Project Review Comments

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Project Name
The Estates at Rolling Hills #2
Combined PUD and Preliminary Plan Application
4200000407 4200000407
Meridian Ranch
Tom Kerby ( )
(719) 495-7444
Tom Kerby ( )
(719) 495-7444
File Number
Project Manager
Ryan Howser
5/21/2020 12:25:05 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (38)

Link Agency Comment
Colorado Geological Survey
12/16/2020 5:48:26 PM
In their Preliminary Subsurface Soil Investigation Entech states (p.6), “Groundwater may impact the development. … Subsequent to completion of overlot grading where areas of cuts are anticipated, the measured water levels may be less than 10 feet in some areas of the site. Unstable conditions should be expected where groundwater is shallow or close to excavated depths. Procedures and equipment to mitigate groundwater impact during and after construction should be anticipated. Pumps, cofferdams, wide area and localized drain systems and other procedures and equipment may be necessary. Shotrock and geotextiles may be appropriate for stabilizing excavations. An underdrain system can be considered for long term groundwater mitigation. Frequently, groundwater levels rise following development as result of increased irrigation and decreased potential area of evaporation.”
As the extent of groundwater fluctuations has not been evaluated it is difficult to determine if the planned subdivision can manage the anticipated and long-term groundwater problems without the aid of an underdrain system. To determine the most effective groundwater management system we recommend that the extent of the groundwater problem be investigated as indicated in El Paso Counties Engineering Criteria Manual (ECM). The ECM outlines (C.2.2: C.8, D.6 and F.5.) the need to discuss groundwater and problems due to its seasonal variations (fluctuations). The method provided to do this is with a groundwater monitoring program. It would be prudent for the County to require these criteria set forth in the ECM be followed prior to approval of the plans. Once the extent of groundwater fluctuations has been evaluated the applicant’s geotechnical engineers can determine if the planned subdivision can manage the anticipated groundwater problems without the aid of an underdrain system and where “pumps, cofferdams, wide area and localized drain systems and other procedures and equipment may be necessary”.
Data about groundwater depth and fluctuations also has implications for feasibility of basements and other below grade areas. Basement foundations should not be planned or constructed unless it is demonstrated that a 3-5-foot space between bottom of foundation and groundwater elevations can be maintained year-round. Areas where basements will not be feasible due to shallow and fluctuating groundwater should be delineated on the plans.
Submitted 12/16/2020 by Jonathan R. Lovekin, Senior Engineering Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey:
12/16/2020 5:48:26 PM
PCD Project Manager
11/24/2020 2:51:09 PM
Planning Division has no further comments at this time. 11/24/2020 2:51:09 PM
Colorado Geological Survey
11/20/2020 2:36:15 PM
Due to concerns regarding shallow groundwater and other geologic hazards and geotechnical constraints, CGS recommended on 9/4/2020 that the County require a geologic hazard report for this project as specified in the County Engineering Criteria Manual, Appendix C.2. The submitted report, Soil, Geology and Geologic Hazard Evaluation, Meridian Ranch - Rolling Hills Ranch, Filings 1 through 4 (Entech Engineering, Inc., September 20, 2019) is for an area within Meridian Ranch located entirely south of Rex Road; the subject site is located north of Rex Road.

However, CGS has on file and has previously reviewed a Soil, Geology and Geologic Hazard Evaluation, The Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch, Filing 1 & 2 (Entech Engineering, Inc., September 10, 2019). This report is relevant for the Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch #2 (PUDSP204) site.

Shallow groundwater, subsurface drainage, and basement feasibility: Entech observed groundwater in four of their 12 borings within the subject site, in areas corresponding to and outside of mapped psw (potential seasonal shallow groundwater) and sw (seasonal shallow groundwater) areas. CGS agrees with Entech's assessment (page 6 of the 9/10/2019 Preliminary Subsurface Soil Investigation, The Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch, Filing 1 and 2) that groundwater may impact the development, and overlot grading and seasonal fluctuations may result in water levels less than 10 feet below the ground surface in some areas. Entech's recommendations for mitigating the impacts of shallow groundwater during and after construction are valid and should be strictly adhered to.

Specifically, CGS recommends that the County require an underdrain system as described on page 9 of Entech's 9/10/2019 Preliminary Subsurface Soil Investigation, The Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch, Filing 1 and 2. Non-perforated underdrain systems to collect discharge from individual foundation perimeter drains have been constructed beneath the sanitary sewer system in other areas of Meridian Ranch. These systems discharge to a gravity outfall or below-grade dispersion pit.

Although the underdrain system recommended by Entech would be passive (as are other, existing underdrain systems within Meridian Ranch), such systems require maintenance. The same entity responsible for the stormwater or sanitary sewer system should be responsible for the underdrain system, and preferably not the HOA. The expertise required to oversee proper inspection, maintenance and repair of an underdrain system exceeds the capabilities of the typical HOA board and HOA management company. The entity responsible for maintaining the underdrain system must be made clearly aware, preferably through an underdrain system maintenance manual, of (1) the underdrain system’s function, construction, discharge location(s), etc., and (2) their inspection, maintenance and repair responsibilities.
The underdrain system maintenance manual should include, at a minimum:

1. a description of why the system was constructed, and how it works (this may not be necessary if a metro district will be responsible for maintaining the underdrain system),
2. a clear, uncluttered as-built map of the system, clearly indicating the location, relative to surface features, of every drain line, inspection pit and cleanout, collection and discharge point, well or sump pit, pump, and all other components of the system,
3. details regarding what type & capacity of pump(s) is/are installed, wherever the system discharges to anything other than a gravity outfall or dispersion pit,
4. clear instructions on inspection frequency, and how (and whom, or at least what type of contractor, to call) to inspect, maintain and repair the system,
5, clear instructions on how to identify malfunctions, and whom (or at least what type of contractor) to call in the event of malfunction or failure, and
6. an inventory of all system components and a description of how to estimate (and therefore budget for) expenses associated with inspection, maintenance and repairs of the system.

Good descriptions of how underdrain systems should be designed, constructed and maintained are available in Section 19 of Jefferson County’s Land Development Regulations ( and Colorado Springs Utilities’ groundwater underdrain specifications (

General Note 16 on Sheet 1 of the PUD Development Plan / Preliminary Plan (N.E.S. Inc., October 19, 2019), Geologic Hazards Note, is appropriate, but CGS recommends that the county verify that the correct Entech report (Soil, Geology and Geologic Hazard Evaluation, The Estates at Rolling Hills Ranch, Filing 1 & 2, Entech Engineering, Inc., September 10, 2019) is held with the planning department's PUDSP204 documents.
11/20/2020 2:36:15 PM
PCD Engineering Division
11/19/2020 5:12:23 PM
Engineering comments have been resolved. No additional comments. The project manager will upload the engineering documents once approved by the ECM administrator.

reviewed by:
Daniel Torres
11/19/2020 5:12:23 PM
View Parks Advisory Board
11/16/2020 8:11:04 AM
El Paso County Community Services / Parks Final Comments - Please See Attached Documents (PAB Endorsed 11/12/2020) 11/16/2020 8:11:04 AM
Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
11/4/2020 2:34:08 PM
The Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD does not have any comments at this time but reserves the right to comment in the future. 11/4/2020 2:34:08 PM
View PCD Project Manager
11/3/2020 8:05:28 AM
PUD Development Plan attached. Also includes PCD Engineering Division comments. 11/3/2020 8:05:28 AM
View PCD Project Manager
11/3/2020 8:05:03 AM
Letter of intent attached. Includes PCD Engineering Division comments. 11/3/2020 8:05:03 AM
View PCD Project Manager
11/3/2020 8:04:37 AM
Deviation - left turn configuration attached. Includes PCD Engineering Division comments. 11/3/2020 8:04:37 AM
PCD Engineering Division
11/2/2020 9:49:57 PM
Review 2 comments on the following documents will be uploaded by the project manager:
-Letter of Intent
-PUD/Preliminary Development Plan
-Deviation: Left Turn Lane Configuration

Engineering comments on the following documents have been resolved

Refer to the final plat application for any comments (if any) on the drainage report

reviewed by:
Daniel Torres
11/2/2020 9:49:57 PM
View EPC Parks Department
10/30/2020 2:34:52 PM
El Paso County Community Services / Parks Preliminary Comments - Please See Attached Documents (To be presented to PAB on 11/12/20) 10/30/2020 2:34:52 PM
View County Attorney - Water
10/23/2020 9:52:12 AM
10/23/2020 9:52:12 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
11/2/2020 7:40:35 AM
Review 2: ECP Stormwater comments have been resolved on the following documents:
- GEC Plans

No further comments by EPC Stormwater on any of the other uploaded documents at this time.

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer I
11/2/2020 7:40:35 AM
View Parks Advisory Board
9/15/2020 7:38:53 AM
See attached comments on behalf of El Paso County Parks endorsed by the Park Advisory Board on 9/09/2020 9/15/2020 7:38:53 AM
View Upper Black Squirrel Creek GWMD
9/14/2020 7:19:46 PM
9/14/2020 7:19:46 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/4/2020 1:30:32 PM
Water supply information sumamry redline attached. 9/4/2020 1:30:32 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/4/2020 1:30:11 PM
Water resources report redline attached. 9/4/2020 1:30:11 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/4/2020 1:29:32 PM
Wastewater disposal report redline attached. 9/4/2020 1:29:32 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/4/2020 1:28:35 PM
Traffic impact study redline attached. 9/4/2020 1:28:35 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/4/2020 1:27:29 PM
PUD development plan redline attached. 9/4/2020 1:27:29 PM
View PCD Project Manager
9/4/2020 1:26:45 PM
Letter of intent redline attached 9/4/2020 1:26:45 PM
View EPC Parks Department
9/2/2020 4:22:46 PM
See attached preliminary comments on behalf of El Paso County Parks 9/2/2020 4:22:46 PM
PCD Engineering Division
9/1/2020 9:28:42 PM
Review 1 comment on the following documents will be uploaded by the project manager:
-Letter of Intent
-PUD Development Plan

Comments on the Preliminary/Final Drainage report will be uploaded with the final plat application SF2018.

reviewed by:
Daniel Torres
9/1/2020 9:28:42 PM
View EPC Stormwater Review
9/1/2020 11:50:17 AM
Grading & Erosion Control Plan_V1 9/1/2020 11:50:17 AM
EPC Stormwater Review
9/1/2020 11:49:24 AM
Review 1: Stormwater comments have been provided on the following uploaded documents:
- GEC Plan

Reviewed by:
Glenn Reese, P.E.
Stormwater Engineer I
9/1/2020 11:49:24 AM
Colorado Geological Survey
9/1/2020 8:36:08 AM
A soils and geology report has been submitted by Entech. Their report is comprehensive and good but it is not a geologic hazard report as required by El Paso County and does not include analysis and evaluation of geologic hazards. Prior to approval of this project CGS recommends that the County require the necessary geologic hazard report for this project as specified in the County Engineering Criteria Manual, Appendix C.2. This geologic hazard report should include sections on the problems associated with groundwater fluctuations as well as complete discussions and mapping of any other geologic hazards with potential to impact this development such as perched groundwater tables, expansive and/or collapsible soils, shallow hard bedrock and drain recommendations within former drainages being infilled for this development.
Entech reports groundwater in their borings at as shallow as 12 feet below ground surface. Grading plans indicate limited grading of several feet of cuts and fills. The county requirements include the need for a discussion on seasonal variations of groundwater and impacts from site grading on these variations. The recommended site evaluation technique to determine seasonal variation of groundwater is a groundwater monitoring program. We recommend a groundwater monitoring program through a full spring, summer and fall to determine seasonal variation and feasibility of basements at this location.
9/1/2020 8:36:08 AM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
8/31/2020 2:37:00 PM
Please provide all phasing so that addressing can be projected correctly for this filing and the future filings. Large scale would be great.
All street names previously approved.
Standard comments apply:
1. For assignment of addressing for lots and tracts, place (xxx) where they are intended to be utilized. Lot marker placement to be front door.

2. Provide a 100 scale copy or larger of the entire APPROVED development to this department so that addressing can be assigned. Once received, the DP will be placed on a list to be addressed.
8/31/2020 2:37:00 PM
View Colorado Division of Water Resources
8/27/2020 12:59:22 PM
8/27/2020 12:59:22 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
8/25/2020 2:18:49 PM
No comments from County Attorney's Office - Development Review at this time. 8/25/2020 2:18:49 PM
View Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
8/24/2020 9:16:38 AM
8/24/2020 9:16:38 AM
Falcon Fire Protection District
8/20/2020 11:20:25 AM
see final plat comments 8/20/2020 11:20:25 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
8/19/2020 1:15:03 PM
8/19/2020 1:15:03 PM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
8/13/2020 9:12:57 AM
8/13/2020 9:12:57 AM
View El Paso County Conservation Dist
8/13/2020 9:11:31 AM
8/13/2020 9:11:31 AM
Colorado State Forest Service
8/13/2020 8:37:32 AM
The primary wildland fuel type for this proposal is grassland with scattered trees having a low wildfire hazard potential. No special fire mitigation plans or other actions are necessary for final approval by the Colorado State Forest Service. 8/13/2020 8:37:32 AM
911 Authority - El Paso/Teller County
8/12/2020 11:03:50 AM
Street names previously approved.
No other action for E911.
Thank you.
8/12/2020 11:03:50 AM
RBD Floodplain
8/11/2020 7:58:34 AM
no comment 8/11/2020 7:58:34 AM
County Attorney - Water
8/10/2020 11:39:43 AM
County Attorney's Office will review for water sufficiency following receipt of Colorado Division of Water Resources findings. 8/10/2020 11:39:43 AM