Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Banning Lewis Ranch North OAR
Banning Lewis Ranch North PUD Zone Change - CPC PUZ 19-00124 Banning Lewis Ranch North Master Plan - CPC MP 19-00123 Banning Lewis Ranch North PUD Concept Plan - CPC PUP 19-00125
5300000241 5300000241 5300000304 5300000304 5300000484 5300000484 5300000605 5300000605 5300000606 5300000606 5311100001 5311100001
City of Colorado Springs
Katie Carleo ( )
(719) 385-5060
Katie Carleo ( )
(719) 385-5060
File Number
Project Manager
Nina Ruiz
9/19/2019 11:13:42 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (5)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Engineering Division
7/31/2020 3:11:19 PM
(Comments were e-mailed) 7/31/2020 3:11:19 PM
PCD Project Manager
7/30/2020 10:46:59 AM
1. EPC has outstanding comments regarding the annexation application. Subsequent meetings with the City and applicant were held as noted in the comment response document; however, EPC has not received a resubmittal of the annexation application. Resolution of the annexation comments impact this application and need to be addressed to the County’s satisfaction.
2. The boundary of these master plan/zoning applications is inconsistent with the previous discussions regarding the annexation; this should be addressed.

1. An updated traffic impact study was not provided for review. EPC reserves the right to provide further comments and conditions regarding traffic impacts to County roads when the updated TIS is submitted.
2. An access permit shall be required for any connection or impact to County roads in accordance with the ECM and conditions may apply regarding mitigation of offsite impacts.
3. Access through the project to Tercel Drive and to the proposed road at the southeast corner of Sterling Ranch (Sketch Plan) needs to be planned for (see attached overlay map) and MTCP consistency addressed. The proposed intersection location shown toward the north end of the PUD Concept Plan is only 440 feet south of the Sterling Ranch road intersection with Banning Lewis Parkway. A note is provided on the plans stating that the Colorado Springs Fire Department requested access to the east through Tercel Drive; EPC Staff agree that this access needs to be provided. Analysis of this connection needs to be provided in the updated TIS. Offsite improvements to mitigate impacts and agreements between the City/County may be required.

1. A drainage study or plan were not provided; however, the documents indicate that a MDDP will be provided at a later date. EPC reserves the right to provide comments or conditions regarding stormwater impacts when the MDDP and future drainage reports are submitted.

These comments have been coordinated with the County Engineer.

-- Jeff Rice - 719-520-7877
7/30/2020 10:46:59 AM
View PCD Project Manager
10/15/2019 4:51:51 PM
MDT 10/15/2019 4:51:51 PM
PCD Engineering Division
10/14/2019 3:19:45 PM
Comments provided by Elizabeth Nijkamp, 719-520-7852.

Please note that there is a meeting scheduled for October 16 pertaining to this site and the limits of Annexation with respect to County owned roads adjacent to this site.

Per the El Paso County Engineering Criteria Manual, chapter 2, an overview of all impacts to adjacent roads should be analyzed along with proposed mitigation techniques required to maintain acceptable levels of service, meet transportation goals, and implement the El Paso County Major Transportation Corridors Plan.

EPC may have comments during and after that meeting.
10/14/2019 3:19:45 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/2/2019 3:20:29 PM
1. Please review the approved Sterling Ranch Sketch Plan to the north for compatibility of uses and densities.
2. The sketch plan depicts the Banning Lewis Parkway alignment and does not appear to match the alignment shown on the proposed Master Plan.
3. The surrounding unincorporated areas are within Rural Residential zoning districts. The Master Plan shows densities of 1-3.5 DU/Ac which greatly exceeds the densities of the surround area. Please include additional buffers/transitions such as an additional setback or decreased densities along these common boundaries.
10/2/2019 3:20:29 PM