Project Details

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File Number
Project Name
Retreat at TimberRidge Fil No. 3
33 single-family detached lots total; 30 to be served by Central water & sewer, 6 lots to be served by Well and OWTS; 6 tracts and public ROW. 6 rural lots and 27 urban lots. 3 of the rural lots are on central water and the other three are on well.
5221400001 5221400001 5227200006 5227200006 5227200007 5227200007 5227200008 5227200008 5228000039 5228000039
Classic Consulting Engineers & Surveyors, LLC
kyle campbell ( )
(719) 492-1219
kyle campbell ( )
(719) 492-1219
EA Number
File Prefix
SF - Final Plat
Project Manager
Kari Parsons
5/23/2022 4:50:28 PM

View: Review Comments

Additional Documents (17)

Link Document Comment
View Neighbor Notice Mailed by PCD to 14 adjacent parcels on 1/13/2023. MB
View Mailing Labels
View CAO Water Finding 8 22 2023
View Hearing Notice & Vicinity Map For Planning Commission hearing on 11/16/2023 and Board of County Commissioners hearing on 12/14/2023. MB
View Selected Range 500-foot range, 36 addresses. MB
View Mailing Labels PCD mailed notices to surrounding property owners on 10/31/2023. MB
View PC and BOCC Poster
View PC Hearing Agenda For Planning Commission hearing on 11/16/2023. MB
View Affidavit for Posters on Property
View Posters on Property
View PC Staff Report - final with attachments For Planning Commission hearing on 11/16/2023. MB
View BOCC Staff Report - final with attachments For BoCC Hearing on 12/14/2023. MB
View Recorded BOCC Resolution RECORDED BOCC RESOLUTION NO. 23-420
View Adopted PC Minutes From Planning Commission hearing on 11/16/2023. MB
View BoCC resolution water finding
View Cathy Opposition Emails

Review Documents (69)

Link Document Date
View Adjacent Property Owner Notification (Includes letter and certified mailing receipts) 12/21/2022 1:29:45 PM
View Application/Petition Form 9/20/2023 3:39:51 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist 9/21/2023 9:47:40 AM
View Legal Description (MS WORD Version required) 11/8/2023 1:03:43 PM
View Letter of Intent 9/20/2023 3:39:52 PM
View Title Commitment (Current within 30 days of submittal) 12/9/2022 11:46:09 AM
View Vicinity/Location Map 12/6/2022 9:44:02 AM
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP) 6/7/2024 10:54:21 AM
View Financial Assurance Forms 5/15/2024 2:39:50 PM
View License Agreement (MS Word version including attachments) 2/6/2024 2:08:31 PM
View Maintenance Agreement (MS Word version required attachments included) 5/30/2024 6:15:20 PM
View PBMP Applicability Form 2/2/2024 12:50:42 PM
View PDB/BMP Operations & Maintenance Manual 3/4/2024 11:08:17 AM
View Stormwater Detention & Infiltration Design Data Worksheet (SDI Worksheet) 11/10/2023 5:50:11 PM
View Subdivision Improvement Agreement (MS Word version required) 5/30/2024 6:15:25 PM
View SWMP checklist 9/21/2023 9:27:49 AM
View Construction Drawings (Plans/Profiles) 5/16/2024 9:23:22 AM
View Final Plat Drawings 11/8/2023 1:03:42 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan 2/2/2024 12:50:41 PM
View Lighting Plan 12/6/2022 9:46:10 AM
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) 9/21/2023 9:27:48 AM
View Soils Report Pursuant to Appendix E of the ECM 11/7/2022 2:11:05 PM
View Commitment letter from waste water service provider 11/7/2022 2:06:31 PM
View Commitment letter from water service provider 11/7/2022 2:06:31 PM
View Electric Provider Commitment Letter 11/7/2022 2:06:32 PM
View Fire Commitment Letter 11/7/2022 2:06:33 PM
View Natural Gas Commitment Letter 11/7/2022 2:06:35 PM
View Drainage Report - Final 4/22/2024 2:09:49 PM
View Fire Protection Report 12/6/2022 9:26:03 AM
View Soils & Geology Report 11/7/2022 2:06:33 PM
View Subdivision Summary Sheet 12/6/2022 9:00:52 AM
View Traffic Impact Study 11/10/2023 5:16:20 PM
View Wastewater Disposal Report 11/7/2022 2:11:04 PM
View Wildland Fire & Hazard Mitigation Plan 12/6/2022 9:26:04 AM
View Water Resources Report 11/7/2022 2:06:37 PM
View Water Supply Information Summary 11/7/2022 2:11:04 PM
View Additional culvert docs 9/25/2023 4:03:47 PM
View Arroya Lane Easement secondary to County ROW 9/27/2023 1:28:38 PM
View CAD files 5/29/2024 9:15:48 AM
View CANDE Report 1 12/6/2022 9:17:05 AM
View CANDE Report 2 12/6/2022 9:17:06 AM
View CAO and State Water findings from preliminary 12/8/2022 3:26:50 PM
View CD Responses 9/27/2023 1:23:47 PM
View CD Responses 4/22/2024 1:15:03 PM
View CD RESPONSES 3/14/2024 12:28:23 PM
View CGS Response 11/2/2023 8:55:40 AM
View Closures Sheet (Survey) 12/6/2022 8:27:01 AM
View Culvert Design Plans 2/2/2024 1:03:09 PM
View Culvert Design Report 2/2/2024 1:03:09 PM
View Deviation - Arroya overtopping 5/16/2024 5:26:41 PM
View Deviation Form 2/6/2024 2:08:31 PM
View Eng. Letter Responses 11/10/2023 5:14:55 PM
View FAE REsponses 9/26/2023 10:00:11 AM
View FDR Responses 9/27/2023 3:23:11 PM
View FDR Responses 3/14/2024 2:29:55 PM
View FDR Responses 11/10/2023 5:14:51 PM
View FDR Responses 4/22/2024 1:15:08 PM
View GEC Checklist 12/6/2022 9:54:37 AM
View Plat Responses 11/8/2023 1:04:51 PM
View Plat responses 9/26/2023 8:20:46 AM
View Responses 6/7/2024 10:56:50 AM
View Soils Report for culvert-channel 12/6/2022 9:19:10 AM
View SWMP Checklist Signed 5/15/2024 9:50:53 AM
View Temp turn around esmt. 5/30/2024 6:15:26 PM
View Traffic Responses 9/28/2023 4:04:24 PM
View USACE Permit 5/29/2024 9:15:45 AM
View Utility CDs 11/10/2023 5:14:50 PM
View Wetland delineation report 9/25/2023 5:24:29 PM
View Wetland mitigation report 9/25/2023 5:24:30 PM