Project Review Comments

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Project Name
2520 N LOG RD
Disapproved detached garage (1261 SQ FT). 1) Proposed detached garage must be depicted onto site plan denoting its size, height and setback measurements from the proposed structure to all 4 lot lines. 2) Parcel is currently vacant land and zoned RR-5. Per EPC LDC Section 5.2.2.(F) Principal Structure Required. No building permit for construction of an accessory structure, where a building permit is required, shall be authorized prior to construction of the principal structure except in the A-35 Zoning District. 3) PPRBD Plan Set R142555 for principal structure is currently disapproved. 4) There are no building permits or agricultural exemptions on record for existing 1628 SQ FT detached garage, existing 327.24 SQ FT shed, or existing 1096 SQ FT Barn depicted on site plan. 5) Driveway Access Permit is required. No permit on file.
3300000206 3300000206
File Number
5/20/2021 8:22:50 AM

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Approval Comments (1)

Link Agency Status Comment Date
PCD Project Manager Revise Disapproved detached garage (1261 SQ FT). 1) Proposed detached garage must be depicted onto site plan denoting its size, height and setback measurements from the proposed structure to all 4 lot lines. 2) Parcel is currently vacant land and zoned RR-5. Per EPC LDC Section 5.2.2.(F) Principal Structure Required. No building permit for construction of an accessory structure, where a building permit is required, shall be authorized prior to construction of the principal structure except in the A-35 Zoning District. 3) PPRBD Plan Set R142555 for principal structure is currently disapproved. 4) There are no building permits or agricultural exemptions on record for existing 1628 SQ FT detached garage, existing 327.24 SQ FT shed, or existing 1096 SQ FT Barn depicted on site plan. 5) Driveway Access Permit is required. No permit on file. 5/20/2021 9:29:14 AM