final plat, be sure to include the updated Water Provider's Supplement (currently uploaded in the WSIS slot) in the Water Resources Report that is uploaded. Also, please upload the Water Supply Information Summary in the correct slot - replacing what is there currently. 3/18/2024 1:10:42 PM
County Attorney - Water
3/6/2024 3:58:44 PM
This appears to be a duplicate referral. 3/6/2024 3:58:44 PM
PCD Project Manager
2/22/2024 3:42:38 PM
Planning comments resolved. Water attorney still has comments to be resolved by applicant.

-Ashlyn Mathy
2/22/2024 3:42:38 PM
County Attorney - Water
2/20/2024 8:54:52 AM
1. Per the Comment Response Letter dated 11/20/23 and uploaded 11/29/23, please provide an updated water commitment letter and upload into the water commitment letter slot (the Water Resource Report is currently in that slot). Make sure the new commitment letter identifies this project by name rather than location.
2. The Water Provider’s supplement also needs to be corrected to identify that the 0.28 AF/year demand is for irrigation (it currently states that there is no demand allocated to irrigation) and keep as an attachment to the Water Report rather than uploading into other eDARP slots.
3. Please pull the WSIS from the Water Resource Report and upload into the WSIS slot (the Water Provider’s Supplement is currently in that slot).
4. Please upload the Water Resource Report into the Water Resource Report slot (the Water Provider’s Supplement is currently in that slot).
2/20/2024 8:54:52 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
2/16/2024 6:54:02 AM
EDRD has no further comments on this item.

Patrick V. Morris
Civil Engineer II
Public Works/Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
Phone: 719-385-5075
2/16/2024 6:54:02 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
2/13/2024 9:36:38 AM
Please submit the construction drawings "including all of traffic engineering comments" on ProjectDox program for city review.

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
2/13/2024 9:36:38 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
1/31/2024 8:30:01 AM
EDRD has no further comments on this item. The City is reviewing the street improvement construction plans are near completion.

Patrick V. Morris
Civil Engineer II
Public Works/Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
Phone: 719-385-5075
1/31/2024 8:30:01 AM
Colorado Springs Public Works
1/23/2024 8:12:56 AM
Space Village ROW is owned by the city of Colorado Springs now. The developer will have to submit construction drawings to comply with City Criteria.

Please include the following when submitting the construction drawings:

1- Please limit the proposed access points along Space Village Ave to a maximum of 36 feet wide.
2- Please align the proposed east site access (Access B in TIS) with 7230 Space Village Ave exiting access.
3- If gates are proposed at any of the access points, then gates will need to be spaces at a minimum of 50 feet from the flow line and provide a turnaround width for U-turn vehicles.
4- Please show and callout "on the future Development Plan" the speed line of sight with the adequate sight distance length (footage) for the proposed access points along Space Village Ave
5- The developer will be responsible to extend the striping for the two-way left-turn lane (center lane) to the site eastern property line.
6- The details of the signing and striping of the future public roadway improvements will be addressed during the construction plans review.

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
1/23/2024 8:12:56 AM
Colorado Springs Planning & Community Development
1/9/2024 12:33:48 PM
Space Village in the process to be annexed along the frontage of this property, City Planning + Neighborhood Services still strongly suggest annexation 1/9/2024 12:33:48 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
12/28/2023 2:03:31 PM
Per discussion with EPC Project Manager, please upload a Word version of the most recent Detention Maintenance Agreement for County Attorney review, removing all other versions from eDARP to avoid confusion. 12/28/2023 2:03:31 PM
View Colorado Springs Public Works
12/18/2023 10:27:54 AM
At the north-west corner along Space Village Ave, dedicate a "Public Improvement Easement", PIE, for the public sidewalk outside the Public ROW Verify the dimensions from the construction plan.
See uploaded sheet with EDRD comment.

Patrick V. Morris
Civil Engineer II
Public Works/Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
Phone: 719-385-5075
12/18/2023 10:27:54 AM
View PCD Project Manager
12/14/2023 10:24:30 AM
final plat minor comment 12/14/2023 10:24:30 AM
PCD Engineering Division
12/12/2023 4:49:29 PM
Previous review comments have been resolved. Please note that comments by City of Colorado Springs Public Works need to be resolved prior to project approval, and documents should be updated in the site development plan.

Reviewed by:
Carlos Hernandez
12/12/2023 4:49:29 PM
Colorado Springs Public Works
12/12/2023 2:02:26 PM
City traffic Engineering did not find any response letter for our previous comments.
Traffic Engineering has the following comments:

1- Please limit the proposed access points along Space Village Ave to a maximum of 36 feet wide.
2- Please align the proposed east site access (Access B in TIS) with 7230 Space Village Ave exiting access.
3- If gates are proposed at any of the access points, then gates will need to be spaces at a minimum of 50 feet from the flow line and provide a turnaround width for U-turn vehicles.
4- Please show and callout "on the future Development Plan" the speed line of sight with the adequate sight distance length (footage) for the proposed access points along Space Village Ave
5- The developer will be responsible to extend the striping for the two-way left-turn lane (center lane) to the site eastern property line.
6- The details of the signing and striping of the future public roadway improvements will be addressed during the construction plans review.

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
12/12/2023 2:02:26 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
12/5/2023 11:20:09 AM
Comments from 9/7/22 remain unaddressed. 12/5/2023 11:20:09 AM
County Attorney - Water
11/30/2023 3:44:28 PM
Thank you for the letter dated November 20, 2023. Based upon the explanations within, we will review for sufficiency upon the updated information from Cherokee Metro District being uploaded. 11/30/2023 3:44:28 PM
County Attorney - Water
11/20/2023 2:19:42 PM
The WSIS contains an estimated water demand of 0.28 AF/year for irrigation of 2 lots. The portion of the Water Resources Report prepared by Sterling states that no buildings are proposed and the only water demand will be for irrigation. The portion of the WRR prepared by Cherokee Metro District states, however, that no outdoor irrigation is expected and the water demand is for a storage facility. Likewise, the commitment letter from Cherokee reflects a demand of 0.0 AF/year for irrigation and 0.28 AF/year for domestic purposes. Please ensure that all documentation is consistent.

In addition, the presumptive water demand for irrigation found in Section 8.4.7 (B)(7)(d) of the Land Development Code is 2.46 AF/year per acre of irrigated land, or 0.0566 AF/year per 1,000 sq. ft. This presumptive demand is significantly greater than that estimated by the applicant. Please provide justification for the lower number, such as confirmation from the District that similar water uses in the vicinity have similar demands based on their records.
11/20/2023 2:19:42 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
11/9/2023 3:12:13 PM
Comments from 9/7/22 remain unaddressed. 11/9/2023 3:12:13 PM
View PCD Project Manager
11/8/2023 1:15:49 PM
Final plat minor comments 11/8/2023 1:15:49 PM
PCD Engineering Division
11/8/2023 11:22:18 AM
Review 7:
Documents were not submitted with signatures or stamps from owner/engineer. Please submit the following documents with stamps and signatures from design engineer and developer:

- Final Drainage Report: Missing signatures and stamp from Engineer and Developer.
- Grading & Erosion Control Plan: Missing signatures and stamp from Engineer and Developer
- ESQCP: Missing signature from Developer
- Financial Assurance Estimate Form: Missing Signature from Developer
- Traffic Memo: Missing Signature from Developer

Reviewed by:
Carlos Hernandez
11/8/2023 11:22:18 AM
County Attorney - Development Review
8/3/2023 1:25:02 PM
Comments from 9/7/22 remain unaddressed. 8/3/2023 1:25:02 PM
Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
8/2/2023 2:51:50 PM
The Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD does not have any comments at this time but respectfully reserves the right to comment on any future submittals. 8/2/2023 2:51:50 PM
View PCD Project Manager
8/2/2023 11:42:46 AM
Fire protection report, only the commitment letter has been submitted. 8/2/2023 11:42:46 AM
View PCD Project Manager
8/2/2023 11:39:42 AM
Final plat, unresolved minor comment. 8/2/2023 11:39:42 AM
County Attorney - Water
8/1/2023 4:12:55 PM
Prior to review, Applicant must add information to the Water Resources Report regarding Cherokee Metro District’s total water supply and its current commitments to serve (pursuant to Sections 8.4.7 (B)(3)(c)(v) and (e) of the Land Development Code). Also, please upload a new Commitment Letter from the District as the one uploaded from May 2022 has expired. 8/1/2023 4:12:55 PM
PCD Engineering Division
8/1/2023 1:12:33 PM
Previous Review Comments have been resolved. Please submit the following documents with stamps and signatures from design engineer and developer:

- Final Drainage Report
- Grading & Erosion Control Plan
- Financial Assurance Estimate Form

A three-day turnaround is sufficient for the next submittal.

Reviewed by:
Carlos Hernandez
Review Engineer
8/1/2023 1:12:33 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
7/24/2023 10:34:47 AM
Review 6: EPC DPW Stormwater has no further comments. Planner: no re-review necessary.

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
7/24/2023 10:34:47 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
7/17/2023 7:31:58 AM
V4_Financial Assurance Estimate Form Comments 7/17/2023 7:31:58 AM
PCD Engineering Division
7/17/2023 7:31:07 AM
Review 4: Please see comments on the following document (uploaded by engineering).

- Financial Assurance Estimate Form (minor comment)

Note to PM: A 3-day turnaround review is sufficient for next engineering review cycle.

Reviewed by:
Carlos Hernandez
Review Engineer
7/17/2023 7:31:07 AM
PCD Project Manager
7/13/2023 3:42:55 PM
Planning comments have been uploaded.

Any engineering documents/comments will be uploaded by the engineering project reviewer.

7/13/2023 3:42:55 PM
View PCD Project Manager
7/13/2023 3:42:06 PM
wastewater disposal report unresolved comments 7/13/2023 3:42:06 PM
View PCD Project Manager
7/13/2023 3:41:42 PM
water resource report unresolved comments 7/13/2023 3:41:42 PM
View PCD Project Manager
7/13/2023 3:41:14 PM
final plat comment 7/13/2023 3:41:14 PM
View PCD Project Manager
7/13/2023 3:40:49 PM
fire protection report comments 7/13/2023 3:40:49 PM
View PCD Project Manager
7/13/2023 3:40:23 PM
letter of intent minor comment 7/13/2023 3:40:23 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
7/13/2023 8:58:19 AM
Review 5: Upload a copy of the ESQCP to this MS227 project that was submitted with PPR233.

EPC DPW Stormwater has no further comments. Planner: no re-review necessary.

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
7/13/2023 8:58:19 AM
EPC Code Enforcement
7/12/2023 9:19:19 AM
No comment from Code Enforcement. 7/12/2023 9:19:19 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
6/28/2023 1:41:07 PM
Review 3: I uploaded comments on the following document with Review #1, but I'm not seeing that you uploaded a revised version for Submittal #2, #3, or #4. Please see my previous comments, revise the doc accordingly, and reupload it with the next submittal. Ask Ashlyn to send an upload request.
- ESQCP (you uploaded the revised form to PPR233, just not to this MS yet)

Please provide the following document upon resubmittal that was requested with my Review #1 comments (and it appears that the planner already sent you an upload request for them):
- MS4 Post Construction Form (1 form for each SFB)
That form can be downloaded here:

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- GEC Plan

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
6/28/2023 1:41:07 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
5/18/2023 3:52:48 PM
Comments from 9/7/22 remain unaddressed. 5/18/2023 3:52:48 PM
Colorado Springs Public Works
5/16/2023 12:26:43 PM
Engineering Development Review Division (EDRD) has the following comment:
1. Space Village Avenue is controlled by The City of Colorado Springs and the proposed development is required to install C&G, public sidewalk/trial and asphalt (if necessary) along Space Village Avenue adjacent to the site per City of Colorado Springs City Engineering and Traffic Engineering standards and details.

2. A urban trail is master planned along the south side of Space Village Avenue. This urban trail is called East Fork Sand Creek Trail. The width of the trail will be at least 10' wide on the south side of Space Village Avenue. Update the development plan to show at least a 10 wide urban trail and callout as the East Fork Sand Creek Trail adjacent to the site. The ped-ramps will match the width of the urban trail and the urban trail can be attached to the C&G.

3. Public Improvement Easements are required for the public improvements that fall outside the public ROW.

4. A street improvement construction plan and financial assurance are required for the new C&G, sidewalk/Trail, asphalt (if necessary) and other public ROW improvements. The public ROW improvements will follow City Engineering standards and details. The construction plan shall be submitted for review and approval to Engineering Development Review Division (EDRD) and Traffic Engineering via our electronic review system called ProjectDox. A user manual for submitting documents can be found on the Stormwater Enterprise web page. ( The financial assurance shall be posted with the City prior to the approval of the construction plans.
The concrete installation with in Space Village Avenue right-of-way requires the contractor to have a City of Colorado Springs concrete license, concrete permits and inspected by the EDRD inspection team.

5. Callout Space Village Avenue is under City of Colorado Springs control.

Patrick V. Morris
Civil Engineer II
Public Works/Engineering Development Review
City of Colorado Springs
Phone: 719-385-5075
5/16/2023 12:26:43 PM
Colorado Springs Public Works
5/15/2023 11:11:35 AM
Traffic Engineering has the following comments:

1- Please limit the proposed access points along Space Village Ave to a maximum of 36 feet wide.
2- Please align the proposed east site access (Access B in TIS) with 7230 Space Village Ave exiting access.
3- If gates are proposed at any of the access points, then gates will need to be spaces at a minimum of 50 feet from the flow line and provide a turnaround width for U-turn vehicles.
4- Please show and callout "on the future Development Plan" the speed line of sight with the adequate sight distance length (footage) for the proposed access points along Space Village Ave
5- The developer will be responsible to extend the striping for the two-way left-turn lane (center lane) to the site eastern property line.
6- The details of the signing and striping of the future public roadway improvements will be addressed during the construction plans review.

Zaker Alazzeh, P.E.
Traffic Engineering Manager/Deputy City Traffic Engineer
City of Colorado Springs
(719) 385-5468
5/15/2023 11:11:35 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
5/9/2023 5:09:50 PM
Deviation request 5/9/2023 5:09:50 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
5/9/2023 5:09:23 PM
GEC plan redlines 5/9/2023 5:09:23 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
5/9/2023 5:12:42 PM
FAE redlines 5/9/2023 5:12:42 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
5/9/2023 5:08:25 PM
Final Drainage report redlines 5/9/2023 5:08:25 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
5/9/2023 5:07:54 PM
TIS redlines 5/9/2023 5:07:54 PM
PCD Engineering Division
5/9/2023 5:19:15 PM
Review 3 comments on the following documents will be uploaded:
-Final drainage report
-GEC plan
-Deviation Request

Staff has been informed that ownership of Space Village Ave has been transferred to the City of Colorado Springs. Comments have been provided on the documents to coordinate with the City regarding any public improvements as well as access permits required by the City.

Please update the letter of intent accordingly due to information regarding ownership of Space Village. Also a deviation request is no longer needed as Space Village Ave. is no longer a County owned roadway.

reviewed by:
Carlos Hernandez & Daniel Torres
5/9/2023 5:19:15 PM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 3:05:02 PM
FAE comments 5/9/2023 3:05:02 PM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 3:03:42 PM
Fire protection report comment 5/9/2023 3:03:42 PM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 3:03:16 PM
LOI comments 5/9/2023 3:03:16 PM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 3:02:56 PM
water supply info sheet, please fill out the correct form based on the water resources report 5/9/2023 3:02:56 PM
View PCD Project Manager
5/9/2023 3:02:22 PM
Final Plat comments 5/9/2023 3:02:22 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
5/8/2023 5:40:12 PM
Review 3: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- FAE............(to be uploaded by PM)
- GEC Plan...(to be uploaded by PM)

I uploaded comments for the following documents with Review #1, but I'm not seeing that you uploaded revised versions for Submittal #2 or #3. Please see my previous comments, revise the docs accordingly, and reupload them with the next submittal. Ask Ashlyn to send upload requests.
- ESQCP (you uploaded the revised form to PPR233 with the latest submittal)
- Private Detention Basin / Stormwater Quality BMP Maintenance Agreement

Please provide the following documents upon resubmittal that were requested with my Review #1 comments (and it appears that the planner already sent you an upload request for them):
- MS4 Post Construction Form (1 form for each SFB)
That form can be downloaded here:

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- Drainage Report
- O&M Manual

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
5/8/2023 5:40:12 PM
Cherokee Metro Dist
3/17/2023 9:18:35 AM
Cherokee has no comments on this submittal but reserves the right to review any utility plans for future development on this site. 3/17/2023 9:18:35 AM
View EPC Stormwater Review
2/15/2023 12:30:16 PM
GEC Plan 2/15/2023 12:30:16 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
2/15/2023 12:29:46 PM
FAE 2/15/2023 12:29:46 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
2/15/2023 12:29:28 PM
Drainage Report 2/15/2023 12:29:28 PM
View PCD Project Manager
2/10/2023 8:39:32 AM
final plat 2/10/2023 8:39:32 AM
View PCD Project Manager
2/10/2023 8:39:10 AM
fire protection report 2/10/2023 8:39:10 AM
View PCD Project Manager
2/10/2023 8:38:29 AM
water disposal report 2/10/2023 8:38:29 AM
View PCD Project Manager
2/10/2023 8:38:04 AM
water resources report 2/10/2023 8:38:04 AM
View PCD Project Manager
2/10/2023 8:32:22 AM
Letter of Intent 2/10/2023 8:32:22 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
2/9/2023 5:27:59 PM
Traffic Study Redlines 2/9/2023 5:27:59 PM
PCD Engineering Division
2/9/2023 5:23:40 PM
Review 2 comments on the following documents will be uploaded:
-Final Plat (to be uploaded by the Project Manager)
-Traffic Study
-Drainage Report (to be uploaded by the stormwater engineer)
-FAE (to be uploaded by the stormwater engineer)
-GEC Plan (to be uploaded by the stormwater engineer)

Please submit the following documents. Ashlyn, please open up slots for them to upload in the resubmittal:
-SDI worksheet
-MS4 Post Construction Form
-State non-jurisdictional impoundment form

No additional PCD engineering comments on the following documents:
-Letter of Intent
-PBMP Applicability form

reviewed by:
Carlos Hernandez
Daniel Torres
2/9/2023 5:23:40 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
2/15/2023 11:55:46 AM
Review 2: EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents
- Drainage Report
- GEC Plan

I uploaded comments for the following documents with Review #1, but I'm not seeing that you uploaded revised versions for Submittal #2. Please see my previous comments, revise the docs accordingly, and reupload them with the next submittal. Ask Ashlyn to send upload requests.
- O&M Manual
- Private Detention Basin / Stormwater Quality BMP Maintenance Agreement

Please provide the following documents upon resubmittal that were requested with my Review #1 comments (and it appears that the planner already sent you an upload request for them):
- MS4 Post Construction Form
- SDI Form
Both forms can be downloaded here:

EPC DPW Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- GEC Checklist
- PBMP Applicability Form
- SWMP Checklist

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer III
2/15/2023 11:55:46 AM
View Parks Advisory Board
10/18/2022 8:42:25 AM
See final Parks comments attached. 10/18/2022 8:42:25 AM
View EPC Health Department
10/5/2022 8:23:21 PM
10/5/2022 8:23:21 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/20/2022 5:28:53 PM
GEC plan with stormwater 9/20/2022 5:28:53 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/20/2022 5:28:18 PM
Financial Assurance with Stormwater 9/20/2022 5:28:18 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/20/2022 5:27:41 PM
ESQCP with stormwater 9/20/2022 5:27:41 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/20/2022 5:27:09 PM
Drainage report comments with Stormwater 9/20/2022 5:27:09 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
9/13/2022 4:29:24 PM
SWMP Checklist 9/13/2022 4:29:24 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
9/13/2022 4:28:51 PM
SWMP 9/13/2022 4:28:51 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
9/13/2022 4:28:09 PM
Private Detention Basin / Stormwater Quality BMP Maintenance Agreement 9/13/2022 4:28:09 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
9/13/2022 4:27:51 PM
PBMP Applicability Form 9/13/2022 4:27:51 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
9/13/2022 4:27:27 PM
O&M Manual 9/13/2022 4:27:27 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
9/13/2022 4:27:10 PM
GEC Checklist 9/13/2022 4:27:10 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
9/13/2022 3:33:16 PM
Review 1: EPC Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents:
- Drainage Report...(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- ESQCP..................(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- FAE.......................(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- GEC Plan..............(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments)
- GEC Checklist
- O&M Manual
- PBMP Applicability Form
- Private Detention Basin / Stormwater Quality BMP Maintenance Agreement
- SWMP Checklist

Please provide the following documents upon resubmittal (ask the planner to send an upload request):
- MS4 Post Construction Form
- SDI Form
Both forms can be downloaded here:

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer II
9/13/2022 3:33:16 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/9/2022 5:05:02 PM
TIS 9/9/2022 5:05:02 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/9/2022 5:04:42 PM
swmp 9/9/2022 5:04:42 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/9/2022 5:04:21 PM
PBMP 9/9/2022 5:04:21 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/9/2022 5:03:59 PM
LOI 9/9/2022 5:03:59 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/9/2022 5:03:37 PM
grading and erosion control 9/9/2022 5:03:37 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/9/2022 5:03:11 PM
Financial assurance 9/9/2022 5:03:11 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/9/2022 5:02:45 PM
final plat drawings 9/9/2022 5:02:45 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/9/2022 5:02:18 PM
drainage report 9/9/2022 5:02:18 PM
PCD Engineering Division
9/8/2022 5:01:48 PM
Review 1 comments on the following documents will be uploaded by the project manager:
-Letter of Intent
-Drainage Report
-Traffic Study
-Final Plat
-GEC Plan
-PBMP Applicability Form

Please submit the following documents:
SDI worksheet
MS4 Post Construction Form
State non-jurisdictional impoundment form

reviewed by:
Daniel Torres
9/8/2022 5:01:48 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
9/7/2022 11:45:21 AM
1. Remove all highlighting from document
2. Make sure party identified as subdivider is the property owner
3. Fill in all blanks related to collateral and delete those forms of collateral that won't be used.

1. Remove all highlighting from document
2. Make sure party identified as developer is the property owner
3. Add a signature block for the developer
4. Make all necessary edits to document, including subdivision name, number of detention basin/BMP(s), and location of detention basin/BMP(s)
9/7/2022 11:45:21 AM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
9/7/2022 11:12:33 AM

Please see my comments below:

1. Lot 1 address will be 7113 Space Village Ave and Lot 2 address will be 7233 Space Village Ave. Please add these two addresses to the final plat.
2. Potter Drive is no longer the correct street name for the road to the east on the final plat. The street name is Air Lane, please update.

Standard Final Plat comments apply:

1. Enumerations will review the mylar prior to plat for address placement, street names, and title block.
2. A $10.00 per lot and tract platting fee will be due at the time of the review of the mylar, (two addresses per lot and tract). If an address is not needed on a tract then no fee applies. Check should be made out to PIKES PEAK REGIONAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT or PPRBD. Paid directly to the Enumerations Department. An additional over the phone transaction fee of $3.50 will apply for any credit card payment.
3. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to approval in the Enumerations department on any COMMERCIAL plan submittal. (Please email the Enumerations staff that reviewed your project).
4. Mylar reviews can be reviewed via “pdf”. The mylar will be stamped by Enumerations for accuracy and returned to the applicant and the planner. All payments to be mailed to RBD via a check or credit card payment over the phone. Plats should not be recorded prior to Enumerations receiving payment. If you would like an in-person review, please make an appointment on our website.

Thank you,

Becky Allen
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-799-2707 W: E:
9/7/2022 11:12:33 AM
Colorado Geological Survey
9/7/2022 9:39:24 AM
The available referral documents include the letter of intent (Sterling Design Associates, May 20, 2022), site plan (Commercial Building Services, undated), geotechnical engineering report (Cole Garner Geotechnical (CGG), August 16, 2022), and other documents. We understand that the minor subdivision will subdivide 2 lots into roughly 11.4 acres each, including an infiltration pond and outdoor storage. The available documents indicate that no buildings are planned at this time.

The site does not contain steep slopes or flood hazards, nor is it exposed to any geologic hazards that would preclude the site improvements. Therefore, CGS has no objection to the approval of the minor subdivision.

We concur with CGG (page 3) that “Windblown material may be subject to settlement or hydro compaction when water is allowed to saturate the deposits.” If structures are planned in the future, site-specific geotechnical investigations should be performed for each proposed building before the issuance of building permits.

Submitted 9/7/2022 by Amy Crandall, Colorado Geological Survey:
9/7/2022 9:39:24 AM
Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
9/6/2022 1:17:20 PM
I have no review comments for the above name project I recommend Approval Al 9/6/2022 1:17:20 PM
View Colorado Parks and Wildlife
8/31/2022 11:47:09 AM
8/31/2022 11:47:09 AM
Colorado State Forest Service
8/30/2022 9:08:07 AM
The primary wildland fuel type for this proposal is grassland with scattered trees having a low wildfire hazard potential. No special fire mitigation plans or other actions are necessary for final approval by the Colorado State Forest Service. 8/30/2022 9:08:07 AM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
8/25/2022 8:23:42 AM
No new streetnames requested on this submittal.
No action for E911.
Thank you.
8/25/2022 8:23:42 AM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
8/23/2022 2:58:28 PM
8/23/2022 2:58:28 PM
View EPC Parks Department
8/19/2022 9:57:49 AM
See final Parks comments attached.

8/19/2022 9:57:49 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
8/19/2022 8:53:33 AM
8/19/2022 8:53:33 AM
County Attorney - Water
8/18/2022 8:03:58 AM
The County Attorney's Office will review water sufficiency following receipt of findings from the Colorado Division of Water Resources. Thank you. 8/18/2022 8:03:58 AM