Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Fuel Station Rezoning
Rezone of 4.5 acres from A-35 to CS
3412000015 3412000015
Baseline Engineering Corporation
Alyssa Rivas ( )
(719) 332-3928
Alyssa Rivas ( )
(719) 332-3928
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Kylie Bagley
9/15/2021 8:42:33 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (21)

Link Agency Comment
View PCD Project Manager
10/11/2022 2:37:55 PM
Traffic Impact Study Redlines 10/11/2022 2:37:55 PM
Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
10/6/2022 12:15:33 PM
- CDOT staff does not have any comments regarding the rezone of the fueling station from agricultural to commercial.
- A new CDOT Access Permit will be required for this development. Please contact CDOT, Arthur Gonzales, Access
Manager to make application (719) 546-5732 or email
- A single point of access shall be granted for this development and secondary access to the site may not be allowed per the
State Highway Access Code.
- Auxiliary lanes will be required for this development with highway widening and roadway improvements will also be required
per the design standards of the State Highway Access Code.

Regardless of trip-generation, any proposed modification of the existing access would need to meet the standards of the State Highway Access Code (SHAC) to the extent possible.

The access does not meet the one-half mile spacing standard for NR-A Highway for full movement accesses; therefore, movement restrictions for the access should be expected in the future.

The proposed modified access could be moved west 46 feet to meet the minimum 400 feet spacing from intersection of SH94/Ellicott Highway.

The site plan provided shows 2 proposed accesses for the 2 existing uses of this property: one to the fuel station and one to a storage building - only one access should be allowed.

Due to the turning volumes, right and left turn deceleration lanes are required when the access is modified.

A right turn acceleration lane is recommended due to the traffic volume on the highway, the posted speed of 45 MPH and the new trips generated by trucks.
10/6/2022 12:15:33 PM
PCD Engineering Division
10/5/2022 4:40:09 PM
Review comments will be uploaded by the project manager for the following documents:

-TIS: coordinate with CDOT for requirements.

Reviewed By:
Lupe Packman
10/5/2022 4:40:09 PM
View PCD Project Manager
1/13/2022 11:19:28 AM
Please see redline comments on TIS 1/13/2022 11:19:28 AM
PCD Engineering Division
1/11/2022 5:19:32 PM
Review 2 comments will be uploaded by the project manager. Please address comments on the following documents:


Reviewed by:
Lupe Packman
Review Engineer
1/11/2022 5:19:32 PM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
1/11/2022 8:49:09 AM
Mountain View Electric Association has no objection to the current rezone plan. 1/11/2022 8:49:09 AM
Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
1/12/2022 11:23:18 AM
- CDOT staff does not have any comments regarding the rezone of the fueling station from agricultural to commercial.

- A new CDOT Access Permit will be required for this development. Please contact CDOT, Arthur Gonzales, Access Manager to make application (719) 546-5732 or email
- A single point of access shall be granted for this development and secondary access to the site may not be allowed per the State Highway Access Code.
- Auxiliary lanes will be required for this development with highway widening and roadway improvements will also be required per the design standards of the State Highway Access Code.

1. Traffic Impact Study (TIS), dated December 17, 2020, is not signed and stamped. A signed and stamped copy should be provided before final approval.
2. The TIS refers to a school expansion and school peak hours in the Trip Generation paragraph on page 4 & 5. This should be corrected and resubmitted.
3. The TIS is missing a reference in the 2040 Total Traffic Volumes paragraph on page 6. This should be corrected.
4. The TIS states that it is not possible for trucks to circulate through the site with a single access. Evidence to support this claim has not been provided. The size of the parcel appears to be about 4 acres.
5. There are two existing uses for this property – the gas station and a fire station. The TIS needs to include the gas station use, its access, and associated impacts. This information needs to be submitted.
6. The proposed modification of the existing access would not meet the standards of the State Highway Access Code (SHAC) regarding spacing from the intersection of SH94 and Ellicott Highway due to the required lengths of auxiliary lanes for acceleration and deceleration lanes.
7. The access does not meet the one-half mile spacing standard for NR-A Highway for full movement accesses.
8. Any new access would need to be a minimum of 400 feet from any other access which is not possible for this parcel unless an access is shared.
9. The site plan provided shows a total of 4 proposed accesses: a one-way ingress next to a full movement driveway on the west side of the parcel and a one-way egress next to a full movement driveway near the east side of the parcel. Only one single point of access is allowed by the SHAC access should be allowed and only if it can meet the standards of the SHAC.
10. Per the Hwy 94 Access Management Plan, the intersection of SH94 and Ellicott Highway is identified for signalization in the future. The TIS should analyze the impacts of queue lengths and other operational components of a future signal. Left turning outbound trucks would have to wait for a gap in westbound traffic generated by a future signal at the Ellicott Highway and then may be prevented from doing so due to a queue of eastbound traffic stopped at the signal.
11. Due to the turning volumes, right and left turn deceleration lanes are required.
12. Right turn and left turn acceleration lanes are required due to the traffic volume on the highway, the posted speed of 45 MPH and the new trips generated by trucks.
13. A revised site plan with access that meets the standards of the SHAC needs to be provided.

Arthur Gonzales - CDOT Access Manager
1/12/2022 11:23:18 AM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
12/27/2021 7:47:52 AM
All fees for this application have been paid
The Annual Underground Compliance report has been received and there are no deficiencies.
Description of the Fire Station has been added to the application.
The Ellicott Fire Department has no objections to the Rezoning application as described.
Mark Stanwood
Fire Marshal
Ellicott Fire Protection District
12/27/2021 7:47:52 AM
View EPC Health Department
12/10/2021 1:14:45 PM
12/10/2021 1:14:45 PM
View PCD Project Manager
11/23/2021 4:52:18 PM
Please revise LOI based on findings from Traffic Impact Study 11/23/2021 4:52:18 PM
Colorado Department of Transportation - Pueblo Office
11/16/2021 11:54:59 AM
CDOT staff does not have any comments as to or regarding the rezone of the fueling station. A new CDOT Access Permit will be required for this development. Please contact CDOT, Arthur Gonzales, Access Manager to make application (719) 546-5732 or email 11/16/2021 11:54:59 AM
PCD Engineering Division
11/9/2021 2:08:16 PM
Per EA-21179 a traffic study is required for this application. Please submit a traffic study for the second review; comments will be forthcoming.

Note to planner: please open a slot for a traffic study on EDARP.

Reviewed by:
Lupe Packman
Review Engineer
11/9/2021 2:08:16 PM
View EPC Parks Department
11/5/2021 8:07:02 AM
See administrative Parks comments attached. 11/5/2021 8:07:02 AM
Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
11/3/2021 11:12:58 AM
The Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD does not have any comments at this time but respectfully reserves the right to comment in the future if necessary. 11/3/2021 11:12:58 AM
County Attorney - Development Review
11/2/2021 7:42:02 PM
No comments from County Attorney - Development Review at this time. 11/2/2021 7:42:02 PM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
10/28/2021 9:01:08 AM
10/28/2021 9:01:08 AM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
10/28/2021 9:00:34 AM
10/28/2021 9:00:34 AM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
10/26/2021 2:11:38 PM
There is a $100.00 EDARP review fee to be paid to the Ellicott Fire Department. Please submit a check, with the name of the project to the Ellicott Fire Department at:
Ellicott Fire Protection District - Station 2
75 N Ellicott HWY
Calhan, CO 80808

The Ellicott Fire Department will require a copy of the latest ANNUAL Underground Storage Tank inspection report - it must be the ANNUAL UST Report. and should be less than 1 year old. This can be emailed to us

FYI: The 2,340 SQ FT Stucco Building described on the Southeast Corner id the Ellicott Fire Station #1 on a portion of the property that was divided and leased (pre-paid 99 year lease) by the Ellicott Fire Department. This building is not in the property description on the El Paso County website. The Assessors GIS Map Page #34120 shows a property line around what would be the fire station, this property line is not on the online assessors map. The Ellicott Fire Department wished to have the property line issue resolved - however we do not believe it affects this rezoning as described.
10/26/2021 2:11:38 PM
View Colorado Parks and Wildlife
10/26/2021 11:00:02 AM
10/26/2021 11:00:02 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
10/26/2021 9:28:25 AM
10/26/2021 9:28:25 AM
Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
10/21/2021 8:38:23 AM
Mountain View Electric Association has no objection to the current rezone plan. 10/21/2021 8:38:23 AM