Project Review Comments

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Project Name
Open Sky Construction Drawing Review
Construction Drawing Review for grading and erosion control associated with the construction of a single family residence.
The property is located southeast of the Hodgen Road and Highway 83 intersection.
M&S Civil Consultants, Inc.
Georgianne Willard ( )
(719) 955-5485
Georgianne Willard ( )
(719) 955-5485
File Number
Project Manager
Nina Ruiz
6/1/2017 4:34:42 PM

View: Project Documents

Review Comments (9)

Link Agency Comment
PCD Engineering Division
8/15/2017 2:36:30 PM
All comments resolved. 8/15/2017 2:36:30 PM
PCD Engineering Division
7/27/2017 5:27:30 PM
Upload signed copy of the GEC and FAE. 7/27/2017 5:27:30 PM
PCD Engineering Division
7/27/2017 5:26:08 PM
Two comment remains. Update on the final copies for approval.

1. In the Financial Assurance Estimate, add the two inlet protection shown on the plans.

2. Update the PCD Project No. referenced in the SWMP cover sheet to CDR-17-001.
7/27/2017 5:26:08 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/26/2017 1:11:19 PM
Include the SWMP Checklist with the resubmittal. 6/26/2017 1:11:19 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/26/2017 1:10:13 PM
Attached are the redline comments to the SWMP report. 6/26/2017 1:10:13 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/26/2017 1:09:44 PM
Attached are the redline comments to the Letter of Intent. 6/26/2017 1:09:44 PM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/28/2017 8:39:53 AM
Attached are the redline comments to the Grading and Erosion Control Plans. 6/28/2017 8:39:53 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/28/2017 8:39:28 AM
Attached are the redline comments to the Financial Assurance Estimate. 6/28/2017 8:39:28 AM
View PCD Engineering Division
6/26/2017 1:10:46 PM
Attached are the redline comments to the ESQCP. 6/26/2017 1:10:46 PM