Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Mayberry, Colorado Springs Metropolitan District Nos. 1-8
Amend Existing District approved in 2020 by Nina Ruiz 2024 added Assessment Language to Service Plan
South of HWY 94 and West of Log road
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The Gardner Law Office
Robert Gardner ( )
(719) 491-5705
Robert Gardner ( )
(719) 491-5705
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Kari Parsons
5/6/2020 12:55:22 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (15)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Engineering Division
7/28/2020 2:02:36 PM
PCD-Engineering has no further comments - redlines were addressed.

-- Jeff Rice - 719-520-7877
7/28/2020 2:02:36 PM
PCD Project Manager
7/23/2020 12:22:25 PM
Per Gabe, the only comment remaining has to do with the District 8 boundaries. If revised, the item will be scheduled for the 9/3 PC hearing, and the 9/8 BoCC hearing 7/23/2020 12:22:25 PM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
7/8/2020 2:26:34 PM
Proposed Second Consolidated Amended and Restated Service Plan for Mayberry, Colorado Springs Metropolitan District Nos. 1 and 2, and Service Plan for Mayberry, Colorado Springs Metropolitan District Nos. 3-8.

At This Time I do not have any objections to the purposed consolidation as described above.

However I do have serious concerns with this development as purposed and previously approved as a PUD.

The density and in particular the side setbacks will overburden the fire protection as the fire department is currently organized and deployed.

My previous water supply comments have been adequately addressed. I will require a hard copy to approve then water utility plan and fire hydrant spacing. Access appears to be ok, we will need detailed drawings and to approve each of the traffic calming devices specifically the traffic circle, road width, radius, and curb heights. The Commercial portion is being taken care of separately and appears that it will work out.

The current issue is our ability to provide adequate service:

With the current purposed development it would require a fire department response of suburban area which requires a response of 10 firefighters in 10 minutes. Currently as the fire department is organized it would struggle to provide a rural response of 6 firefighters in 14 minutes.

The side setbacks purposed would be difficult for an urban fire department to defend. The side setbacks in the surrounding area are between 10-25 FT. Our absolute minimum setback that we could defend would be 5 FT, however we would prefer 10 FT.

Even with a change in setbacks we would require a fire station located somewhere in the Mayberry Development preferable near the West water tower. This was a request of the previous fire chief for the Ellicott Town Center. I have not heard anything on the possibility of a new fire station.

The Fire Department is currently in a financial bind, our last mil levy request failed; we have been severely impacted by the Gallagher Amendment and Tabor Amendment. El Paso County denied the request of the Fire Districts for Impact Fees. So at this time it is unlikely that the Fire Department will be able to grow at a pace to keep up with the additional service required.

Below is research on the PUD and other setback requirements.

Special Purpose, Overlay, and Obsolete Zoning Districts – Chapter 4

4.2.6. PUD, Planned Unit Development District

(A) This zoning district is established in accordance with C.R.S. §§ 24-67-101, et seq., to accomplish the following objectives:
To further the public health, safety and general welfare within El Paso County;

(D) The proposed development will not overburden the capacities of existing or planned roads, utilities and other public facilities (e.g., fire protection, police protection, emergency services, and water and sanitation), and the required public services and facilities will be provided to support the development when needed;

(E) Necessary services, including police and fire protection, recreation, utilities, open space and transportation systems, are or will be available to serve the proposed subdivision;

The subdivision provides evidence to show that the proposed methods for fire protection comply with Chapter 6 of this Code; and

(F) (2) (c) Approval of Density
Density shall be as established by the PUD development plan and/or development guide as approved by the BoCC in consideration of the following:
Adopted Master Plan;
Compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood;
Traffic considerations;
Impact upon public facilities, utilities and schools;
The natural characteristics of the land; and
Water availability.
(e) Basis for Standards
The use, dimensional, and development standards established within a PUD development plan and development guide should generally be based on existing zoning districts in the LDC.

The area around this site is RR-2.5, RR-5 and A-5.

RR-2.5 – Side Setbacks = 15 FT
RR-5 – Side Setbacks = 25 FT
A-5 – Side Setbacks = 25 FT
MHP – Side Setbacks = 10 FT
RS-6000 – Side Setbacks 5 FT
RS-5000 – Side Setbacks 5 FT

Please let me know what you think on this.

Mark Stanwood
Fire Captain
Ellicott Fire Department
7/8/2020 2:26:34 PM
View EPC Health Department
7/7/2020 6:50:22 PM
7/7/2020 6:50:22 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
7/7/2020 3:29:14 PM
No comments from County Attorney's Office. 7/7/2020 3:29:14 PM
View EPC Parks Department
6/29/2020 1:50:43 PM
See Parks comments attached. 6/29/2020 1:50:43 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/25/2020 2:31:49 PM
Service Plan w/ exhibits, see attached redlines, other service plan related documents will be required to be updated and re-submitted as well. 6/25/2020 2:31:49 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/25/2020 2:30:44 PM
Letter of Intent, see attached redlines 6/25/2020 2:30:44 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/25/2020 2:30:22 PM
Legal, see attached redlines 6/25/2020 2:30:22 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/25/2020 2:29:31 PM
District Boundary, see attached redlines 6/25/2020 2:29:31 PM
County Attorney - Water
6/23/2020 10:33:14 AM
No comments from County Attorney - Water. Water reviews are not completed for special district applications. 6/23/2020 10:33:14 AM
PCD Engineering Division
6/23/2020 10:24:29 AM
See minor redlines on service plan, to be provided with Planning comments.

Jeff Rice -- 719-520-7877
6/23/2020 10:24:29 AM
Ellicott Fire Protection District
6/12/2020 9:48:13 PM
At this time we cannot approve any further Mayberry projects until we receive replies to our previous comments. Also we would like to speak to someone in regards to this project. We have Serious ISO rating concerns, water supply concerns, access issues, traffic calming issues, set back and spacing issues. 6/12/2020 9:48:13 PM
EPC Code Enforcement
6/11/2020 10:10:05 AM
No comments. 6/11/2020 10:10:05 AM
View EPC Environmental Services
6/8/2020 3:00:03 PM
6/8/2020 3:00:03 PM