Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Insurance Auto Auction Development Plan - AR DP 19-00601
OAR for the City of Colorado Spings
5504400008 5504400008
City of Colorado Springs
Katie Carleo ( )
(719) 385-5060
Katie Carleo ( )
(719) 385-5060
File Number
Project Manager
Nina Ruiz
9/26/2019 12:28:46 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (4)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Engineering Division
6/3/2020 10:34:17 AM
PCD-Engineering has no further comments; City responses are noted.

Additional comments may be provided by the County Engineer.

-- Jeff Rice - 719-520-7877
6/3/2020 10:34:17 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/7/2019 3:39:10 PM
MDT Letter 10/7/2019 3:39:10 PM
PCD Engineering Division
10/4/2019 10:57:58 AM
1. No TIS was received; Please address impacts to the County roads that will be utilized by the project's traffic, including Bradley Road to Powers Blvd. and Foreign Trade Zone Blvd.
2. The City should consider annexation of the remaining County portions of Foreign Trade Zone Blvd. if this project is approved.

1. Verify that the actual contributing area is used for the full-spectrum detention basin design or offsite flows are somehow bypassed. It appears that there may be a smaller offsite basin to the west than shown; however, the FSD appears to only be sized for the site.
10/4/2019 10:57:58 AM
PCD Project Manager
9/26/2019 12:58:46 PM
The landscaping plan shows that you will be providing less landscaping than what is required by El Paso County as we require landscaping as well as any outside storage area to be 100% screened. This large area will be visible to the existing and proposed residential developments in the surrounding areas. Additionally, the area is visible from the new VA cemetery located off of Drennan Road. Staff does not feel as though the proposed screening adequately addresses the potential visual/glare impacts from the large storage area on surrounding properties due to there being a gentle slope to the parcel.

El Paso County is processing a request for a special use on two adjacent parcels for a similar use (AL-19-023). Should both applications be approved, the resulting area would be approx. 145 acres of open storage area.
9/26/2019 12:58:46 PM