Project Details

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File Number
Project Name
Waterbury Filings Nos. 1 and 2 PUDSP
Request for Major Amendment (Redesign) to existing PUD (mixed overall and specific) and do a combined site -specific PUD preliminary plan approval to develop single-family residential lots. approved plans are PUD-12-3. Preliminary plan SP-13-4 is EXPIRED. No early grading is requested or payed for at this time.
4200000148 4200000148 4200000366 4200000366 4200000368 4200000368 4200000417 4200000417
William Guman & Associates, Ltd.
Bill Guman ( )
(719) 633-9700
Bill Guman ( )
(719) 633-9700
EA Number
File Prefix
PUDSP - Combined PUD/Preliminary Plan
Project Manager
Ryan Howser
8/20/2020 8:57:54 AM

View: Review Comments

Additional Documents (14)

Link Document Comment
View Vicinity Map
View Mailing Labels 19 hearing notices were mailed to adjacent property owners on 1/3/2023.
View Hearing Notice For PC 1/19/2023 and BOCC 2/7/2023.
View PC & BOCC Poster
View PC Staff Report - final with attachments
View Returned Mail
View BOCC Staff Report - final with attachments For BOCC 2/7/2023.
View BoCC Resolution - 23-42 - Recorded 223011254
View Signed PC Resolution
View Poster Notice & Affidavit
View Email requesting stop sign from nieghbor
View Affidavit of Published Legal Advertisement Published in Colorado Springs Gazette on 1/6/2023.
View PC Hearing Agenda 1/19/2023
View Returned Mail

Review Documents (76)

Link Document Date
View Adjacent Property Owner Notification (Includes letter and certified mailing receipts) 1/21/2021 11:22:48 AM
View Application/Petition Form 10/20/2021 3:10:52 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control checklist 7/27/2022 1:27:32 PM
View Legal Description (MS WORD Version required) 3/2/2022 11:05:03 AM
View Letter of Intent 8/8/2022 12:20:50 PM
View PUD Development Plan - can include phasing if proposed 12/22/2022 4:02:22 PM
View Title Commitment (Current within 30 days of submittal) 8/4/2022 11:05:03 AM
View Vicinity/Location Map 1/21/2021 11:22:54 AM
View Avigation Easement 8/8/2022 4:02:04 PM
View Clearance Letter - USF&W 2/11/2021 11:49:53 AM
View Colorado Geological Survey Receipt 1/21/2021 11:33:41 AM
View Deviation request - Saybrook cross-section 8/5/2022 2:14:10 PM
View Financial Assurance Forms 12/22/2022 11:49:30 AM
View MS4 Post Construction Form 12/22/2022 11:49:38 AM
View PBMP Applicability Form 12/22/2022 11:49:39 AM
View PDB/BMP Operations & Maintenance Manual 11/23/2022 9:55:55 AM
View SWMP checklist 7/27/2022 1:27:32 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan 12/22/2022 11:49:31 AM
View Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) 7/27/2022 1:30:59 PM
View Deviation Request 7/27/2022 1:27:31 PM
View Predevelopment (Early) Grading Request 3/7/2022 3:28:12 PM
View Commitment letter from waste water service provider 2/28/2022 4:51:41 PM
View Commitment letter from water service provider 10/8/2022 7:58:04 AM
View Electric Provider Commitment Letter 1/21/2021 1:13:33 PM
View Fire Commitment Letter 9/10/2021 10:34:39 AM
View Natural Gas Commitment Letter 1/21/2021 1:13:33 PM
View Drainage Report - Preliminary 12/22/2022 11:49:32 AM
View Fire Protection Report 4/9/2021 11:36:34 AM
View Natural Landforms, Vegetation, Riparian Analysis 2/11/2021 11:49:52 AM
View Noxious Weed Management Plan 2/11/2021 11:49:52 AM
View Soils & Geology Report 3/2/2022 11:05:02 AM
View Subdivision Summary Sheet 3/10/2022 2:55:02 PM
View Traffic Impact Study 11/22/2022 11:29:58 AM
View Wastewater Disposal Report 3/3/2022 3:51:35 PM
View Signed court decrees, including augmentation plans 9/21/2021 1:05:24 PM
View Water Resources Report 10/13/2022 11:00:29 AM
View Water Supply Information Summary 10/13/2022 11:00:30 AM
View 2013 Water Report - JDS Hydro 2/16/2021 1:45:10 PM
View deviation request - Saybrook Turn lane 7/27/2022 1:27:33 PM
View engineering CD's 10/13/2022 10:54:50 AM
View erosion and SW control permit appl 9/23/2021 1:20:24 PM
View erosion and SW quality control permit 3/10/2022 9:48:14 AM
View Filing 1 FAE 8/4/2022 11:10:22 AM
View Filing 2 FAE 8/4/2022 11:10:23 AM
View final drainage report 9/30/2021 1:01:10 PM
View floodplain certification letter 10/4/2021 12:15:52 PM
View Noise Study 9/30/2021 12:49:43 PM
View original IGA with Woodmen Hills MD 3/25/2021 1:58:28 PM
View private det. basin maintenance 10/13/2022 11:04:10 AM
View response to engineering comments 11/29/2022 4:57:57 PM
View Response to Grading comments 11/29/2022 4:57:59 PM
View response to LOI comments 8/4/2022 11:05:04 AM
View response to O&M comments 3/10/2022 10:09:46 AM
View Response to prelim drainage report comments 10/13/2022 11:00:30 AM
View response to PUDSP redlines 11/29/2022 4:57:59 PM
View response to SWMP checklist comments 3/10/2022 10:09:51 AM
View responses to agency comments 10/14/2022 8:39:56 AM
View responses to CDOT comments 3/12/2022 7:30:13 AM
View responses to Engieering memo of 9/12/22 10/13/2022 4:52:36 PM
View responses to EPC comment letter 8/4/2022 2:02:07 PM
View responses to TIS redlines 8/4/2022 11:05:05 AM
View Responses to traffic comments 8/8/2022 11:19:51 AM
View responses to traffic redlines 9/30/2021 1:15:20 PM
View revised deviation request 10/14/2022 3:54:50 PM
View Signed county deviation form 2/16/2021 9:57:01 AM
View signed traffic report 2/16/2021 9:57:01 AM
View stormwater design and inf. data - basin 2 3/10/2022 9:48:13 AM
View stormwater design and inf. data - basin 3 3/10/2022 9:48:13 AM
View stormwater design and infiltration data - basin 1 3/10/2022 9:48:12 AM
View SW detention design data sheet 9/23/2021 1:20:25 PM
View SW detention design data sheet 9/23/2021 1:20:25 PM
View SW detention design data sheet 9/23/2021 1:20:26 PM
View Title commitment - dated 9.17.21 9/21/2021 1:01:05 PM
View Tracts maint commitment 3/11/2022 9:08:35 AM
View utilities plan 3/30/2022 10:12:59 AM
View utility sheets 3/23/2022 4:37:55 PM