Project Details

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File Number
Project Name
Retreat at TimberRidge Fil No. 3
33 single-family detached lots total; 30 to be served by Central water & sewer, 6 lots to be served by Well and OWTS; 6 tracts and public ROW. 6 rural lots and 27 urban lots. 3 of the rural lots are on central water and the other three are on well.
5221400001 5221400001 5227200006 5227200006 5227200007 5227200007 5227200008 5227200008 5228000039 5228000039
Classic Consulting Engineers & Surveyors, LLC
kyle campbell ( )
(719) 492-1219
kyle campbell ( )
(719) 492-1219
EA Number
File Prefix
SF - Final Plat
Project Manager
Kari Parsons
5/23/2022 4:50:28 PM

View: Review Comments

Approved Documents (10)

Project pending final approval. Some approved documents are available prior to the overall Approval.

Link Document
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP)
View Financial Assurance Forms
View PBMP Applicability Form
View PDB/BMP Operations & Maintenance Manual
View Stormwater Detention & Infiltration Design Data Worksheet (SDI Worksheet)
View SWMP checklist
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)
View Deviation Request
View Traffic Impact Study

Additional Documents (18)

Link Document Comment
View Neighbor Notice Mailed by PCD to 14 adjacent parcels on 1/13/2023. MB
View Mailing Labels
View BoCC resolution water finding
View Cathy Opposition Emails
View CAO Water Finding 8 22 2023
View Hearing Notice & Vicinity Map For Planning Commission hearing on 11/16/2023 and Board of County Commissioners hearing on 12/14/2023. MB
View Selected Range 500-foot range, 36 addresses. MB
View Mailing Labels PCD mailed notices to surrounding property owners on 10/31/2023. MB
View PC and BOCC Poster
View PC Hearing Agenda For Planning Commission hearing on 11/16/2023. MB
View Affidavit for Posters on Property
View Posters on Property
View PC Staff Report - final with attachments For Planning Commission hearing on 11/16/2023. MB
View BOCC Staff Report - final with attachments For BoCC Hearing on 12/14/2023. MB
View Adopted PC Minutes From Planning Commission hearing on 11/16/2023. MB
View Recorded BOCC Resolution RECORDED BOCC RESOLUTION NO. 23-420
View Signed and updated Esqcp

Review Documents (69)

Link Document Date
View Adjacent Property Owner Notification (Includes letter and certified mailing receipts) 12/21/2022 1:29:45 PM
View Application/Petition Form 9/20/2023 3:39:51 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist 9/21/2023 9:47:40 AM
View Legal Description (MS WORD Version required) 11/8/2023 1:03:43 PM
View Letter of Intent 9/20/2023 3:39:52 PM
View Title Commitment (Current within 30 days of submittal) 12/9/2022 11:46:09 AM
View Vicinity/Location Map 12/6/2022 9:44:02 AM
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP) 6/7/2024 10:54:21 AM
View Financial Assurance Forms 5/15/2024 2:39:50 PM
View License Agreement (MS Word version including attachments) 2/6/2024 2:08:31 PM
View Maintenance Agreement (MS Word version required attachments included) 5/30/2024 6:15:20 PM
View PBMP Applicability Form 2/2/2024 12:50:42 PM
View PDB/BMP Operations & Maintenance Manual 3/4/2024 11:08:17 AM
View Stormwater Detention & Infiltration Design Data Worksheet (SDI Worksheet) 11/10/2023 5:50:11 PM
View Subdivision Improvement Agreement (MS Word version required) 5/30/2024 6:15:25 PM
View SWMP checklist 9/21/2023 9:27:49 AM
View Construction Drawings (Plans/Profiles) 5/16/2024 9:23:22 AM
View Final Plat Drawings 11/8/2023 1:03:42 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan 2/2/2024 12:50:41 PM
View Lighting Plan 12/6/2022 9:46:10 AM
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) 9/21/2023 9:27:48 AM
View Soils Report Pursuant to Appendix E of the ECM 11/7/2022 2:11:05 PM
View Commitment letter from waste water service provider 11/7/2022 2:06:31 PM
View Commitment letter from water service provider 11/7/2022 2:06:31 PM
View Electric Provider Commitment Letter 11/7/2022 2:06:32 PM
View Fire Commitment Letter 11/7/2022 2:06:33 PM
View Natural Gas Commitment Letter 11/7/2022 2:06:35 PM
View Drainage Report - Final 4/22/2024 2:09:49 PM
View Fire Protection Report 12/6/2022 9:26:03 AM
View Soils & Geology Report 11/7/2022 2:06:33 PM
View Subdivision Summary Sheet 12/6/2022 9:00:52 AM
View Traffic Impact Study 11/10/2023 5:16:20 PM
View Wastewater Disposal Report 11/7/2022 2:11:04 PM
View Wildland Fire & Hazard Mitigation Plan 12/6/2022 9:26:04 AM
View Water Resources Report 11/7/2022 2:06:37 PM
View Water Supply Information Summary 11/7/2022 2:11:04 PM
View Additional culvert docs 9/25/2023 4:03:47 PM
View Arroya Lane Easement secondary to County ROW 9/27/2023 1:28:38 PM
View CAD files 5/29/2024 9:15:48 AM
View CANDE Report 1 12/6/2022 9:17:05 AM
View CANDE Report 2 12/6/2022 9:17:06 AM
View CAO and State Water findings from preliminary 12/8/2022 3:26:50 PM
View CD Responses 9/27/2023 1:23:47 PM
View CD Responses 4/22/2024 1:15:03 PM
View CD RESPONSES 3/14/2024 12:28:23 PM
View CGS Response 11/2/2023 8:55:40 AM
View Closures Sheet (Survey) 12/6/2022 8:27:01 AM
View Culvert Design Plans 2/2/2024 1:03:09 PM
View Culvert Design Report 2/2/2024 1:03:09 PM
View Deviation - Arroya overtopping 5/16/2024 5:26:41 PM
View Deviation Form 2/6/2024 2:08:31 PM
View Eng. Letter Responses 11/10/2023 5:14:55 PM
View FAE REsponses 9/26/2023 10:00:11 AM
View FDR Responses 9/27/2023 3:23:11 PM
View FDR Responses 3/14/2024 2:29:55 PM
View FDR Responses 11/10/2023 5:14:51 PM
View FDR Responses 4/22/2024 1:15:08 PM
View GEC Checklist 12/6/2022 9:54:37 AM
View Plat Responses 11/8/2023 1:04:51 PM
View Plat responses 9/26/2023 8:20:46 AM
View Responses 6/7/2024 10:56:50 AM
View Soils Report for culvert-channel 12/6/2022 9:19:10 AM
View SWMP Checklist Signed 5/15/2024 9:50:53 AM
View Temp turn around esmt. 5/30/2024 6:15:26 PM
View Traffic Responses 9/28/2023 4:04:24 PM
View USACE Permit 5/29/2024 9:15:45 AM
View Utility CDs 11/10/2023 5:14:50 PM
View Wetland delineation report 9/25/2023 5:24:29 PM
View Wetland mitigation report 9/25/2023 5:24:30 PM