Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Widefield Water and Sanitation District -Rolling Hills
1041 Construction of a new water and sewage treatment system and tank
5500000385 5500000385
JDS-Hydro Consultants, Inc.
Gwen Dall ( )
(719) 227-0072
Gwen Dall ( )
(719) 227-0072
File Number
Project Manager
Kari Parsons
9/3/2020 1:21:54 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (23)

Link Agency Comment
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
2/23/2021 12:58:25 PM
2/23/2021 12:58:25 PM
PCD Project Manager
2/23/2021 12:35:06 PM
Planning has no further comments. 2/23/2021 12:35:06 PM
PCD Engineering Division
2/22/2021 4:36:48 PM
No additional engineering comments at this stage.

Further review of the drainage report as well as review of the CD,s GEC, site plan etc will be provided with the site development plan application where the engineering documents would be approved.

reviewed by:
Daniel Torres
2/22/2021 4:36:48 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
2/22/2021 4:18:35 PM
Please El Paso/Teller County 9-1-1 to this review. Enumerations believes the access needs to be named. Addresses will not be assigned until this is resolved.

Amy Vanderbeek
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2930 E: 1/5/2021 9:36:12 AM
2/22/2021 4:18:35 PM
View EPC Health Department
2/16/2021 8:02:17 PM
2/16/2021 8:02:17 PM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
2/9/2021 2:20:28 PM
Current EDARP Comment Response Letter

#10. Local infrastructure and services impacts
Incomplete. Label the support documentation that should be referenced in the response as exhibit and reference the exhibit(s). Is the Fire District requesting Hydrants? Is there correspondence?

“The fire district did not request fire hydrants and there is no correspondence with them. They are required for the construction and maintenance of the water line and incidentally could be utilized for fire suppression. The response was updated to note this. The tank site service area map included in Appendix J was referenced in the response to water supply.”

I am requesting comments acknowledging the previous email comments through the EDARP.
Acknowledgment of the access road requirements for fire department access.
The Use of the existing fire hydrant by the Ellicott Fire Department on Bradley Road is acceptable.
Will negotiate future fire hydrants as the development progresses. - No new Fire Hydrants Required at this time.
A statement acknowledging that no hazardous materials are planned on site however if this changes the Fire Department will be notified and permits applied for.
Notification of confined space work and/or hot work.

Thank you

Mark Stanwood
2/9/2021 2:20:28 PM
County Attorney - 1041
2/4/2021 7:36:58 AM
No water review required by County Attorney-Water. Any review required will be handled by County Attorney-Development Review. Thank you. 2/4/2021 7:36:58 AM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
2/3/2021 7:42:47 AM
2/3/2021 7:42:47 AM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
2/3/2021 7:40:54 AM
2/3/2021 7:40:54 AM
RBD Floodplain
2/2/2021 10:23:53 AM
the site is not in the SFHA, no comment 2/2/2021 10:23:53 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
1/20/2021 1:51:54 PM
Preliminary comments have been provided on the drainage report (attached) as this report is not approved at this stage. Further review of the drainage report as well as review of the CD,s GEC, site plan etc will be provided with the site development plan application where the engineering documents would be approved.

The letter of intent indicates that vehicles will visit the site periodically. Please give an estimate as to what you mean by periodically (1 per day, 1 per week?...).

reviewed by:
Daniel Torres
1/20/2021 1:51:54 PM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
1/15/2021 9:11:06 AM
1/15/2021 9:11:06 AM
View PCD Project Manager
1/14/2021 11:42:45 AM
Please upload the missing exhibits referenced in your application. Please provide the foreseen detail on exhibit B (as much as you can- largest possibility, you can always go smaller). Please see the written responses attached. 1/14/2021 11:42:45 AM
County Attorney - 1041
1/8/2021 1:49:13 PM
No comments at this time. 1/8/2021 1:49:13 PM
EPC Stormwater Review
1/7/2021 4:50:13 PM
EPC Stormwater has no comments at this time. We will need to review the following documents as part of the Site Development submittal:
- GEC Checklist
- SWMP Checklist
- PBMP Applicability Form
- Financial Assurance Form

Reviewed by:
Christina Furchak
Stormwater Engineer III
1/7/2021 4:50:13 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
1/5/2021 9:36:12 AM
1. The two water tanks will receive separate addresses as they connect to the portable water system. The pump station will also have a separate address.
2. El Paso/Teller County E-9-1-1 may want the access road named. Please consult with this department and let me know what was decided so that addressing can be assigned.
3. The fencing surrounding the area will also have an address assigned and a separate permit will be required based on height.

Amy Vanderbeek
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2930 E:
1/5/2021 9:36:12 AM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
12/23/2020 11:55:26 AM
Roads: A driveway permit for access off of Drennan Road will be obtained from the City of Colorado Springs. A tank access road will be built on the site but will be used for private, operations-staff only vehicles that will visit the site periodically. The tank site area will be unmanned, and public access will be prohibited by gates and fencing.
EFD Response:
The access road needs to be a minimum of 15 FT wide of improved surface. At the entrance off of Drennan Road the access needs to be a minimum of 20 FT wide for the first 30 FT south of Drennan Road. All gates shall have a minimum clearance width of 16 FT.
Emergency Services: The proposed project includes fire hydrants along the alignment which will be installed for the purpose of pipeline construction and maintenance but can be used for fire suppression which will benefit Fire Services. No other emergency services will be impacted by construction or operation of the project.
EFD Response:
The Ellicott Fire Department will require that the Fire Department be informed of any Confined Space work or trench work deeper than 5 FT during this project. The Colorado Springs Fire Department will be the closest available Confined Space Recue Capable unit. Wild Land fire safety in this area is extremely important. A self-assessment hot work permit (Self issued) is required for any welding operations. Fire hydrants and water supply will be addressed in the next section.
Local infrastructure and services impacts Incomplete. Label the support documentation that should be referenced in the response as exhibit and reference the exhibit(s). Is the Fire District requesting Hydrants? Is there correspondence? The fire district did not request fire hydrants and there is no correspondence with them. They are required for the construction and maintenance of the water line and incidentally could be utilized for fire suppression. The response was updated to note this. The tank site service area map included in Appendix J was referenced in the response to water supply.
EFD Response:
The area to the North of this parcel and the area to the East of this parcel are within the Ellicott Fire Protection District. This parcel is in the Ellicott Fire Department response area under an agreement with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office. There is no fees for this review since it is outside of the Fire protection District. There is an Ellicott Fire Station (EFD #4) located at the intersection of Drennan and Meridian. There are no nearby hydrants for fire protection to these areas of the Ellicott Fire Protection District.
We are requesting Future Fire hydrants to improve fire protection for the surrounding area. One Fire Hydrant located near the pipeline crossing with Bradley Road This hydrants should be within 50 FT of the roadway. Future Hydrants near the entrance of the access road off of Dreanan road and near Meridian and Dreanan may be required as this area develops.
Hazardous Materials. (a) Description of all solid waste, hazardous waste, petroleum products, hazardous, toxic, and explosive substances to be used, stored, transported, disturbed or produced in connection with the Project, including the type and amount of such substances, their location, and the practices and procedures to be implemented to avoid accidental release and exposure. During construction, fuel and lubricant for construction equipment are the only materials meeting the above description onsite. All stored fuel and lubricant will be stored and maintained onsite in accordance with State and local regulations which includes secondary containment if stored in great enough volumes. After construction is completed, the proposed project will not require any hazardous material or petroleum products for its operation. (b) Location of storage areas designated for equipment, fuel, lubricants, and chemical and waste storage with an explanation of spill containment plans and structures. The proposed project does not require any storage of fuel, lubricants, hazardous materials, and the like after construction is completed. During construction, the fuel and lubricants for equipment will be stored in a designated staging area(s). The exact size and location of the staging area(s) will be determined once the project is awarded to a construction contractor.
EFD Response:
A Site Plan and Temporary HAZMAT Permit would be required only if the amount fuel storage is over 660 GAL. No HAZMAT for the final project.
12/23/2020 11:55:26 AM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
12/17/2020 1:15:10 PM
12/17/2020 1:15:10 PM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
12/17/2020 1:14:10 PM
12/17/2020 1:14:10 PM
View EPC Environmental Services
12/17/2020 12:59:41 PM
12/17/2020 12:59:41 PM
View Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
12/17/2020 12:46:05 PM
12/17/2020 12:46:05 PM
Stratmoor HIlls Fire Department
12/16/2020 10:18:05 AM
This is not in the Stratmoor Hills Fire District. It is not even close.
Most of the project appears to be in unincorporated El Paso County that is not in a Fire Protection District
However this area is covered by the Ellicott Fire District under an agreement with the El Paso County Sheriff's Office
Please resubmit to Ellicott Fire for review
12/16/2020 10:18:05 AM
RBD Floodplain
12/15/2020 10:27:25 AM
no comment 12/15/2020 10:27:25 AM