Project Review Comments

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Project Name
The Sod Guy Site Development Plan
Site development plan for a contractors equipment yard
5407317013 5407317013
The Sod Guy
Conner Burba ( ) Conner Burba ( )
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Lindsay Darden
1/9/2019 11:34:37 AM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (42)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Engineering Division
3/5/2020 4:26:44 PM
No additional comments. 3/5/2020 4:26:44 PM
View PCD Project Manager
1/21/2020 11:26:34 AM
PBMP Applicability Form Redlines 1/21/2020 11:26:34 AM
View PCD Project Manager
1/21/2020 11:26:13 AM
Drainage Report Redlines 1/21/2020 11:26:13 AM
PCD Project Manager
1/21/2020 11:20:19 AM
See comments on letter of intent for admin relief request and/or special use and revise for consistency. 1/21/2020 11:20:19 AM
PCD Project Manager
1/21/2020 11:11:51 AM
Site Plan-
The fence blocks access to the sanitary sewer easement, consider putting gates at the north and south areas of the fencing to allow access to the easement without destruction of the fence. The property developing to the south is doing the same.

Dimension the width of the van accessible access aisle.

Is there a gate the prevents access to the rear of the building in the fenced enclosure (from the Terminal entrance or on the other side next to the building)? If so, label on the site plan.

Label building entrances on the site plan. Is the front the only entrance? Show other entrances and/or overhead door locations.

Please provide bike parking per LDC Section 6.2.5(F)
1/21/2020 11:11:51 AM
PCD Project Manager
1/21/2020 10:58:31 AM
Landscape Plan -
Internal landscaping should not count other areas of landscaping that are required by the Code. Please locate the internal landscape areas per the requirements of LDC Section 6.2.2(E)(3)(b) and ensure that it is not counting areas credited toward other landscape requirements per LDC Section 6.2.2(G)(2)(h)(iii).

Currently it appears you are double counting the roadway landscape areas as required in 6.2.2 with the internal landscape areas.
1/21/2020 10:58:31 AM
PCD Engineering Division
1/15/2020 6:08:01 PM
Review 3:
Submit the following documents:
- Use the latest 2019 ESQCP Form. Unresolved. Form is downloadable at
- Financial Assurance Estimate. Unresolved. Address redline comments uploaded on 10/1/2019 10:45:25 AM
- SWMP Report and SWMP Checklist. Unresolved. The GEC notes SWMP must be approved two weeks prior to beginning of construction. Staff recommends the SWMP and Checklist be submitted concurrent with the site plan review and not after site plan approval to avoid delay in issuing construction permit. Submittals/resubmittals are placed on queue on a first come first served basis and with the volume of submittals current review time is typically 30 days out. Construction permit will not be issued until the SWMP is approved.

Redline comments on the following documents will be uploaded by the project manager:
- Permanent BMP Assessment Form
- Drainage Report

Comments resolved on the following documents:
- GEC Checklist
- Grading and Erosion Control Plans

Reviewed by:
Gilbert LaForce, PE
1/15/2020 6:08:01 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/13/2019 8:59:44 PM
A separate sign permit shall be required for any proposed signage on site. 10/13/2019 8:59:44 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/13/2019 8:53:38 PM
Landscape Plan:

Trees shall not be planted within the sanitary sewer easement. Move trees outside of easement. This does not reduce the number of trees required for the Terminal Street frontage but will require you to cluster to meet the required number of trees.

The landscape plan shows two entrances to the site. The site plan only shows one. Please revise based on the desired site layout.

Internal landscaping should not count other areas of landscaping that are required by the Code. Please locate the internal landscape areas per the requirements of LDC Section 6.2.2(E)(3)(b) and ensure that it is not counting areas credited toward other landscape requirements per LDC Section 6.2.2(G)(2)(h)(iii).

Include the scientific name for each plant species proposed.

Show proposed pole light fixtures on the landscape plan to illustrate that no conflicts exist between pole lights and proposed trees.

There is a turf area shown between the parking and the sidewalk in front of the building. How do people get from parking to the sidewalk and how does the HC ramp function?

Provide a calculation for parking lot screening (See LDC Section 6.2.2(C)(5)).

Label site distance triangles to ensure they are clear per LDC Section 6.2.2(G)(2)(f).

Add the following notes to the landscape plan (LDC Section 6.2.2(G)(2)(k):
1. The owner is responsible for all regular and normal maintenance of required landscaping including weeding, irrigation, fertilization, pruning, and mowing.
2. Replacement of dead, diseased, or substantially damaged plant materials shall occur within 6 months from the plant material died, or when the inspection determined plant material was dead or damaged. Replacement shall be of same or similar type as originally approved unless the PCD Director approves an alternative species.
3. Maintenance inspections shall be performed periodically. Failure to maintain the landscaping in compliance with the approval is considered a zoning violation.
10/13/2019 8:53:38 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/13/2019 8:58:48 PM
Site Plan -
The letter of intent describes the building as a sales office. How much floor space is allocated to retail sales area where customers can view products, how much is office, and how much is storage? We need to fine tune the parking calculations based on these numbers. The floorplan provided does not indicate any areas of retail sales.

General Construction Note 3 indicates side setback at 25 feet. The required side setbacks per the zoning district are 30'.

General Construction Note 7 indicates a proposed freestanding sign that is 12 feet high. Per LDC Section 6.2.10(2)(d), freestanding signs in industrial parks are limited to low profile signs. The LDC defines a low profile sign as a freestanding sign not exceeding 6 feet in height.

Label building entrances on the site plan.

Label the accessible path of travel from the HC space to the building entrance.

Is there a gate the prevents access to the rear of the building in the fenced enclosure? If so, label on the site plan.

Provide a detail for the fencing. LDC 5.2.37 requires outside storage areas be enclosed or concealed by a solid fence or wall at least 6 feet in height. Chainlink fencing with slats is not solid and not 100% opaque.

The fence blocks access to the sanitary sewer easement, consider putting gates at the north and south areas of the fencing to allow access to the easement without destruction of the fence. The property developing to the south is doing the same.

The proposed concrete storage bins and trash enclosure are located within the sanitary sewer easement. Installation of permanent structures within the easement is not permitted without approval of the easement holder.

Dimension the width of the parking lot drive aisle.

The label for "Lot 1, Appaloosa Hwy 24 should be on the subject parcel rather than on the parcel to the east. Please move label.

Provide a detail for the proposed waste handling enclosure and gate.

The elevations show a proposed canopy over the entry. Show the extent of the canopy (edge of canopy) and the location of the supports on the site development plan.

Add the following note to the site development plan: The parties responsible for this plan have familiarized themselves with all current accessibility criteria and specifications and the proposed plan reflects all site elements required by the applicable ADA design standards and guidelines as published by the United States Department of Justice. Approval of this plan by El Paso County does not assure compliance with the ADA or any regulations or guidelines enacted or promulgated under or with respect to such laws.
10/13/2019 8:58:48 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/13/2019 7:47:19 PM
Revise the Letter of intent to address the setback issue. There are two front setbacks along the roadways that are 50' feet. A reduction more than 20% along Terminal requires BOA approval. Alternatively the site can be redesigned to accommodate the required setbacks. 10/13/2019 7:47:19 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/13/2019 7:43:09 PM
Legal Description - Per Plat 14304 and the assessor's page, the legal description for this parcel is as follows:


Please revise for next submittal.
10/13/2019 7:43:09 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/13/2019 7:40:30 PM
Application - Provide a revised application for next submittal that has the property owner's signature. 10/13/2019 7:40:30 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
10/1/2019 3:37:18 PM
Regarding a request for approval of a development plan for the Sod Guy, Enumerations has no further comment. Previous comments still apply.

Brent Johnson
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2888 E: W:
10/1/2019 3:37:18 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
10/1/2019 10:46:22 AM
Review 2 redline comments to the Grading and erosion control plan is attached. 10/1/2019 10:46:22 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
10/1/2019 10:45:25 AM
Review 2 redline comments to the financial assurance estimate is attached. 10/1/2019 10:45:25 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
10/1/2019 10:44:55 AM
Review 2 redline comments to the drainage letter is attached. 10/1/2019 10:44:55 AM
PCD Engineering Division
10/1/2019 10:43:27 AM
Review 2:
Submit the following documents:
- GEC and SWMP Checklist
- Permanent BMP Assessment Form
- Use the latest 2019 ESQCP Form
- SWMP Report

Redline comments on the following documents will be uploaded separately:
- Financial Assurance Estimate
- Drainage Report
- Grading and Erosion Control Plans

Comments resolved on the following documents:
- Letter of Intent

GEC and SWMP Checklist instructions:
1. The applicant shall insert into each box either of the following:
a. check mark or Y - this item has been addressed
b. N/A - This item does not apply to this project.
2. All checkboxes must be filled in. If necessary provide comments at the end of the checklist.
3. The review engineer will verify each item by inserting one of the following:
a. check mark or Y - This item has been adequately addressed or agree that it does not apply
b. N - This item has not been adequately addressed.
4. A copy of the checklist will be returned to the applicant.
5. The checklist will be required to be updated and returned with the resubmittal.

SWMP Checklist caveat:
For "N/A". A statement or note is required specifying exactly why a checklist item is not applicable.
10/1/2019 10:43:27 AM
View Cherokee Metro Dist
9/24/2019 3:36:35 PM
Construction drawings do not reflect review comments Dated June 7, 2019 by Cherokee Metropolitan District (Attached) 9/24/2019 3:36:35 PM
View EPC Health Department
7/16/2019 4:23:29 PM
7/16/2019 4:23:29 PM
View Colorado Springs Airport Advisory Commission
6/27/2019 8:02:54 AM
At the meeting held Wednesday (6/26/19) afternoon, the Airport Advisory Commission approved the comments in the attached land use review summary. 6/27/2019 8:02:54 AM
Cimarron Hills Fire
6/20/2019 11:00:04 AM
No issues with the development plan. Required fire access around the building is met from Terminal Ave and Amelia Street. 6/20/2019 11:00:04 AM
Cimarron Hills Fire
6/19/2019 1:24:22 PM
Still no development plan seen in the list of documents uploaded for this project. Unable to perform a review. See previous comments. Submit/upload a development plan for review. 6/19/2019 1:24:22 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/19/2019 10:25:08 AM
Drainage Report 6/19/2019 10:25:08 AM
View PCD Project Manager
6/19/2019 10:23:43 AM
ESQCP 6/19/2019 10:23:43 AM
View PCD Project Manager
6/19/2019 10:22:11 AM
Financial Assurances 6/19/2019 10:22:11 AM
View PCD Project Manager
6/19/2019 10:21:03 AM
Grading and Erosion Control Plan 6/19/2019 10:21:03 AM
View PCD Project Manager
6/19/2019 10:17:34 AM
Letter of intent 6/19/2019 10:17:34 AM
View PCD Project Manager
6/19/2019 10:16:40 AM
Site Development Plan 6/19/2019 10:16:40 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/18/2019 4:52:50 PM
Engineering comments can be found on the following documents, which will be uploaded by the project manager:
-Drainage Letter
-Grading and Erosion Control
-Letter of Intent

Please see attached the GEC and SWMP checklist items

Thank you,

Beck Grimm
6/18/2019 4:52:50 PM
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
6/18/2019 11:41:50 AM
Regarding a request for approval of a site development plan for The Sod Guy, Enumerations has the following comments:

1. The tax schedule number and legal description on the application are incorrect. The legal description of the lot to the south of this proposal is incorrect. The legal description in the title block is incorrect. Enumerations has not received a copy of the final recorded plat of Appaloosa Hwy 24 Sub Fil. No. 1A. Enumerations will not approve any building plans for this parcel without a copy of the final recorded plat in our records.
2. The address of 595 Amelia St. was assigned to this parcel and is appropriate given the proposed access to the lot and the building frontage. Any building plans submitted should use this address.

Floodplain has no comment or objection.

Brent Johnson
Enumerations Plans Examiner
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
O: 719-327-2888 E: W:
6/18/2019 11:41:50 AM
View Colorado Springs Airport Advisory Commission
6/17/2019 3:15:50 PM
The attached land use summary with comments will be presented at the June 26, 2019 Airport Advisory Commission meeting. 6/17/2019 3:15:50 PM
PCD Project Manager
6/14/2019 12:02:28 PM
Resubmit all plans with correct subdivision name. 6/14/2019 12:02:28 PM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2019 11:58:30 AM
Floor Plans 6/14/2019 11:58:30 AM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2019 11:29:39 AM
Sign Plan 6/14/2019 11:29:39 AM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2019 11:26:52 AM
Landscape 6/14/2019 11:26:52 AM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2019 11:24:50 AM
Lighting 6/14/2019 11:24:50 AM
View PCD Project Manager
6/14/2019 11:13:52 AM
Application 6/14/2019 11:13:52 AM
PCD Project Manager
6/13/2019 4:21:52 PM
Resubmit approved detention maintenance agreement. 6/13/2019 4:21:52 PM
View EPC County Attorney's Office
6/13/2019 3:09:18 PM
Corrected draft of Detention Maintenance Agreement attached. 6/13/2019 3:09:18 PM
View Cimarron Hills Fire
6/13/2019 1:41:20 PM
Additional information required. Read and address attached comments and resubmit. 6/13/2019 1:41:20 PM
View Colorado Springs Utilities, Dev, Svc.(includes water resources)
6/5/2019 9:25:39 AM
Hey Len,

Attached is a review memo for the subject application. Let me know if you have any further questions.

6/5/2019 9:25:39 AM