Project Details

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File Number
Project Name
Pike Solar Site Development Plan
Request to develop 175 MW solar facility including single-axis tracker arrays with photovoltaic modules capable of generating up to 175 AC MW and a potential of 25MW Battery Energy Storage System. This project will have an 1,350-acre solar array siting envelope within the 4998.37 Acres WSEO Boundary on land owned by the City of Colorado Springs . The project will also include 35-kv medium voltage feeders to the project substation, a centralized project substation and overhead high-voltage AC feeders to the Williams Creek substation. Expansion of the Williams Creek Substation and 230 kV lines are included in the 1041 request.
5600000123 5600000123 5600000140 5600000140
JuweAmerica Solar
Eric Jesse, Engineer Eric Jesse ( )
(303) 877-4715
Eric Jesse, Engineer Eric Jesse ( )
(303) 877-4715
File Prefix
CON - Construction Permit
Project Manager
Amanda Rivera
9/1/2022 7:09:59 AM

Additional Documents (21)

Link Document Comment
View Approved Grading, Erosion & Sediment Control Plans (Pages 1-50) 10-3-22
View Approved Grading, Erosion & Sediment Control Plans (Pages 51-83) 10-3-22
View Limited Notice To Proceed & Temporary Access Permit 10-4-22
View Signed Construction Permit With Notice To Proceed 11-1-22
View APEN Permit 7-9-21
View Stormwater PA Punchlist 02-22-2024
View Approved FAE 9-28-22
View Low Water Crossing Detail
View Approved Site Development Plan 10-4-22
View Temporary Easement Agreement 3-8-21
View Road Report 11-18-22
View Initial Road Condition Survey 11-15-22
View Unsigned Partial Construction Permit 10-31-22
View Initial Stormwater Control Measure Inspection 10-31-2022
View Approved Final Drainage Report 10-3-22
View Approved ESQCP 10-3-22
View Approve Construction Documents 10-3-22
View Surity Posted As Permit Compliance Bond 9-29-22
View Stormwater Discharge Permit 6-2-21
View Haul Route Map
View Partial Construction Permit 9-28-22