Project Review Comments

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Project Name
8330 Mustang Place Rezone
Zoning map amendment from RR-5 to RR-2.5
5304002017 5304002017
Michael Cartmell
Michael Cartmell ( )
(719) 235-6797
Michael Cartmell ( )
(719) 235-6797
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Ryan Howser
8/6/2020 9:43:08 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (16)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Project Manager
2/10/2021 2:24:51 PM
Planning Division has no further comments at this time. Please coordinate with the project manager for public hearing schedule. 2/10/2021 2:24:51 PM
View PCD Project Manager
1/8/2021 4:29:06 PM
Zoning map comments attached. 1/8/2021 4:29:06 PM
View PCD Project Manager
1/8/2021 4:28:52 PM
Letter of intent comments attached. 1/8/2021 4:28:52 PM
View PCD Project Manager
11/3/2020 4:11:16 PM
Zoning map comments attached. 11/3/2020 4:11:16 PM
View PCD Project Manager
11/3/2020 4:11:01 PM
Vicinity map comments attached. 11/3/2020 4:11:01 PM
View PCD Project Manager
11/3/2020 4:10:39 PM
Letter of intent comments attached. 11/3/2020 4:10:39 PM
View PCD Project Manager
11/3/2020 4:10:25 PM
Adjacent owner notification comments attached. 11/3/2020 4:10:25 PM
Black Forest Land Use Committee
11/2/2020 8:46:11 PM
The Black Forest Land Use Committee is opposed to this rezone and recommends disapproval.

1. This parcel is surrounded by 5-acre parcels and it is inconsistent to begin subdividing these parcels. The neighbors for this parcel should be protected from greater density within Pawnee Rancheros.

2. The Black Forest Preservation Plan DOES NOT support this rezone.

3. The fact that Sterling Ranch to the north has urban lots is not a justification for making this a "transition" from larger lots to urban lots. The Land Use Committee opposed the high urban densities of Sterling Ranch from the beginning and felt that urban development this far north was not consistent with the Preservation Plan. Sterling Ranch did not conform with the Preservation Plan.

4. Subdividing this lot may set a precedent for further subdividing that is not prudent.

5. Since Pawnee Rancheros is in open grassy areas with no trees, there is no screening from additional homes or buildings already, so adding another home only detracts from the open feeling of the subdivision.
11/2/2020 8:46:11 PM
PCD Engineering Division
10/28/2020 6:03:37 PM
PCD-Engineering has no comments on the rezone; conditions of approval may be placed on the minor subdivision.

-- Jeff Rice - 719-520-7877
10/28/2020 6:03:37 PM
Falcon Fire Protection District
10/22/2020 2:12:24 PM
Falcon Fire has reviewed this request and has no objections or noted concerns. 10/22/2020 2:12:24 PM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
10/21/2020 1:46:19 PM
10/21/2020 1:46:19 PM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
10/21/2020 1:45:32 PM
10/21/2020 1:45:32 PM
View EPC Parks Department
10/20/2020 3:36:18 PM
El Paso County Community Services / Parks Final Comments - Please See Attached Document (No PAB Endorsement Necessary) 10/20/2020 3:36:18 PM
View Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
10/13/2020 3:47:50 PM
10/13/2020 3:47:50 PM
View EPC Environmental Services
10/13/2020 3:12:39 PM
10/13/2020 3:12:39 PM
Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
10/9/2020 11:46:15 AM
No apparent conflicts - recommend approval.
-Kyle Schelhaas, 719-668-8126,
10/9/2020 11:46:15 AM