Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Sorpresa PUD and Final Plat
A outside agency review for a project to be annexed into the Colorado Springs City limits, Projects AR FP 19-00678, CPC PUP 19-00139, and CPC PUD 19-00140
6435 Sorpresa Lane
5306000047 5306000047 5306000048 5306000048
City of Colorado Springs
Gabe Sevigny ( )
(719) 385-5088
Gabe Sevigny ( )
(719) 385-5088
File Number
10/28/2019 4:10:44 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (4)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Project Manager
3/19/2020 12:01:02 PM
No new planning comments, engineers working with city on pre-existing comments 3/19/2020 12:01:02 PM
PCD Engineering Division
3/19/2020 10:34:58 AM
Comments provided by Elizabeth Nijkamp 719-520-7852.
revisions may be emailed to

In review of the applicants comment letter and response letter, it states that the county's comments have been addressed on a separate attachment. The attachment was not forwarded. In looking at the City's LDRS site none of the 2020 documents cannot be opened, we get an error message.

if it is easier, please submit responses directly to the email provided above.
3/19/2020 10:34:58 AM
View PCD Project Manager
11/13/2019 7:40:45 AM
Comment letter attached 11/13/2019 7:40:45 AM
PCD Engineering Division
11/12/2019 1:08:33 PM
Engineering Review - Jeff Rice - 719-520-7877:

1. It appears that offsite construction easements will be required on the properties to the east and west of the subject property with the proposed site plan. Verify that the adjacent property owners will provide the easements.

1. The proposed EDB on the west side of the site appears to be changing the manner and quantity of drainage discharge onto the property to the west. Has an easement been obtained from the property owner(s) to the west of the proposed pond outlet? Please provide the flow path to a suitable outfall (this should be an inlet or pipe system).
2. The "General Location and Description" section of the report appears to have several typos and/or outdated information. Please verify.

1. The Trip Generation Memorandum ("TGM") does not appear to address Ski Lane (private or metro district road?) at all. Please address this private road.
2. The site plan in the TGM shows "future" access points to the residences to the east and west. It appears that these connections will be needed with the proposed Sorpresa Addition No. 1. development to provide the existing residents access. Clarify how access will be provided to the adjacent County parcels.
2. Ski Lane appears to be needed for an access connection to the existing three County lots to the west. Ski Lane should be included in the annexation. Confirm that the settlement agreement regarding access to Ski Lane does not require additional work to be completed to Sorpresa Lane with future development in this area.
11/12/2019 1:08:33 PM