Project Details

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File Number
Project Name
225 N CURTIS RD SDP Contractor's Equipment Yard
major SDP to follow the approved Al2121 file for a contractors equipment yard.
4415000021 4415000021
Vertex Consulting Services
Marcos Cazares ( )
(719) 570-1369
Marcos Cazares ( )
(719) 570-1369
EA Number
File Prefix
PPR - Plot Plan Review
Project Manager
Ashlyn Mathy
9/15/2023 8:45:50 AM

View: Review Comments

Additional Documents (1)

Link Document Comment
View Recorded - Private Detention Basin Stormwater Quality Best Management Practiice Maintenance Agreement And Easement - 224047363

Review Documents (28)

Link Document Date
View Application/Petition Form 4/25/2024 4:18:43 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist 4/25/2024 10:06:58 AM
View Legal Description (MS WORD Version required) 9/15/2023 10:22:17 AM
View Letter of Intent 4/25/2024 4:14:50 PM
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP) 4/25/2024 10:24:06 AM
View Financial Assurance Forms 4/25/2024 10:06:54 AM
View Floor Plans (24" x 36") 9/15/2023 10:16:07 AM
View MS4 Post Construction Form 5/21/2024 7:45:06 AM
View PBMP Applicability Form 6/3/2024 4:36:43 PM
View PDB/BMP Operations & Maintenance Manual 6/3/2024 3:42:56 PM
View SDI Form or MHFD Detention Calculations 6/3/2024 4:35:05 PM
View SWMP checklist 4/25/2024 10:24:07 AM
View Construction Drawings (Plans/Profiles) 6/27/2024 5:05:49 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan 6/27/2024 5:05:51 PM
View Landscape Plan drawings 5/21/2024 7:45:05 AM
View Lighting Plan 4/25/2024 10:06:56 AM
View Sign Plan 9/15/2023 12:58:56 PM
View Site Development Plan 5/21/2024 7:45:06 AM
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) 4/25/2024 10:24:06 AM
View Soils Report Pursuant to Appendix C of the ECM 9/15/2023 10:16:08 AM
View Drainage Report - Final 6/27/2024 5:05:50 PM
View Traffic Impact Study 9/15/2023 12:58:57 PM
View Detention Maintenance Agreement (MS WORD version required - attachments included) 6/5/2024 3:03:39 PM
View Elevation Plans 9/15/2023 10:16:06 AM
View MS4-City-Link-Pond-A 3/19/2024 7:31:48 AM
View MS4-City-Link-Pond-A 6/3/2024 4:36:44 PM
View PBMP Applicability Form-City-Link-0224-stamped 3/19/2024 7:31:49 AM
View Photometric 3/19/2024 7:33:40 AM