Project Details


File Number
Project Name
Academy Gateway 7-11
Applicant request a convenience store and gas station site development plan
Lot 2 Academy Gateway Filing No. 1 at Struthers and Gleneagle Drive.
6206306001 6206306001
Lauren Root ( )
(303) 572-7997
Lauren Root ( )
(303) 572-7997
EA Number
File Prefix
PPR - Plot Plan Review
Project Manager
Kari Parsons
10/10/2017 12:15:55 PM

View: Review Comments

Additional Documents (12)

Link Document Comment
View Approved Site Development Plan
View Approved Landscape Plan
View Approved Drainage Letter
View Approved Drainage Plan
View Approved ESQCP
View Approved Grading & Erosion Control Plan
View Approved FAE
View Approved SWMP
View BMP / Stormwater Emails from Inspections
View Bond
View Pre Con
View Con Permit

Review Documents (31)

Link Document Date
View Application/Petition Form 12/6/2017 9:52:12 AM
View Legal Description (MS WORD Version required) 12/6/2017 9:35:26 AM
View Letter of Intent 1/31/2018 5:40:36 PM
View Title Commitment (Current within 30 days of submittal) 12/14/2017 8:35:30 AM
View Vicinity/Location Map 12/6/2017 9:35:29 AM
View Erosion and Stormwater Quality Control Permit (ESQCP) 1/31/2018 5:40:37 PM
View Utility Plan 2/26/2018 4:49:40 PM
View Grading & Erosion Control Plan (24 x 36) 3/19/2018 3:59:45 PM
View Landscape Plan drawings (24" x 36") 3/19/2018 3:59:46 PM
View Sign Plan 12/6/2017 3:26:47 PM
View Site Development Plan (24" x 36") 3/19/2018 3:59:47 PM
View Comment Responses 2/26/2018 4:49:42 PM
View Commitment letter from waste water service provider 12/6/2017 9:35:21 AM
View Commitment letter from water service provider 12/6/2017 9:29:15 AM
View Drainage Letter 2/26/2018 4:49:33 PM
View Drainage Letter 3/19/2018 3:59:50 PM
View Drainage Plan 3/19/2018 3:59:48 PM
View Elevation Plans (24" x 36") 1/31/2018 5:40:32 PM
View ESQCP 2/26/2018 4:49:43 PM
View Financial Assurance Forms 3/19/2018 3:59:44 PM
View Floor Plans (24" x 36") 12/6/2017 9:35:24 AM
View Lighting Plan (24" x 36") 1/31/2018 5:40:37 PM
View Site Plan Sheets C0.0, C1.0, C5.1 3/19/2018 3:59:49 PM
View Site Plan Sheets C0.0, C1.0, C5.1 2/26/2018 4:49:40 PM
View SWMP Report 1/31/2018 5:40:42 PM
View SWMP Report 2/26/2018 4:49:42 PM
View SWMP Report 3/19/2018 3:59:50 PM
View Traffic Memo 12/6/2017 9:35:28 AM
View Utility Plan 3/19/2018 3:59:49 PM
View Utility Plan 12/7/2017 9:42:26 AM
View Visual Impact Analysis 12/6/2017 9:35:29 AM