Project Review Comments
- Project Name
- Cornerstone Estates Final Plat
- Description
- Plat 16 single-family lots
- Location
- Parcels
- 5223000003 5223000003
- Applicant
William Guman & Associates, Ltd.
Bill Guman ( )
(719) 633-9700 Bill Guman ( )
(719) 633-9700 - EA Number
- EA2175
- File Number
- SF222
- Project Manager
- Kylie Bagley
- Status
- Closed
- Created
- 5/5/2021 7:51:33 AM
View: Project Documents
Agency | Comment | ||
PCD Administrative
11/29/2023 10:44:18 AM |
PCD mailed 15 notices of a received application to surrounding property owners within a 500-foot range on 11/29/23. The cost to the applicant will be $9.45. MM |
11/29/2023 10:44:18 AM | |
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Colorado Division of Water Resources
3/1/2022 2:33:50 PM |
3/1/2022 2:33:50 PM | |
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Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
2/28/2022 3:04:53 PM |
2/28/2022 3:04:53 PM | |
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EPC Health Department
2/27/2022 9:22:36 PM |
2/27/2022 9:22:36 PM | |
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PCD Project Manager
2/15/2022 3:36:17 PM |
Final Plat Redlines review 1 | 2/15/2022 3:36:17 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/15/2022 3:16:27 PM |
TIS Redline Summary | 2/15/2022 3:16:27 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/15/2022 3:16:02 PM |
TIS Redlines | 2/15/2022 3:16:02 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/15/2022 3:15:34 PM |
GEC Redlines | 2/15/2022 3:15:34 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/15/2022 3:14:58 PM |
FDR Redline Summary | 2/15/2022 3:14:58 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/15/2022 3:14:30 PM |
FDR Redlines | 2/15/2022 3:14:30 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/15/2022 3:14:06 PM |
FAE Redlines | 2/15/2022 3:14:06 PM |
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PCD Engineering Division
2/15/2022 3:13:41 PM |
Construction Drawing Redlines | 2/15/2022 3:13:41 PM |
PCD Engineering Division
2/15/2022 3:17:56 PM |
Review 1 redline comments to the following document will be uploaded as separate comments. - Construction Drawings - Drainage Report - Traffic Impact Study - FAE - GEC Plans - FDR Redline Summary - TIS Redline Summary Reviewed by: Charlene Durham, PE |
2/15/2022 3:17:56 PM | |
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PCD Project Manager
2/14/2022 1:22:05 PM |
Water Resources report not complete; Please look at Section 8.4.7 of the Code. Add all the required information. Please quality control report against Code prior to resubmitting. | 2/14/2022 1:22:05 PM |
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PCD Project Manager
2/14/2022 12:50:02 PM |
Final Plat Map checklist- Please review and upload this checklist to ensure all items are included on plat. | 2/14/2022 12:50:02 PM |
PCD Project Manager
2/14/2022 12:19:36 PM |
Landscape is applicable along arterial roadways. Chapter 6 requires landscape along Arterials in PUD's. Goodson Road is a Minor Arterial (20-feet landscape setback). Please provide a plan. If there is existing vegetation, use that as counts in the LS plan. The Code allows for shrub substitutes. (B)Roadway Landscaping Requirements. Roadway landscaping areas are required. A roadway landscaping area is located along the lot, parcel or tract frontage between the road right-of-way, easement, or tract boundary lines and any building or use.(1)Minimum Depth of Roadway Landscaping Area. Table 6-1 lists the depth and number of trees required to be provided along any road in roadway landscaping area. Where the required setback is narrower than the depth of the required landscape area, the roadway landscaping area depth shall control. Unless otherwise approved by the ECM Administrator, the depth of roadway landscaping shall be measured from the property line. Where a roadway easement has been provided, the measurement shall be from the ROW or roadway easement. Where future ROW has been identified, the measurement should begin at the future ROW line in order avoid subsequent impairment of the landscaping. Table 6-1. Roadway Landscaping Required by Roadway Classification Road Classification Depth of Roadway Landscaping Area Required Trees (Trees/Linear Foot of Frontage) Expressway, Principal Arterial 25 feet 1 per 20 feet Urban Interchange/Intersection 25 feet NA Minor Arterial 20 feet 1 per 25 feet (e)Single-Family PUD Roadway Landscaping. Roadway landscaping is not required along local residential roadways (non-arterials) within a residential PUD. |
2/14/2022 12:19:36 PM | |
PCD Project Manager
2/14/2022 11:50:26 AM |
Provide the BHE Natural Gas Commitment letter; Provide the Secretary of State Certification Form for the HOA |
2/14/2022 11:50:26 AM | |
PCD Project Manager
2/14/2022 10:45:04 AM |
Provide the closure sheets for all lots, tracts and subdivision boundary. These shall be prepared by the surveyor. | 2/14/2022 10:45:04 AM | |
PCD Project Manager
2/14/2022 10:43:56 AM |
Application: Please have owner sign in addition to Mr. Guman. Please add the number of lots, tracts to the description. Add any waivers or deviations also to the description of the request. | 2/14/2022 10:43:56 AM | |
PCD Project Manager
2/14/2022 10:41:46 AM |
Adjacent Property Notification- Please provide the letter or other info mailed with the certified mailing receipts. Upload as one pdf. | 2/14/2022 10:41:46 AM | |
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Parks Advisory Board
2/9/2022 3:25:39 PM |
See final PAB endorsed motion attached. Greg |
2/9/2022 3:25:39 PM |
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EPC Stormwater Review
2/7/2022 8:19:39 AM |
SWMP Checklist | 2/7/2022 8:19:39 AM |
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EPC Stormwater Review
2/7/2022 8:17:01 AM |
SWMP | 2/7/2022 8:17:01 AM |
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EPC Stormwater Review
2/7/2022 8:16:09 AM |
PBMP Applicability Form | 2/7/2022 8:16:09 AM |
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EPC Stormwater Review
2/7/2022 8:15:53 AM |
O&M Manual | 2/7/2022 8:15:53 AM |
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EPC Stormwater Review
2/7/2022 8:15:24 AM |
MS4 Post Construction Form | 2/7/2022 8:15:24 AM |
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EPC Stormwater Review
2/7/2022 8:14:53 AM |
GEC Checklist | 2/7/2022 8:14:53 AM |
EPC Stormwater Review
2/4/2022 4:26:47 PM |
Review 1: EPC Stormwater comments have been provided (in orange text boxes) on the following uploaded documents: - CD.........................(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments) - Drainage Report...(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments) - FAE.......................(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments) - GEC Plan...............(to be uploaded by PM with PCD comments) - GEC Checklist - MS4 Post Construction Form - O&M Manual - PBMP Applicability Form - SWMP - SWMP Checklist Submit the Private Detention Basin / Stormwater Quality BMP Maintenance Agreement as a separate document (right now it is attached to the PBMP O&M Manual, which is where I put a comment for the maintenance agreement). Work with Kari to get a slot opened up for this doc. Please complete and upload an ESQCP Form. Reviewed by: Glenn Reese, P.E. Stormwater Engineer II |
2/4/2022 4:26:47 PM | |
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
2/3/2022 3:02:11 PM |
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) has reviewed the plans for the Cornerstone Estates Final Plat in El Paso County. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is in receipt of the above referenced permit application and is familiar with the site. Based both on the location and type of action that has been taken CPW anticipates that the impacts to the wildlife resource from this project would be negligible. We appreciate being given the opportunity to comment. Please feel free to contact District Wildlife Manager, Aaron Berscheid, should you have any questions or require additional information at 719-439-9601 or via email at |
2/3/2022 3:02:11 PM | |
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
2/3/2022 2:50:24 PM |
Please see my comments below for the Cornerstone Estates Final Plat 1. A wrecking permit will be required for the existing home at 11340 Goodson Road. Any habitable buildings will require wrecking permit under that address. 2. Will there be a development plan submitted for this project? We see a preliminary plan was submitted in 2008, and this exhibit includes Construction Plans which resemble a development plan. Please clarify. 3. Is there a concept plan for properties to the west of this parcel? The final plat shows the possibility of Redeemer Lane extending to the west. If this is the case, we would like to see a concept plan so we may address the entire area on Redeemer Lane. Development Plan comments might apply: 1. For assignment of addressing for lots and tracts, place addressing marker (xxx) where they are intended to be utilized. Addressing marker for lots should be front door. 2. Rear Loaded homes will have unique address assignment and placement. A plat note will be required showing address placement. 3. Provide a 100 scale copy or larger of the entire APPROVED development plan (d.p.) to this department so that addressing can be assigned. Once received, the development plan will be placed on a list to be addressed. Development plans that are not yet approved may be addressed, however additional plan review fees will accrue if changes are made to the D.P. after initial addressing. Final Plat Comments: 1. Enumerations will review the mylar prior to plat for address placement, street names, and title block. 2. A $10.00 per lot and tract platting fee will be due at the time of the review of the mylar, (two addresses per lot and tract). If an address is not needed on a tract then no fee applies. Check should be made out to PIKES PEAK REGIONAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT or PPRBD. Paid directly to the Enumerations Department. An additional over the phone transaction fee of $3.50 will apply for any credit card payment. 3. A copy of the final recorded plat is required prior to plan submittal for RESIDENTIAL. (Please email the Enumerations staff that reviewed your project). 4. *New standard comment*: All mylar reviews will be reviewed via “pdf”. The mylar will be stamped by Enumerations for accuracy and returned to the applicant and the planner. All payments to be mailed to RBD via a check or credit card payment over the phone. Plats should not be recorded prior to Enumerations receiving payment. If you would like an in person review, you will have to make an appointment on our website. |
2/3/2022 2:50:24 PM | |
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Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
2/3/2022 11:46:43 AM |
See attached comments | 2/3/2022 11:46:43 AM |
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County Attorney - Development Review
2/1/2022 8:07:00 PM |
Attached is the template for a Detention Maintenance Agreement with HOA maintenance. Please complete and submit. | 2/1/2022 8:07:00 PM |
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County Attorney - Development Review
2/1/2022 8:05:45 PM |
Proposed comments to SIA are attached. | 2/1/2022 8:05:45 PM |
Black Forest Fire Protection District
2/1/2022 3:21:03 PM |
This is within the Falcon FPD. No comments from BFFR. | 2/1/2022 3:21:03 PM | |
Colorado Geological Survey
2/1/2022 7:51:54 AM |
Colorado Geological Survey has reviewed the Cornerstone Estates Final Plat (SF222), for 16 lots of at least 2.5 acres each for "single-family detached manufactured residential dwelling units" (Letter of Intent, December 20, 2021) on 58.7 acres located north of Falcon, near the southeastern edge of the Black Forest. The documents state that each lot will have an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS), and individual water supply wells are shown on the Cornerstone Estates Preliminary Plan included in the Natural Features Report for the Cornerstone Estates Project (Ecosystem Services LLC, December 7, 2021). An existing residence and outbuildings are present in the area of proposed lots 5 and 7; the Letter of Intent (page 2) states, "All existing structures to be removed at some future point in time." No steep slopes or unusual geological constraints are present that would preclude approval of the proposed residential use and density. The available referral documents include a Soils and Geology Study, Cornerstone Estates, Northwest of the Intersection of Goodson Rd and Rex Rd, El Paso County, Colorado (RMG Job No. 184228, November 5, 2021). RMG provides a good description of subsurface conditions and makes valid but preliminary recommendations for mitigating compressible and expansive soils, expansive claystone bedrock, and seasonally shallow, perched groundwater. The Letter of Intent states (page 3), "prior to construction of proposed residences, lot-specific subsurface soil investigations will be performed to determine whether or not shallow groundwater, hydro-compacted soils, and/or potentially expansive soils are present on the lot, and to determine an appropriate foundation design, basement or crawl-space suitability, and/or lot-specific recommendations are necessary to mitigate these conditions. Language requiring lot-specific subsurface soil investigation will appear as a note on the Final Plat." However, I see no such language or note on the 9/27/2021 plat. CGS recommends that the County require the applicant to add a plat note disclosing expansive soils and bedrock, compressible soils, and seasonally shallow, perched groundwater as potential development constraints, and requiring lot-specific subsurface investigation, analysis, and, if necessary, mitigation recommendations to be submitted at building permit application. All elements associated with demolished residence(s) and outbuildings, including foundations, utilities, septic system components and soft, wet soils surrounding absorption beds, etc. must be removed and properly disposed of offsite. --Jill Carlson, Colorado Geological Survey, or 303-384-2643 |
2/1/2022 7:51:54 AM | |
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EPC Parks Department
1/24/2022 2:51:43 PM |
See parks comments attached. | 1/24/2022 2:51:43 PM |
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EPC Environmental Services
1/20/2022 12:43:58 PM |
1/20/2022 12:43:58 PM | |
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
1/20/2022 7:50:02 AM |
Streetnames previously approved. No action for E911 on this submittal. Thank you. Justin |
1/20/2022 7:50:02 AM | |
Colorado State Forest Service
1/19/2022 8:13:16 AM |
The primary wildland fuel type for this proposal is grassland with scattered trees having a low wildfire hazard potential. No special fire mitigation plans or other actions are necessary for final approval by the Colorado State Forest Service. | 1/19/2022 8:13:16 AM | |
Paint Brush Hills Metro
1/18/2022 1:51:45 PM |
No comments or concerns at this time. | 1/18/2022 1:51:45 PM | |
US Postal Service
1/14/2022 6:37:30 AM |
In order to establish mail delivery please submit the following to Elaine Kelly and Rita Minnard for approval: • Development Plan • Make an appointment to go over pad locations and mailboxes • Building and Site plan showing proposed locations of mailboxes • Type of mail receptacle proposed for development • Mailboxes must be approved prior to purchase • Final Plat with addresses • Type of Development (business/residential/mixed) • Date of first occupancy Effective October 5, 2006, all new designs approved for NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATION require U.S. Postal Service approved CBU’s to be installed. Effective July 2020 all new apartment projects or apartment remodels must provide 1 parcel locker for every 5 mailbox compartments. Once the information is submitted, we will follow-up with any additional questions and we will set up a time to discuss the project for final approval. |
1/14/2022 6:37:30 AM | |
Woodmen Hills Metro
1/13/2022 3:34:32 PM |
Woodmen Hills Metropolitan District has no conflict. | 1/13/2022 3:34:32 PM |