Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Riverbend Crossing Commons Filing No. 1 Final Plat
Final Plat
6514100004 6514100004 6514100024 6514100024 6514100025 6514100025 6514100026 6514100026
CIty of Fountain - Gaby Serrano
Planning Supervisor Kristy Martinez ( )
(719) 322-2015
Planning Supervisor Kristy Martinez ( )
(719) 322-2015
File Number
Project Manager
Ryan Howser
1/13/2020 10:53:44 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (6)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Project Manager
3/19/2020 3:12:26 PM
Planning Division has no further comments at this time. 3/19/2020 3:12:26 PM
PCD Engineering Division
3/19/2020 3:01:16 PM
An updated traffic study has not been received and additional comments were provided on the County reviews for the residential project here: Please coordinate with EPC staff regarding necessary items for City of Fountain approvals.

Reference e-mail sent on January 16, 2020 and previous comments copied below (without the redlines):

I only have a couple redlines for the TIS (attached), which shouldn’t change anything regarding the CDOT review. The concerns are the interim and ultimate cross-section of Southmoor Drive and clarification of where all existing and proposed access points are on Southmoor Drive. Since the parcels adjacent to the subject portion of Southmoor Drive on both sides are all in the City it would be preferable for the City to annex this portion.

We anticipate receiving additional submittals, either from Fountain on the commercial or through EDARP on the County residential subdivision, which will allow for review and approval of drainage facilities related to the overall project. Please include analysis of the drainage facilities needed for Southmoor being upgraded to an urban collector cross-section.

If necessary due to time constraints in the City’s approval processes, County Staff finds it acceptable for redevelopment of Lot 3 only, which will require updated County access permit(s) for access to Southmoor Drive (at one or both of the current access locations). Conditions will be placed on the County access permit(s) regarding timing of construction drawing review and upgrading Southmoor Drive prior to additional redevelopment in the Riverbend Crossing project.

Jeff Rice -- 719-520-7877
3/19/2020 3:01:16 PM
PCD Engineering Division
2/12/2020 8:28:57 AM
Reference e-mail sent on January 16, 2020 and previous comments copied below (without the redlines):

I only have a couple redlines for the TIS (attached), which shouldn’t change anything regarding the CDOT review. The concerns are the interim and ultimate cross-section of Southmoor Drive and clarification of where all existing and proposed access points are on Southmoor Drive. Since the parcels adjacent to the subject portion of Southmoor Drive on both sides are all in the City it would be preferable for the City to annex this portion.

We anticipate receiving additional submittals, either from Fountain on the commercial or through EDARP on the County residential subdivision, which will allow for review and approval of drainage facilities related to the overall project. Please include analysis of the drainage facilities needed for Southmoor being upgraded to an urban collector cross-section.

If necessary due to time constraints in the City’s approval processes, County Staff finds it acceptable for redevelopment of Lot 3 only, which will require updated County access permit(s) for access to Southmoor Drive (at one or both of the current access locations). Conditions will be placed on the County access permit(s) regarding timing of construction drawing review and upgrading Southmoor Drive prior to additional redevelopment in the Riverbend Crossing project.

Jeff Rice -- 719-520-7877
2/12/2020 8:28:57 AM
PCD Project Manager
1/30/2020 11:08:02 AM
1. Informational Comment – A Development Agreement regarding the shared water detention pond within Riverbend Residential Filing #1 is required.
2. Informational Comment – Landscaping is proposed to be provided within Riverbend Residential Filing #1 to screen and buffer commercial uses from residential uses, and shall meet all applicable El Paso County and City of Fountain landscaping standards.
1/30/2020 11:08:02 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
1/27/2020 1:14:47 PM
redlines 1/27/2020 1:14:47 PM
PCD Engineering Division
1/27/2020 1:14:11 PM
Reference e-mail sent on January 16, 2020, portion copied below and redlines attached.

I only have a couple redlines for the TIS (attached), which shouldn’t change anything regarding the CDOT review. The concerns are the interim and ultimate cross-section of Southmoor Drive and clarification of where all existing and proposed access points are on Southmoor Drive. Since the parcels adjacent to the subject portion of Southmoor Drive on both sides are all in the City it would be preferable for the City to annex this portion.

We anticipate receiving additional submittals, either from Fountain on the commercial or through EDARP on the County residential subdivision, which will allow for review and approval of drainage facilities related to the overall project. Please include analysis of the drainage facilities needed for Southmoor being upgraded to an urban collector cross-section.

If necessary due to time constraints in the City’s approval processes, County Staff finds it acceptable for redevelopment of Lot 3 only, which will require updated County access permit(s) for access to Southmoor Drive (at one or both of the current access locations). Conditions will be placed on the County access permit(s) regarding timing of construction drawing review and upgrading Southmoor Drive prior to additional redevelopment in the Riverbend Crossing project.
1/27/2020 1:14:11 PM