Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Crystal Park Site S-32 Detached Garage
Detached garage for Site S-32 Crystal Park - 6040 Big Horn Rd
7418000032 7418000032
Peter youngwerth
Peter Youngwerth ( )
(719) 331-7574
Peter Youngwerth ( )
(719) 331-7574
File Number
Project Manager
Ryan Howser
9/11/2020 2:27:07 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (9)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Project Manager
11/5/2020 1:17:00 PM
Planning Division has no further comments at this time. 11/5/2020 1:17:00 PM
Colorado Geological Survey
11/3/2020 10:56:59 AM
The Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) has no objection to a simple garage addition at this site that has an existing residence and guest house. We understand that the garage will not be used for residential purposes. As we stated before, there is an unevaluated risk from rockfall at this location. The risk of rockfall was first recognized and mapped at this site in the geologic hazard mapping conducted for El Paso County in the 1970's following the passage of House Bill 1041 concerning geologic hazards in Colorado. This risk is confirmed by site conditions. As we previously stated in our comments dated 10.7.20.: “The bedrock at the site is the Pikes Peak Granite, forming a high cliff north and adjacent to the lot. The lot is within a rockfall zone as evident from the loose boulders scattered throughout the lot. The rockfall source area includes large detached boulders near the top of the cliff.” A low probability rockfall can have significant risk to permanent structures even after many decades without previous rockfall. Even small rockfall can lead to significant property damage and fatalities. It would be prudent for the owner to have this risk evaluated by a qualified engineering geologist or geological engineer experienced in rockfall and the evaluation of outcrops that pose rockfall risk. An evaluation can determine the actual risk and if there may be simple mitigation that can lower that risk. We recommend that the rockfall hazard be noted on the project plans. 11/3/2020 10:56:59 AM
View PCD Project Manager
11/3/2020 8:27:13 AM
Elevation plan comments attached. Please resubmit elevation plan per attached comment in order to be ready for approval. No further review is necessary, pursuant to CGS approval. 11/3/2020 8:27:13 AM
View EPC Health Department
10/28/2020 7:52:49 PM
10/28/2020 7:52:49 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/8/2020 8:36:38 AM
Address Colorado Geological Survey concerns with resubmittal. Rockfall risk should be evaluated by a qualified geological/geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist, which may result in rockfall mitigation. 10/8/2020 8:36:38 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/8/2020 8:33:30 AM
Elevation plan comments attached. 10/8/2020 8:33:30 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/8/2020 8:33:38 AM
Site plan comments attached. 10/8/2020 8:33:38 AM
Colorado Geological Survey
10/7/2020 4:48:37 PM
The bedrock at the site is the Pikes Peak Granite, forming a high cliff north and adjacent to the lot. The lot is within a rockfall zone as evident from the loose boulders scattered throughout the lot. The rockfall source area includes large detached boulders near the top of the cliff.
Prior to approval of the project CGS recommends rockfall risk be evaluated by a qualified geological/geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist. Rockfall mitigation may be required at this location. There is also rockfall risk to the existing structure.
We understand a detached garage is proposed. However, submitted drawings indicate “Living Area” on the floor plan. It should be clarified if the intent is to inhabit the structure as well as use it as a garage.
10/7/2020 4:48:37 PM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
9/29/2020 1:47:56 PM
9/29/2020 1:47:56 PM