Project Details


File Number
Project Name
8812 Cliff Allen PT - Barbarick Transfer Station -
A planned intermediate Trash Transfer Facility on an existing I-3 CAD-O zoned property
5233002013 5233002013
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
Ryan Schnelbach ( )
(719) 501-1723
Ryan Schnelbach ( )
(719) 501-1723
EA Number
File Prefix
COM - Commercial over the counter
Project Manager
Ashlyn Mathy
5/3/2023 1:05:48 PM

View: Review Comments

Approved Documents (12)

Link Document
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist
View Financial Assurance Forms
View PBMP Applicability Form
View SWMP checklist
View Construction Drawings (Plans/Profiles)
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan
View Site Development Plan
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)
View Traffic Letter
View Drainage Report - Final
View Traffic Impact Study
View Escrow Agreement

Additional Documents (2)

Link Document Comment
View v4_ sign plan
View Recorded Escrow Agreement - 224043207

Review Documents (28)

Link Document Date
View Application/Petition Form 12/7/2023 11:42:35 AM
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist 3/8/2024 1:53:28 PM
View Legal Description (MS WORD Version required) 12/7/2023 11:42:45 AM
View Letter of Intent 5/7/2024 10:49:34 AM
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP) 4/15/2024 1:56:35 PM
View Financial Assurance Forms 4/15/2024 1:56:29 PM
View Lease Agreement 12/7/2023 11:42:55 AM
View Maintenance Agreement (MS Word version required attachments included) 12/7/2023 11:42:47 AM
View PBMP Applicability Form 3/8/2024 1:53:30 PM
View SWMP checklist 4/15/2024 1:56:40 PM
View Construction Drawings (Plans/Profiles) 5/7/2024 10:49:31 AM
View Floor Plans (8.5" x 11") 12/7/2023 11:42:49 AM
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan 4/15/2024 1:56:30 PM
View Landscape Plan drawings 5/7/2024 10:49:33 AM
View Lighting Plan 4/15/2024 1:56:34 PM
View Sign Plan 5/7/2024 10:49:34 AM
View Site Development Plan 4/15/2024 1:56:40 PM
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) 4/15/2024 1:56:36 PM
View Traffic Contribution Letter 4/16/2024 9:07:57 AM
View Traffic Letter 4/15/2024 1:56:41 PM
View Drainage Report - Final 5/7/2024 10:49:32 AM
View Geotechnical Report 3/11/2024 11:55:41 AM
View Traffic Impact Study 3/8/2024 1:53:21 PM
View Escrow Agreement 5/24/2024 12:12:57 PM
View Comment Response 4/15/2024 1:56:42 PM
View Elevation Plans 12/7/2023 11:42:36 AM
View Lease Parcel Exhibit 12/7/2023 11:42:58 AM
View O & M manual 3/8/2024 1:53:31 PM