Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Verizon Higby Stealth Tower
New Stealth Tower
6100000298 6100000298
J5 Infrastructure Partners
Perry Carroll ( pcarroll@J5IP.Com )
(303) 435-2252
Perry Carroll ( pcarroll@J5IP.Com )
(303) 435-2252
EA Number
File Number
Project Manager
Lindsay Darden
5/10/2018 1:21:09 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (15)

Link Agency Comment
View EPC Environmental Services
6/8/2020 9:44:27 AM
6/8/2020 9:44:27 AM
County Attorney - Development Review
12/20/2019 1:29:29 PM
Applicant has prepared a right of entry that addresses remaining concerns about Tower Removal Agreement. Please have applicant upload document. 12/20/2019 1:29:29 PM
PCD Project Manager
12/4/2019 7:47:36 AM
The equipment compound is required to be 100% screened from roadways and adjacent properties. The four foot fence is not talk enough to accomplish that and, because we recently removed the landscaping requirement, we are pretty firm on the fencing requirement. A barbed fence is not required. A 6-7 foot privacy fence would accomplish our screening requirement. 12/4/2019 7:47:36 AM
County Attorney - Development Review
12/3/2019 2:32:56 PM
Comment from Nov. 21 remains unaddressed. Necessary documentation can also be sent to me directly for review if applicant doesn't desire to upload it. My email address can be obtained from the project manager. 12/3/2019 2:32:56 PM
County Attorney - Development Review
11/21/2019 11:16:08 AM
The Tower Removal Agreement grants to the County the right to enter the property and remove the tower if applicant does not do so when the tower is no longer in use. Because applicant is not the owner of the property, it must provide proof that it has 1) the legal right to enter the property to install and remove the tower and 2) the legal authority to assign such rights of entry and removal to El Paso County. Please provide a copy of the lease, redacted as desired, or other documentation providing proof of these two items. 11/21/2019 11:16:08 AM
Tri-Lakes-Monument Fire Protection District
10/23/2019 8:36:58 AM
No comments at this time! JCB 10/23/2019 8:36:58 AM
PCD Project Manager
10/20/2019 7:35:59 PM
Photosimulations - Per the Code, we require a minimum of three different views of what the site will look like once the antennae and associated equipment are installed. You have provided two views. Please provide a third for next submittal. 10/20/2019 7:35:59 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/20/2019 8:06:21 PM
Site Plan:

Please label the setbacks for the tower on the site plan. The setbacks for CRMS towers are set forth in the CMRS section of the Code and specify as follow: Where the site is located within 250 feet of a residential zoning district the tower should be setback one foot of distance for each foot of tower height, plus an additional 10 feet. This site is surrounded by residential so the tower should be set back 85 feet from all property lines. Currently the setbacks are not labeled on the site plan so it is unclear if the tower complies.

The Code requires that all accessory equipment for a CMRS facility be 100% screened from view and located within the lease area for the tower. It is unclear how a 4' wire fence and absence of equipment shelter provides 100% screening for the ground level accessory equipment. Also there is equipment shown outside of the lease area on the site plan layout.

Provide the total square footage for the accessory ground level equipment including the equipment storage shelter. The code allows up to 400 Square feet per CMRS facility.

Provide a detail for the proposed compound fence. Ensure that it complies with comments above.

Lighting is shown on the site plan at the perimeter of the compound/lease area. Is this to be used nightly?
10/20/2019 8:06:21 PM
View PCD Project Manager
10/20/2019 7:38:58 PM
Letter of Intent:
Indicate the proposed number of carriers the new tower will be able to accommodate.

It is unclear how a 4 foot barbless fence will meet the standard of "dangerous equipment and attractive nuisance" which indicates that any equipment (being the actual tower or ground level equipment within the compound) that could be dangerous to persons or wildlife be adequately fenced. The attractive nuisance potential shall be minimized through fencing and methods to encourage unauthorized climbing"

Also, please address the special use approval criteria which apply to all special use requests in your letter of intent (see attached.)
10/20/2019 7:38:58 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/17/2019 1:23:16 PM
Please provide a copy of the letter sent to notify the mineral rights owner(s) of the proposed development and also the certified mailing receipt. This can be uploaded as a subseqent page to the mineral rights certification document. 10/17/2019 1:23:16 PM
PCD Project Manager
10/17/2019 10:22:53 AM
Application - please revise to reflect administrative special use "other" and write "new stealth tower" 10/17/2019 10:22:53 AM
Lewis Palmer 38
10/16/2019 12:05:44 PM
Thank you for the opportunity to review this project. The Lewis-Palmer School District has no comments at this time. 10/16/2019 12:05:44 PM
PCD Engineering Division
10/15/2019 6:09:05 PM
Comments provided by Elizabeth Nijkamp, 719-520-7852

This site will require an access permit, this permit can be obtained from the Planning and Community Development Department, and can be applied for online.

For the pending site plan submittal the engineering department would require additional detail on the location, width, and proposed surface material for the proposed driveway. El Paso County criteria will be adhered to for the required culvert at the roadside ditch adjacent to the public road. See El Paso County Engineering Criteria Manual, standard detail SD 3-14.
10/15/2019 6:09:05 PM
View County Attorney - Development Review
10/11/2019 12:23:10 PM
The Tower Removal Agreement included in this application is an older version. Please use the most recent template, attached here. 10/11/2019 12:23:10 PM
View Mountain View Electric Association, Inc.
10/3/2019 1:26:12 PM
10/3/2019 1:26:12 PM